on balance


New Member
May 29, 2005
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i've been reading a lot of threads about nice guy vs. jerk. i cant quite gauge a general consensus, but i hope its that both of them are way off the mark. the nice guy focuses on a tiny aspect of what he should be just as the jerk does. its basically the same mistake in different forms. i also read a thread talkin about being ureself vs. being a projected image of a guy u think u should be. the self should have equal parts of the nice guy and the jerk, w/ neither overshadowing the other. picture this: ure metaphorically standing on the tip of a pyramid. to the far left is the extreme form of the nice guy - the guy we all hate to hear sniveling at a bar about how his tampon is hurting him and feigning interest in what this girl has to say. in between that far left extreme and the exact middle are lesser degrees of the nice guy. to the far right of the exact middle is the jerk. the a$$hole. the stereotypical redneck or jock. and, just the same, between the extreme and the middle are lesser degrees. the self stands directly on the tip of the pyramid up and down, not leaning to either side. its ok to be sensitive and listen to what girls have to say. but dont bull$hit them. when they say something stupid, let em know...keeps em in check and they appreciate that honesty. at that same time, ure taking what works for the jerk - that straightforward, no-nonsense honesty. things should never be sugar-coated either way. a girls hot or right on, let her know. at the same time, if shes talkin nonsense, by all means, let her know. its not only honest, it can be fun.