old girl from school is back, wanna bang her


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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Story in short:

Bumped into and old classmate from highschool HB7.5 ,28 years old, at my salsa lessons. We talked for a bit several times there. We see each other there once a week. I teased her, made fun of her etc. she laughed at all my jokes, she touched me many times...etc
I got her number.

After a couple of days I texted her, and she texted me back inmediately. Some days later I texted again, and we had a little fun convo.
Then I asked her out for drinks, and she refused by saying:
'I just got out of a very serious relationship with my ex...we were living together...blah blah...'
I joked about it and said: 'what do I do know with our wedding arrangements?'
she replied: 'well just delay them for a bit, I'll be cured in two months or so. You should come to X club sometime so we can dance salsa there'.
She added me on FB some days after this.

After two weeks I bumped into her in this salsa club. We talked for a bit, and she asked me to dance with her. We did, we had fun etc.
she asked me with whom I came and I replied that with a female friend of mine. She went back to her friends.

I put one song on my FB, she liked it.
I put a new profile picture of me alone on FB, she liked it.

Now, what do I do?
I can either ask her out again...or just keep seing her in our salsa lessons and maybe also in a salsa club again...?

I'm trying to do confident persistence. I've never looked desperate or anything. She's seen me talking to other girls, socializing and having a good time.
Im always fun and I feel she likes me but...
All this has happened in a month period.

any suggestions please?



Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
pyros said:

Story in short:

Bumped into and old classmate from highschool HB7.5 ,28 years old, at my salsa lessons. We talked for a bit several times there. We see each other there once a week. I teased her, made fun of her etc. she laughed at all my jokes, she touched me many times...etc
I got her number.

After a couple of days I texted her, and she texted me back inmediately. Some days later I texted again, and we had a little fun convo.
Then I asked her out for drinks, and she refused by saying:
'I just got out of a very serious relationship with my ex...we were living together...blah blah...'
I joked about it and said: 'what do I do know with our wedding arrangements?'
she replied: 'well just delay them for a bit, I'll be cured in two months or so. You should come to X club sometime so we can dance salsa there'.
She added me on FB some days after this.

After two weeks I bumped into her in this salsa club. We talked for a bit, and she asked me to dance with her. We did, we had fun etc.
she asked me with whom I came and I replied that with a female friend of mine. She went back to her friends.

I put one song on my FB, she liked it.
I put a new profile picture of me alone on FB, she liked it.

Now, what do I do?
I can either ask her out again...or just keep seing her in our salsa lessons and maybe also in a salsa club again...?

I'm trying to do confident persistence. I've never looked desperate or anything. She's seen me talking to other girls, socializing and having a good time.
Im always fun and I feel she likes me but...
All this has happened in a month period.

any suggestions please?

Ill attempt to tackle this for you before my class pyros.

Now you did everything correctly in my eyes, except maybe taking too long to ask her out. But you did, she pretty much said "no" in her own words. At first I would say what is up with this girl, you just wanted to get a drink and she thought you two were going to get married after that date! Insane.

However, im assuming you didnt speak to her in those two weeks and then she saw you at salsa with another woman.... perfect. Shes starting to get a little regret in her for not taking yyou up on drinks and she thinks your salsa partner did. Jealousy is what its called, it seems to be building up in her.

That last part in bold sums up why she most likely wants you at this point. Good stuff pyros.

Now heres what i think you should do. CALL HER, dont text, and say

You - Hey its pyros, im heading to X club on X day come with me.
Her- I duno im still kind of broken from a serious break up im not ready for a relationship yet
You- woah woah, relax we are barley friends and you want to be more already , slow down there ;)
Her- *laughs* (good sign) now....
You- *go in for the kill and say whatever you think is right in that moment*

This is just my 2 cents but id wait maybe a week to ask her out again just so you really dont come off a desperate. And if she says no a second time then forget it man she is either A) broken from a bad break up or B) alreadyhas another guy lined up. And at the second attempt, with it being a fail, its a good idea to move on. (i know you didnt want to hear that sorry man ).

But honestly even if you fail with her now, if you see her down the road again in a couple of months and she actually did have some interest for you and she just wasnt lying about her being "broken" youll be able to get the killshot easily. Attraction and interest have no expiration date with a girl of decent interest level.

I say you got it though, now go get her :up:


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
^ do this.

No counteroffer if she refuses though = Next :)


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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Hi, last news are:

we both keep going to salsa lessons. We always talk for some minutes before or after the class. When we dance I can perfectly feel she likes me, and that there is attraction going on. Its weird because they way she looks at me in the eyes is the same my ex used to look at me...you know deep and with a slight smile on her face.

Its been a month since I asked her out for drinks...and she declined by saying she just went out of a very serious relationship....blah blah, see my first post.

One week ago she talked to me on FB. She asked me some silly question at the en of our convo which I did not reply, and...after a whole week I see her at salsa class, I go to say hello to her and the first thing she does is ask me, kind of angry, why I did not answer her question!
(that was a week ago for Gods shake, and we did not talk in between...! wtf? she's been a whole week thinking about why I did not answer her last question hahaha...my God...)

Well, we finish our lesson we talk for a minute, I still feel the attraction...and I say bye.

Next day I mean today, I text her asking how she's doing...we text back and forth for around an hour (6-7 texts, she tells me that she's going to another city the whole weekend because of work, and at the end I ask her out again, here's last part:

her: Ill arrive sunday at 23h.
me: I see, we should meet on monday or tuesday for a drink you know.
her: you think??
me: yeah
her: why is that?
me: my grandma told me.
her: oh if that is the case
me: I can monday or tuesday at around 20h
her: and does your grandma go out at that time?
Im still working at 20h... :(
me: yes, but she's staying at home in this case.
her: lol, good, good.
(some minutes in silence...)
me: well, you let me know then.
her: alright, we'll see, I dont know how Im gonna be after this weekend because of my work...
have a nic weekend xoxo!
me: ok

I did not wanna insist or suggest another time when she said 'im still working at 20h', I wanted her to sugggest another time/day, but...

Im not gonna ask her out again neither Im gonna talk to her during this whole weekend. Im just gonna wait to see if she initiates.

So, what do you think?


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2012
Reaction score
Damn straight don't initiate. If she does, then great, unless she waits to hit you up until just before 20:00 on Mon or Tues, then you say: aw shucks pretty lady...I didn't her from you so I made plans :( But lets rain check for [date/time range]

In that case:
If she goes for the re-schedule, then she's into it and it drives her a little nuts that you weren't available like she assumed...I wonder who Pyros is ****ing tonight...is she hotter than me?

If she doesn't go for it then she was just bored and wanted to entertain/validate herself by making you jump. It'll still make her hamster stumble a bit ;)


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Starrie got it right.

You should text less...instead of asking her how she's doing, etc, just get straight to the point.

Also, I think you should be a little more firm in your texting.

NOT: we should meet on monday or tuesday for a drink you know

INSTEAD: I'm free Tuesday evening, let's grab a drink.

Seems like a flaky answer, which is a shame because you seemed to have the frame, and now it's gone. She might get back to you, but don't hold your breath! If she does not, don't ask her out again.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
update about this HB8 lets call her Jessy.
I dont understand this girl really, first time this situation happens to me. See this, everytime we meet at salsa class, we talk for some minutes, and she always laughs at my jokes, touches me, looks deeply in my eyes, and I feel the damn chemistry going on.
Last night, we bumbed into each other in a salsa club, we had some common friends there. We talked for a while, got to know each other a bit more, but since I did not want to talk to her for the whole time, I was talking to my friends as well. Then, when we left to go to another club she grabbed my arm and said to me:
'you like to ignore me, dont you :p?'
me: why is that?
her: because you've been giving me your back half the time.
me: hahah, nope, I was just socializing with the rest of the ppl you know. You can release my arm now, take it easy, if I do not pay attention, you start grabbing my arm and God know what else you wanna grab...haha

Then, we went to another club. I danced with several female friends of mine, specially with one. Jessy was looking at me while dancing several times. Then, she said:
'when are you gonna dance with me?'
me: oh, Im pretty busy as you can see, but next song Im free.
Then after a while I was still dancing with the rest of the girls but her.
Then while I was still dancing she came closer and said to me:
do you remember you have to dance with me?
me: yeah, just one minute.

Then we danced, we had fun, I felt the ****ing chemistry between us (its funy cause as I said, the way she looks at me, touches me etc, is the same way my ex did)
After the dance, we talked for some minutes and I said bye but when I went to give her two kisses(here is the common thing to do) I kissed her so close to her lips (on purpose) that I touched them on both sides. ^^

Anyway, as I wrote on a previous post, I suggested to meet two times already and nothing happened.
Im thinking that next time I see her in a club, Im just gonna kiss her while dancing or something like this. If suggesting to meet doesnt restult in anything, Im gonna go direct for a kiss.

What do you think?


Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
I don't just think, I KNOW that there is no way to know anything about what women will do. They don't KNOW, either. :) the most mousy, sweet, loving gal will sometimes turn into a biker slut, for one "reason" or another. and vice versa, too, altho that is much more rare.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
Go for the kiss - 'heat of the moment'.

I mean what is there to lose?