on conversations


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2002
Reaction score
is it normal to be often thinking of possible things to think about before u talk to her? i don't do this usually but with a girl that i like i often find myself brainstorming possible things to say, before i say it to her. and to top it off the convo usually goes quiet after or something happens. with girls that are already my friends i can keep it goin forever.

and what helps u guys when approaching women, any key words that run thru ur mind before hand, that might be able to help me when talking with her?

Nohitme Highmnu

Don Juan
Oct 28, 2002
Reaction score
Are you talking about over the phone??? Because if you are, I usually write down a couple things that I could talk about should I feel the momentum of the conversation begin to falter.

One or two topics, maybe things that happened where I met the women. But that is only for a first call, because after that there should be something to talk about. I find it's usually best to start with the "how have you been?" or equivalent... it's usually enough to get something started.