Okay, stop with the BS... looks matter a whole lot!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
If these kinds of things never happened to you, then you're ugly and will have to work 3 times as hard to attract women. BTW, I didn't write this and I must be ugly because no girl ever showed me interest like this. Either you're attractive to the opposite sex or you're not.

I have a different take on the original post: Its all true. The only people who make posts like that are men who have very high levels of experience with women. They tend to just tell it straight and spare nobodies feelings. There is one other thing that trent81 did not mention. This is the fact that attractive males don't have to try to get females, the females come to them without them doing anything. How do I know this? I was one of those super hot guys when I was younger-- I'm working toward rebuilding it again since I miss it so much. I don't like approaching, I don't like holding a females attention and I don't like asking for their number or calling them. It feels foreign to me. What used to happen was this:

I would go out to a club with some random hot girl from class who already wanted to fvck me (college). As I would walk through the crowd, random girls would first grab my d1ck, then take my phone out of my pocket and call themselves without me even saying anything. When I would get out of class in college, there would be phone numbers on my 4runner written in lipstick on my seat.

I used to make fun of guys who had to approach women...I would stand there and watch as guys walked up to groups of girls and tried all sorts of things. Then "get a number" and walk away like that was an accomplishment. And the attention was not only from the girls, strip club owners would offer me positions at their club saying that a guy with my looks could pull a thousand bucks a night. I remember husbands coming up to me and asking if I was interested in their wife, because she wanted to fvck me and he was "cool like that." And thats not all! Many guys have no experience with women and their pick up lines. Yes, women have pick up lines! And they suck, just like ours. The difference is that most men will never hear a female use a pick up line on them because the female was not driven insane with lust based solely on his looks.

And do you think I even thought that there was such a thing as a "PUA website" back then?!? NO, of course not. I was too busy getting head from hot blondes whom I had met 15 minutes ago.

Last night, I overheard a 10 say to a PUA as he was beginning to talk to her: "Why did you approach me? I don't understand what you think you have to offer me that I would want..." It was at that moment that I understood just how hard unattractive guys have it.


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
It's possible, but the author is probably making it sound a wee bit more common than it actually was. I've been out with a lot of guys that are 9/10 or higher and while they may get girls eyeing them left and right, actual unsolicited ****-grabbing or cell-phone stealing is very rare. most likely what will happen is a girl will bump into the guy in question and/or start a conversation.

Still women care about looks less than men do, so you're much better off being a below average looking guy than a below average looking girl.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
tosh said:
It's possible, but the author is probably making it sound a wee bit more common than it actually was. I've been out with a lot of guys that are 9/10 or higher and while they may get girls eyeing them left and right, actual unsolicited ****-grabbing or cell-phone stealing is very rare. most likely what will happen is a girl will bump into the guy in question and/or start a conversation.

Still women care about looks less than men do, so you're much better off being a below average looking guy than a below average looking girl.
I respectfully disagree with your second paragraph. Send a below average looking guy and a below average looking girl into a bar or club and see who can get laid the most. The girl will win hands down.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
AlmostThere! said:
Either you're attractive to the opposite sex or you're not.
There's many ways to be attractive. As long as you don't look like gollum from lord of the rings, you have a chance if you're attractive in other ways.

Things like:

strength, physical and mental
status items like car, house... etc.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
AlmostThere! said:
If these kinds of things never happened to you, then you're ugly and will have to work 3 times as hard to attract women. BTW, I didn't write this and I must be ugly because no girl ever showed me interest like this. Either you're attractive to the opposite sex or you're not.
Last night, I overheard a 10 say to a PUA as he was beginning to talk to her: "Why did you approach me? I don't understand what you think you have to offer me that I would want..."
That didn't happen. That's logical guy talk, not what a girl says when she's blowing someone off.


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
Mike32ct said:
I respectfully disagree with your second paragraph. Send a below average looking guy and a below average looking girl into a bar or club and see who can get laid the most. The girl will win hands down.
Sure, based on the limited benchmark of getting laid through clubs, I would agree.

But if you expand it to a more general context which includes getting laid, having successful LTRs, and not only through clubs but also through friends, work, etc... then I would stand by initial statement that you are better off being:

- a below-average looking man, who has a good personality (smart, funny) and is successful (money, career)

rather than

- a below-average looking woman who has a good personality and is successful


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
tosh said:
Sure, based on the limited benchmark of getting laid through clubs, I would agree.

But if you expand it to a more general context which includes getting laid, having successful LTRs, and not only through clubs but also through friends, work, etc... then I would stand by initial statement that you are better off being:

- a below-average looking man, who has a good personality (smart, funny) and is successful (money, career)

rather than

- a below-average looking woman who has a good personality and is successful
That's fair to say. I'll agree with that.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
AlmostThere!, you are a total moron for several reasons:

1) This topic has been done to DEATH. There is an 85 page about this topic in the Archives. You and everybody else will NOT say anything in this thread that hasn't been said in the Archives thread.

2) You believe that post. Nothing in there sounds remotely possible. I, nor any of my friends have ever witnessed anything like what you're talking about. Not in school, not in bars, nowhere. This must mean there's no attractive guys in California, right? You're one gullible S.O.B.

3) You didn't bother to read up from guys who actually know what they're talking about. Mystery, David Deangelo, Juggler, and every other PUA/guru along with evolutionary biologists disagree with YOU. Have you even read the Bible? Course not. Because Pook told you on page 2 or 3 that looks don't matter. Yet, you saw one post on some randomass website and decided that it validated your excuse for not being successful with women and decided to post it. That's the pits of stupidity.

4) Even if one could get play based solely off of their looks (or if someone would NOT get play solely based off of their looks), it is pointless to stand on your shitty little soapbox and try to convince everyone otherwise. This benefits NOBODY. If a newbie who hasn't read the Bible is good-looking, their game will suffer because they will rely too much on their looks and will get no bush. If a newbie who hasn't read the Bible is NOT good-looking, they will get further validation from imbeciles like you that they can't get women because they are not good-looking enough, and continue the cop-out until someone who knows what they're talking about (read as: not you) tells them how it is.. Either way, you are doing pure damage. NOT GOOD.

I swear these fucking threads should be banned. People like you are the same people on the road that don't use turn signals and do 35 mph in the fast lane. Human beings are unable to regulate themselves on Internet forums just like they can't regulate themselves on the road. Just like in real life, we need some sort of authority (moderators in this case) to step in and control the masses since obviously we cannot control ourselves. Unregulated, foolish AFC's like you will just post whatever the hell they find on the Internet randomly, vomiting their lies and self-limiting propaganda all over the forums. Jackass.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I agree with the OP that looks matter with women to the point that people who look good or are above average have a cake-walk.

You can tell from the field reports on here how important looks are to their individual game, the evidence on this site speaks for itself.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
corrector said:
I agree with the OP that looks matter with women to the point that people who look good or are above average have a cake-walk.
Then you're a moron too, buddy. Sorry.

I won't go into detail, but I will say that I have had no shortage of compliments on my looks from women. Not only verbal, but unwarranted stroking, outrageous body language etc. That being said, I haven't had sex in 3 months...not by choice. So as you can see, your claim of a "cake-walk" is not only wrong, but solidifies the fact that you are likely below-average to average-looking and therefore do NOT speak from experience. You are speaking from what you saw on the cover of Seventeen.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
Looks do matter, but i wouldn't say a whole lot. They matter more in a setting where a females social circle is present. Clubs and bars and such. (a females b!tch shield will be on full blast in these settings and having great looks will make getting through it easier.) I have a friend who's pretty short and about average looking and he's pretty dam good at not making it obvious that he's approaching and getting "in" with the circles. It's pretty amazing watching him work; and just a few years ago - he'd get laughed at by any girl over a 7 for approaching. He just figured out ways to sneak his way in... Now i don't have any doubt that if he were a 10 - he could just walk right up to those women and be like "hey b!tches, all of you are fvcking hot! i can't decide which of you i want.... maybe all of you!" and they'd probably eat that up.... so yeah... looks make things easier, and they make it so you don't need to have as much game (although lack of confidence will turn any guy who has looks into a snail in a woman's eyes)

There used to be a show that came on in Canada (maybe it still does) called "Keys to the VIP". It took two self-proclaimed "players" and put them up against each other...

This show really opened my eyes to a few things... 1) Some guys with really good looks still suck with women! ... 2) Some guys with not so good looks just create an identity for themselves which automatically makes them more attractive.... 3) A lot of really good looking guys do indeed get approached by hot women (or "accidentally" bumped into).

There was a pretty epic episode that i remember. There was a basic skinny indian man (who looked quite nerdish) who has a magician persona. He would win women over with magic tricks (probably studied the mystery method).

He was up against a HUGE male stripper. When they put them side by side - the judges (who all pick who they "think" will win pre-show) all picked the male stripper.

Well, the male stripper had it easy, women melted when he approached them. But.... he really lacked game... and struggled to escalate past attraction. He also seemed clueless to women's IOIs (possibly because he'd become desensitized to women's come on from his line of work) He was still able to pickup (get the number of or kiss or whatever the task was) 2 out of 3.

BUT the average looking indian magician who looked completely out of place at the club worked REAL MAGIC on the show... He would approach women and instantly get that "you stank" look from women.... Like they were so much better than him.... But he just kept a smile, kept talking (selling himself) and won them over with magic tricks. By the end - he seriously could have made out with the hottest woman in the club (one of the girls he gamed who melted from a ***** to a "i want your d!ck" type of girl in all of 5 minutes). And that was also the thing - you can pick and choose who you want to approach and he ONLY approached the hottest girls in the club. He has confidence.... and... an image....

In the end - the judges picked him as the winner because he had the women MORE into him than the looks guy... simply because he has real personality... not personality created by having perfect skin and muscles...

And sure he was doing magic tricks... but that just as easily could have been the magic tricks you don't see.... the game... the tactics.... the DHVs....

Again, looks help.... and they do help a lot...
but not having looks and blaming ones lack of success on that IS JUST AN EXCUSE FOR PEOPLE TO USE WHO FAIL TO HAVE TRUE CONFIDENCE. It is impossible for a guy who feels he is not great looking to have real confidence if he believes that looks are all that matter or a huge part of it...

They are just a piece of the pickup - the same as being able to establish rapport (which the male stripper guy was HORRIBLE at). They definitely make getting in the door easier. They make some girl just open the door and bed for you to enter.

But the reality is - so does having good social status. If women hear how good you are with women - even if you're average looking - you will have a long line of women looking to try you out. Especially if you're average looking in fact - because then they're trying to figure out why you can get so many women...

And yes that is 1st hand experience talking =)


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
Jhcl4000 said:
What a joke that post is...
Spot on.

I've been out to several hundred clubs, parties, bars, etc and I have never seen anything like this happen. I also know some very attractive guys, and this has never happened to any of them. Sure, they get a lot of attention (girls will approach them sometimes, be more forgiving when they fvck up, or make things way easier for them) but that's about it.

Obviously looks matter, but anyone saying looking good alone will get you a lot of hot girls is full of sh!t, and anyone who thinks you can't have consistent sucess without being good looking is just making excuses to justify why they can't seem to figure it out.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 10, 2009
Reaction score
AlmostThere! said:
If these kinds of things never happened to you, then you're ugly and will have to work 3 times as hard to attract women. BTW, I didn't write this and I must be ugly because no girl ever showed me interest like this. Either you're attractive to the opposite sex or you're not.
You want to stop the BS? Don't listen to posts like this. I've met a few good looking guys who have chicks throwing themselves at them. Once they realize those guys have nothing else, those chicks usually move on. There will always be sluts (both male and female), but in the end, the overall package is what matters.

Mike32ct said:
I respectfully disagree with your second paragraph. Send a below average looking guy and a below average looking girl into a bar or club and see who can get laid the most. The girl will win hands down.
That's not necessarily because hot dudes get more chicks. Its more because guys will f*ck anything that walks. Once you got a few drinks on ya, any old hag will look like Heidi Klum, and your d*ck doesn't care WHAT he plows into.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Looks are like leagues in baseball....

You got your A AA AAA and MLB...

If your a 4.. You're probably not in the same league as a 10.. I think most guys naturally know their limits..

If your a 6 and you're trying to pull and 8, you're gonna need to have your game tight. If your an 8 and you're trying to pull a 6, your looks are going to offset mistakes in your game.

If you've got no game and you're an 8, you can probably pull a 5... but you won't touch a 7 or 8 in an LTR because your AFC ways will shine through.

So do looks matter, yeah, of course. Do they matter as much as your game? not even close.

They just get you into a certain league, it's up to you to decide if your going to go down in the hall of fame, or be a bench warmer that doesn't ever get to play.


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
This post is really over done. I spent hours reading the archive on this, watching that deus ex piano guy get raped by other posters LOL.

But seriously, if you are unattractive, just work out get alot of muscle, dress well and be confident. I'm kind of insecure about this matter, so I pay alot of attention. The people you think are good looking, maybe have some good genetic factors, but most people are just well groomed. That gets you to at least an 7. Then you add the game, confidence, legacy, etc boosts it up even more.

However, if your Stephen Hawking, you can give up. But hey, even he has a wife...:D


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Just a Shot Away said:
Then you're a moron too, buddy. Sorry.

I won't go into detail, but I will say that I have had no shortage of compliments on my looks from women. Not only verbal, but unwarranted stroking, outrageous body language etc. That being said, I haven't had sex in 3 months...not by choice.
Not by choice? Why?

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
corrector said:
Not by choice? Why?
Lack of confidence and game. You know, the stuff that actually matters. Why good-looking guys without confidence consistently get far less play than the average to below-average looking guys with confidence and game.

This is nothing new, man. It's all right there in the Bible. This topic has been done to death, and the science behind evolution and sexual selection remains the same. Facial aesthetics are irrelevant to females. The only facial attribute that lends some evolutionary significance is a strong, powerful jaw. Other than that, females search for characteristics that indicate that the male can provide for himself as well as others, protect the nest if challenged by predators, and can produce healthy offspring.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
Just look your best and you'll be fine. I have a friend who is Israeli, he used to never get girls. So he gave his self a make over, he bought nice cloths, waxed his uni-brow, went tanning, went to the gym, got nice hair cuts. And now he has slept with over 100 girls.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
I remember this sh*t, trent81 posted this and you took a quote from Duffdog's post. I learned a lot from the things he writes and you can too OP.

I must admit, looks, status, and money are your best friends in your quest to being attractive. The more you have and the higher the degree, the faster the attraction process goes. The less, the slower. Pick one or more of these qualities to improve and roll with it! Game, voice, attitude, and personality come later when you're trying to keep a relationship. If those 4 items fail, you still have the looks, money, or status to get you right back in the game and you don't have to try to get a woman. You'll have too much to handle to the point where you'll be wondering why the f**k you visited PUA sites. You'll instead be posting sex and relationship tips!

Life ain't fair. So what? Boo f**kin' hoo! Get over it! If you understand that above paragraph and actually do (or at least try), you'll be better off.

Case closed. Dammit!