On Merry Capital Christmas


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2009
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On Merry Capital Christmas

Many of you think I’m Communist or Socialist or some whinging hippy after my Merry Capitalist Christmas thread, so I’ve decided to write up this thread to clear any confusions.

First I’d like to apologise to those who saw the light of day & understand my rant!

Now to those that didn’t find it any good & think bad of me, why don’t you go & suck your mammas titties & worm her up for me!!!

Just kidding....
but seriously, would you do that for me???

So to the case at hand:

Are you happy what you have?

Do you like your position in life?

Are you satisfied?

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? ........Do you see someone of importance? .......Do you see someone you respect? .......Do you see someone you love?.......(That sounded gay!)

Before when I looked in the mirror I couldn’t have enough of it, I just couldn’t take my eyes off him (me), but lately I have been repulsed by that guy, I look at him & say “were is the respect you give me, you don’t give me respect now I won’t respect you!”

To make it short, I didn’t have my $hit together!

Now someone on this board has quizzed me on the meaning of spiritual. It simply is the energy of one’s character! It’s not tangible, that’s why many of you doubt it, especially scientists & intellectuals, because they only can see & believe the tangible, what can be touched & proven exist, & since spiritualty cannot be touched, therefore it cannot be proven, therefore it cannot exist!!!

You see that guy that walks in the room that doesn’t speak a word, but he gets everyone’s attention. That’s because of his spirit, you would call it charisma, he has a charismatic spirit. Go look up what charismatic means, more likely than not there will be ‘energy’ in its meaning, just like spiritual!

If anyone on this board has mastered some sort of martial arts you’d know exactly what I mean, you just know if to mess with a person just by looking at them, at a level everyone has their own spiritual instincts.

Anyway, the point:

Do you live by your own rules? Or do you live by someone else’s rules?

Rule No.1 – Make your own rules

Now the problem with this is that there could be some serial killers out there & make rules that might affect other people..............owe well.

Now you might be thinking “the rules are there to avoid anarchy!” My answer - “Yes they are!”

Now the point is to make the rules parallel to your own nature!!!

Now another problem has been raised, you don’t know your own nature!
That is because you have been following someone else’s rules!!! You twit!


Man must be the only species that has domesticated itself.

Modern Man is a castrated version of Cave Man.


If you follow the truth, you will be ridiculed by society.

If you keep following the truth, you are living dangerously.
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New Member
Apr 16, 2010
Reaction score
Well i am agree with you. According to me all respect to Stranger, "merry" should not be capitalized. It is simply an adjective describing Christmas.
It is the birth of Christ and we can not take that away.It is called Christmas with a capital “C”.