On girls who mention a lot of guys

May 28, 2003
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Nodferatu's Lair
I've known this one girl for a few months and although I like her i don't know if I should stay away from her for romantic reasons.

See, I noticed that when we talk she tends to mention a bunch of guy friends and how they always tell her that she's great and pretty or whatever and well it's always about these other guys....Like, I was gonna go to lunch with her today and I thought it was gonna be just me and her but she brought along another guy.. And she doesn't seem like the slutty type of girl and although she isn't a 10 she seems to get to my male peers....They're always trying to hit on her desperately while I was 'macking' on her for a while, just now I'm noticing this thing about her tells me that she's full of sh*t about all these people, or is a slut, or is a female version of a don juan...

I mean she's got a great personality and bad ass sense of humor and style but all this mentioning of guys in her life makes me worry.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2004
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She wants you to think she's cool so she says all this stuff. Probably it hasn't even occurred to her that you might feel threatened.

So when she does it next, say something like "Look Sally, I already think you're great you don't have to tell me all these stories to seem cool." She will laugh and say that's not why she tells them, but notice how she cuts back after that.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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when she says, "they think I'm pretty" you say "that is strange because I think you are butt f-cuking ugly" Then you laugh.

Yeah but let me tell you not to let her talk too much about other guys. Say to her, "I like a woman who shows respect for her man "

Trust me you don't want that immature crap. Your gut instincts about this issue are dead on. If you want something more then just a fling from her then you have to lay the law down. And if she shows you disrespect while you are doing it then you end it right there.

Trust your instincts but act on them in a fashion that displays your dominance.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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It's just her demonstrating social proof and value. Fellow DJs are taught to do the same thing, but don't realise that too much can do more harm than good.

I used to talk to girls I liked about other girls who wanted me, girls I'd dated or I'd purposely invite them out while I was surrounded by other girls thinking it would show my value. That is until I realised it was actually scaring many of the less confident girls away and earning me a reputation as a player. My ex-girlfriend told me outright she felt intimidated by it and my current girlfriend said she didn't want to get involved with me at first because she didn't trust me and thought I was a player.

Just like when guys try to demonstrate their social proof, girls who do this may be trying to impress you, show you how in demand they are and let you know you have competition. This is often to prompt you to make a move before someone else does.

A good rule of thumb is this: if she's talking about guys who like her, go for it! If she's talking about guys she likes, then don't hold high expectations.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
you have to do a tad bit more research on this chick to figure out where she is coming from.

No two women are exactly alike.

She could be an attention *****, she could very well be. But you have to ask yourself, if she is, why is she telling you all this ****.. it's because she is interested in you enough to want you to be interested back.

She could very well just be that damn pretty and great of a person and sees nothing wrong with talking about other guys. I know a girl sorta like this.. she is georgous, and knows she is cute, and will tell me she doesn't know what "the big deal" is with her and why all these guys like her that don't even know her, and she is serious.

Either way however, your best bet is not to be jealous about what she says, because you shouldn't be.

However, if her mentioning other guys makes you "worry", you need to back away and work on yourself before you even think about getting with this chick, or any other chick of substance


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
spaceman2001 said:
Any girl who mentions a lot of guys is an immature attention *****.

It's that simple.

Thats bull....I have a female friend who gets alot of male attention.

Only reason is shes a really nice and cute girl. She is innocent and abit oblivous of all these men after her. She just sees them as good friends.

Make sure your not in "Friend Zone". Then give it a shot and stop looking for excuses not to...."Some other guy likes this girl so i wont go for her" :box:

Thats my 2 cents
May 28, 2003
Reaction score
Nodferatu's Lair
Tomatoes said:
Thats bull....I have a female friend who gets alot of male attention.

Only reason is shes a really nice and cute girl. She is innocent and abit oblivous of all these men after her. She just sees them as good friends.

Make sure your not in "Friend Zone". Then give it a shot and stop looking for excuses not to...."Some other guy likes this girl so i wont go for her" :box:

Thats my 2 cents
This is exactly the girl I'm talking to. And although in reality I might already be in the friends zone, I think I put her in the friend zone myself. We were talking this morning and she came on about another story full of these guys I dont know. I hate it when ppl mention ppl's names that I don't know...anyways, after she tells her story which is hardly understandable because this girl LOVES to talk about her adventures with me, I say "You know, this is why I like you a lot! You've got the craziest stories and you laugh a lot" I genuinely dig that.. I could tell she got kinda shy about my comment and then I changed the subject and she went on with yet anohter story.

But then I don't really want much to do with her anymore because I thought me and her were building great rapport but then I hung out with her and some other classmates over the weekend and she basically goes off on one of her stories if she's given the opportunity. And she talks about her boyfriend and how he's AFC but she says she likes him because he's strong and beats her up(playfully)...I think I'll just LJBF her...maybe, hopefully something will give me the opportunity to woo her but until then I aint doin sh*t.