On Maturity and Growth.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Civilization has come a looooongggg way since the early days of what we know about life. Recorded history paints man, having risen from amoeba, to ape, to humankind, as having endured much hardship in his life. He supposedly created the 'wheel', which can be considered one of the greatest leaps in thinking, aside from Columbus crossing the Atlantic, moving from a heliocentric universe, and a few minor other 'discoveries'. Lumped that way, you can see the tremenous leap forward it provided man.

In reality, the MP3 player isn't that far of stretch over Cd's or Walkmans. But realizing the earth is NO longer flat had long range implications, that not only alter science, but religion as well.

Today, we 'assume' growth. But what is GROWTH of a being? Is it better, safer, faster cars? Is it curing the myriad of diseases that plague the human body? Is it solving and eradicating poverty? Is it world peace?

Today's yard stick of what man has become is what society has done.

"Look at the colleges we have!"
"Look at how free all races are!"
"Women can vote!"
"The land of opportunity!"

Our biggest virtue is our biggest vice, and that is our self-centered pride based on our intellectual capacity. As it stands, MOST men (and man himself) are just better animals. We're able to use more parts of our brain, build cars, bridges, weapons of mass destruction, and various tools which simplify life (hopefully). These tools are extensions of the human brain, placed in the physical environment.

However, we still maim, kill, torture, sexualize, individualize, prejudice, greed, ego, protect, slaughter, deride, pulvarize, segregate, beat, whip, stifle, and on, and on, and on our fellow brothern.

I submit that IF society was to claim progress, IF man was to be more than BEAST in his psychology, he would utilize OTHER facets of his brain, he would not resort to lowly measures that place like all other beasts on the evolutionary scale.

It might seem idealistic, and it is, because isn't man striving, through millenia to be BETTER as a MAN, as sapiens, as a Being on this planet? And if that's the case, shouldn't our aim not be ti WIPE out warring nations, but find alternative routes? Shouldn't employ DIVERSITY in all aspects? Social, economic, racial, religious, financial?

Man is MORE beast now than ever.

In a matter of clicks, he can find whatever sensual delights he chooses.
He is fatter than ever and can find food without much effort, even having it delivered to him.
He consumes more than he produces, and disposes of it in ungodly ways.

This is a call to WAKING up!

More bombs, better cures for diseases, more economic opportunities, higher education programs, tax cuts, DJ tactics, clothing, styles, cars, energy efficiency, WILL not cure MAN and his position RIGHT now on this planet.

And that is the difference between MAN and BEST, between MATURITY and IMMATURITY, GROWTH and DEATH.

Using an analogy...an AFC by and large is "frustrated". His understanding of women and his reactions towards them are VERY limited. Because he has 1 mode of thinking, and that thinking is mostly programmed to fail, his emotional control is limited, and usually resorts to bytching, complaining, crying, defiling, or a host of NEGATIVE reactions.

However, as the AFC grows in awareness of women, himself, and his overall well-being, he learns to grow accustom to how to deal with it. In this, he has gained consciousness, MOSTLY. There are guys here who are MORE successful GETTING girls, but their overall reaction during a crisis or a success is still like that of an AFC. They might post many times on how they got far, but didn't close the deal. Or they may complain how all women suc. Whatever it is, the evolution of an AFC to a man able to acquire many women comes through CONSCIOUSNESS and AWARENESS of himself, situations, and the other involved parties.

You can give a chimp a gun, but without any AWARENESS of what it can do, you've just armed something incapable of grasping the true possibilities of harm.

Most people are the same way today.

Yes society has progressed (some may say digressed).
Yes we have great intellectual progress in mathematics, science, health, investments, computers/tech. But are we, as a planet, any better? Is it more humane to annihilate other people or try to and gain understanding? Are we any BETTER off if we're wipping out millions only to protect our ego-centered selves, who aren't even fully appreciating the opportunities we have?

That to me, also separates the PUA and the DJ or whatever you want to be called. The PUA CAN be a slave to his own emotions, to his own demons. His LACK of pvssy in the past becomes a motivating factor in getting hoards of women. Finally, when his ability is so refined, his animalistic and passions lead him astray, pulling many women, even pulling those away from other guys for no reason than the thrill and exertion of supposed power.

Every decision, action, involvment, is like a ripple in a pond, or a the draft of air from a butterfly's wings. EVENTUALLY it comes back around through the interconnectedness of life to bite you in the azz. Not to mention, consuming yourself with negative experiences that you KNOW on some level aren't good, vibrates yourself at a negative tone, ATTRACTING negative things to your life.


While society/civilization has seemingly progressed where we live longer, we can obtain more intellectual education, we can wage SOME war w/out many casualties, we can make money anywhere, send a man to the moon, or communicate cross country, our feelings, our consciousness is seemingly dwindling. There's little regard for any man but our own country man. Or perhaps just our own race. Or if it's an embittered poster, maybe just your own sex (the i hate women vibe).

The next true step in the individual man's, and even society's evolution must be in regard for the consciousness of other's, disregarding the materialistic, animalistic pursuits and base passions still fostered today.



Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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The city that sleeps. Sometimes.
Originally posted by A-Unit
our feelings, our consciousness is seemingly dwindling. There's little regard for any man but our own country man. Or perhaps just our own race. Or if it's an embittered poster, maybe just your own sex (the i hate women vibe).

you've got to be kidding me.

Read the Lucifer Principle. You will understand what you're trying to understand much better.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Some Thoughts to Ego.

1. I can always count on you to post just behind me.

2. If you put up a book, provide references, otherwise you're waiting until I may or may not read it. So, cite passages.

3. No 1 book operates as my 'bible', so I wouldn't belief that 1 book can provide all information necessary for the individual to follow (this might be counter to religion, though, since it IS the existence of 1 book, 1 Truth, that provides belief and direction).

4. And no, I'm not kidding you.


I'll surmise SOME of what you seemed to hint at BASED on what the suggested books out, and that is, people feel by and large today, that we care TOO much. That we've become 'soft.' Workplaces are soft because we feel the need to be accepted and not cross anyone's feelings. That we tolerate too much before we act.

But all that's a facade, a cover. Like a wounded animal waiting to pounce, MOST people are just dormant, and hiding their true nature behind the GUISE of being conscious, being givers (not takers), of giving love (which is more 'like' or infatuation).

The guise of the 'war' not to get political was initially, WMD's and crushing a terrorist network, of which we found none. The real motivation MOST can understand as of now is that it's for oil, possibly for a third world war, to gain control of a valuable plot of land that MIGHT secure our energy requirements for centuries, and a host of other theories.

The guise of religion is to be tolerant, but in most cases, those not WITH you, are seemingly against you, bound to be send to the depths of hades for all eternity and then some.

These are extensions of the 'ego'. Useful as a tool they maybe in endeavoring to our aims, they are still 'negative' and 'poisoned' in their intentions. In this case seemingly 'good' intentions on the exterior hide 'bad' intentions on the interior.

I applaud your response. And I will consider reading the book to broad my perspectives.



Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
The city that sleeps. Sometimes.
Re: Some Thoughts to Ego.

Originally posted by A-Unit
1. I can always count on you to post just behind me.

2. If you put up a book, provide references, otherwise you're waiting until I may or may not read it. So, cite passages.

3. No 1 book operates as my 'bible', so I wouldn't belief that 1 book can provide all information necessary for the individual to follow (this might be counter to religion, though, since it IS the existence of 1 book, 1 Truth, that provides belief and direction).

4. And no, I'm not kidding you.


I'll surmise SOME of what you seemed to hint at BASED on what the suggested books out, and that is, people feel by and large today, that we care TOO much. That we've become 'soft.' Workplaces are soft because we feel the need to be accepted and not cross anyone's feelings. That we tolerate too much before we act.

But all that's a facade, a cover. Like a wounded animal waiting to pounce, MOST people are just dormant, and hiding their true nature behind the GUISE of being conscious, being givers (not takers), of giving love (which is more 'like' or infatuation).

The guise of the 'war' not to get political was initially, WMD's and crushing a terrorist network, of which we found none. The real motivation MOST can understand as of now is that it's for oil, possibly for a third world war, to gain control of a valuable plot of land that MIGHT secure our energy requirements for centuries, and a host of other theories.

The guise of religion is to be tolerant, but in most cases, those not WITH you, are seemingly against you, bound to be send to the depths of hades for all eternity and then some.

These are extensions of the 'ego'. Useful as a tool they maybe in endeavoring to our aims, they are still 'negative' and 'poisoned' in their intentions. In this case seemingly 'good' intentions on the exterior hide 'bad' intentions on the interior.

I applaud your response. And I will consider reading the book to broad my perspectives.

I am glad that no book operates as your one source. I read about 2-3 a week, and trusting even several of those completely would be scary.

The one I cited looks at the question of evil in the world, what it is, how it is perceived, where it originates. It is definitely worth a read.

One of these days I will get around to make a pretty good "Understanding the world around you better" book list.