It's weird but I must say that OLD has taught me a few things.
- Given the scenario where you cannot display true confidence and suaveness, anything other than totally ugly women beg for a 10.
- I have women 45-55
message me. This proves it. A tall, successfull man of 33 is a 10 to them. How they think anything would happen, like I'd settle for a woman well beyond breeding age 15 years older is beyond me. also, obese women too. They really don't understand leagues. I know that league's aren't helpful to DJ thinking, but I'm not going to try with a 21 year old 10 who is the daughter of a lord. Not because I don't have confidence, but because a) she isn't right, it doesn't fit does it? And b) there are richer, better looking dudes out there who would probably give her ltr. she will figure this out eventually and I can't waste time on women with a limited future with me.
- Disinterest is powerful. I have crashed when I show any interest or keeness past the first 2 messages. I move straight to straightforward questions like do you have kids? What is your job? If they pass, I ask for number and tell them I don't like text convo. What ALWAYS happens after that is they will try to draw you into text convo. I then switch to one word, or at best one sentence replies and get distant. Then she goes ghost to test ****. I then wait for her to return, I am NOT going to be beta and chase. Never works. Never heard a woman say she didn't like a guy because he wasn't full on enough. They MOAN that the guy THEY LIKE isn't full on enough. It you're full on, they stop liking you.
- OLD has motivated me to get fit and pack on some muscle. I have the potential just a bit overweight.
OLD was very, very frustrating when I first entered it, but it's teaching me to deal with constant rejection, not get oneitus, plate spinning, minimal investment until you get what you want, nexting, and the realities of women.
Sometimes from your greatest failures come the biggest changes and OLD is actually good for you if you don't take it to heart. You may not have any rejection confidence issues, you may know the DJ principles, but for former beta it's useful to prove the DJ stuff is real and powerful.