hey... Ford (aston martin) needs to get new reps.
I have 3 cars.. the AM, a lexus SC400 that I've had for a while and is my baby... and a car I got "sold" I will admit. I mean I was sorta in the market for a car.. sorta not. And the sad thing is i used to sell cars..
it's a Lexus RX470 I bought last year..I love it.. but that doens't take from the fact that I got sold.
I was in the lexus place getting my car serviced... when the baddest woman I have seen in a while comes out... and here the DJ in me starts to talk to her.. well.. turns otu she's a sales person. something told me then this was going to be the most expensive pickup in my life.
We chat.. she asks me feeling questions... what do you drive (duh, a lexus b!tch)...how long you have had it...
then I made the mistake of saying "well.. i mean if I wanted a new car I don't have to trade my car in, i'd just cut a check"
I was done then. She asks me do I like the new lines of cars they have.. I do.. I've always sorta wanted an SUV.. she shows me the RX470. She asks me do I want to "take her to lunch".. the ***** sold me a car and got a free lunch out of me
lol, Then she asks me "what is it going to take to get you to buy the car"... I thoughta bout it for asecond... I did like the car... the money wasn't an issue.. I just didn't think I needed 3 cars. What the **** do I need 3 cars for?
so I said...tell you what. Write it up (common car sales term, meaning write up the car deal for the bill of sale.. it's acknowling you made a sale), let me take it home for the nig ht and I'll be in tomorrow to sign what i need to sign.
that's how i got sold my lexus.. by a geogrous redheaded sales rep.
actually went on a couple of dates with her... let's just say that was a watse of $40k