On happiness


New Member
Jul 25, 2006
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To begin a little story from India

"There once was a man who had only two things in life that he valued a little pony and his son. They together were his whole reality, his world. One day the little pony disappeared and it was nowhere to be found. The man was devastated, he had lost half his fortune, half his life. He was in the depths of despair when the pony returned bringing with her the most amazing white stallion, nothing like the man had ever seen before. So suddenly from the depths of despair he was in the heights of ecstasy. The next day when his son was ridding the pony he fell down and broke his leg. Again the man was devastated. He was wallowing in his misery as the army passed by, the country was at war and they were there to recruit. They took all the fit people in the little village with them except the man’s son who was allowed to stay home because of his broken leg. So again from the depths of the despair he was in the heights of ecstasy."

This is the story with no ending. As long as we place our happiness in things outside of ourselves (or in the hands of others if you will) our reality will always be unstable.

A person who places his happiness outside of himself will always seek the approval of others. Instead of seeing himself for what he is he tries to understand himself trough the eyes of someone else.

A person who holds his happiness in his own hands always feels wonderful regardless of the things around him, regardless of his circumstances, regardless of his environment. He has no need to prove this or anything else to anyone because if he had that need again he would be evaluating himself trough the eyes of others.

Bliss is to be happy without any reason
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