For the Olympic lifts I highly recommend you learn proper technique before using even slightly heavy weights.
One of the first things you should do is stretch your wrists so you can properly catch the clean. Then you should work on moving your elbows properly and "squatting" underneath the bar. Doing front squats and above knee hang cleans also help.
For Jerks, make sure you learn to properly split your legs (hence split jerk) and catch the bar with a bend in your legs.
As for the snatch, start with a snatch movement but with a slight push out and slowly move into doing a full snatch. Overhead squats greatly help with with snatches too.
All in all, the Olympic lifts are probably the best lifts you can do to build strength, speed, and explosiveness.
Oh, and consult youtube for technique help. Watch the world class guys...especially David Rigert (if they have his videos, he's a little old).