I have no idea whats wrong with me. I recelentely got really sick for 2 days with vomiting etc and I dropped 5 POUNDS. Over the days after I was sick I dropped even more weight. I went from about 118lbs to 111lbs right now. I once had a goal of getting to 140lbs but I can't even stay at fu<king 118lbs. I lost everything, weight, muscle, everything. I need to get on track PRONTO like as if my life depended on it.
1. I got no appetite
2. I need a good bulking plan
3. I need results now, bc I'M EVEN SKINNIER THEN BEFORE
4. I can't gain weight for my life
with that said, i need a plan and i need a way to get an appetite
thanks X 1000000
1. I got no appetite
2. I need a good bulking plan
3. I need results now, bc I'M EVEN SKINNIER THEN BEFORE
4. I can't gain weight for my life
with that said, i need a plan and i need a way to get an appetite
thanks X 1000000