Okay, I need help on how to deal with this guy.


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
Okay, a year ago around April 2007, I was a different person than I'm now. A year ago I hung out with these guys who I played basketball with. Now I never really stood up to people so this guy never respected me. He basically would talk me down and talk about me. We were friends, but he didn't respect me. Like for an example, he and my friends would come over my house to hoop. I'll come out of my house and he'll say "about time you decided to came out, your b*tch a*s" He wouldn't be playing either, he wasn't 100% serious but he'll talk to me like this at my own house.

So in July 2007 I found this site and since then I've been changing. I've gain respect, hate, and love from people. I stopped talking to him because he'll just try to bring me down or make me inferior to him. But lets back track. Earlier this year he walked up and burped in my face (he thought it was funny). So I pushed him out my way and he pushed me and my head hit the locker but it didn't hurt and nobody really saw it. So later on that day I walked up to him and told him don't ever dis-respect me again. He said "whatever dude, you take things way too seriously".

That was in January and I haven't talk to him yet since then......until today. He randomly comes to my house with my two other friends (who actually respects me) to play basketball. I come out and greet them by a casual hand shake. I walk up to shake his hand and he jumps at me to try to make me flinch (which didn't work btw). I told them I was studying for SAT's and he says "man, you a f*cking junior you don't need to study for those yet." They asked me to hoop when it's 49 degrees outside and I said I can't cuz SAT's and cuz it's too cold. He says "Man you wack. Your wack ugly b*tch a*s is lame as hell for that sh*t." I told him since I'm so lame to stop coming over my house. He didn't hear me. He wasn't fully serious but wasn't playing either. My two friends were cool with it.

I don't want to deal with this guy. This is the reason I stopped talking to him. He's cool sometimes but other times he's annoying. They're gonna comeback over my house again this week I know it. How do I deal with this guy. (Without fighting because that doesn't solve anything).


Senior Don Juan
Jan 23, 2008
Reaction score
You treated him like a girl, because he is behaves like one with a ****.

Going to your house to demand your attention! Pure fem fatale!

Next time he the talks down to you, tell him 'shut up or i'll make you suck my d!ck!'

Be ready to roll him down, pin him to the ground and make this beatch submit.

Your man for Sparta's sake, don't take **** from no one and be ready to bleed. Stand up to him. Face that fear of conforting him head on or else you are a beatch ass.

john paul

Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
Paradise City
Just curious but does he get crazy mad and verbally or physically abusive over small disagreements or misunderstandings?


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
john paul said:
Just curious but does he get crazy mad and verbally or physically abusive over small disagreements or misunderstandings?
Yes he does.

john paul

Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
Paradise City
One of my close friends is like that. Hes a really complex person. Iv came to the conclusion hes bi-polaror some other semi-major sickness. Hates people for no reason, gets pissed over insignificant things, makes fun of people for their flaws but then other times hes normal. He has really low self esteem too.

I dont really have an answer for you, I came to this website and learned how to hold myself which has stopped him from being an ass to me but he still does it to others.

My best advise would be to call him out when he starts agruing about something stupid. Most of the time he is completely in the wrong when he argues and we both know it so I always say to my friend "are you ****ing kidding?" when he starts to bull**** the argument. Make him see how stupid he is for fighting about it and try to get him to be defensive and then hopefully passive toward you. Respect will follow this.

But you need to be ready and prepared to fight him. Iv never fought my friend yet but i know its going to happen one day and i dont plan on losing.


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
I hate to fight. I know alittle self defense but fighting is an absolute last resort. I only fight if I really need to and I don't think it's worth in this situation. Is there anyway to just get him to stop talking to me? It seems like I can't avoid this guy this time of year.

btw, if anybody's got more advice, I'll appreiate it.

john paul

Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
Paradise City
Thats a tough situation your in. I dunno what i would do.

Just tell him he sucks and your better than him so dont come over anymore.Or something less that would decease the chance of violence.


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks for the info john paul. I understand man. This isn't a normal situation. Does anybody have a solution?


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
I hate to rush. But there's 40 ppl viewing this form. Does anybody have a solution. C'mon guys I seriously need help.


Don Juan
Dec 24, 2006
Reaction score
if he comes back and starts with you say something like "why are you coming to my house u f ag i dont even like u" of course this could lead to a fight or he could leave either one.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah, It sounds like you might have to shut this guy up. Most people just talk and never do anything about it. If he wants to talk trash tell him to go fvck off and leave your house. If he refuses you ask him one more time. If he still won't go you give him the 1-2 punch...


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Have a private talk with your other friends and tell them if they are going to come over not to bring this guy because he is an assh0le.

If they are good friends they will listen to you.

If they are bad friends they will bring him around anyway in which case you need to stop hanging out with them as well.

Unfortunately it looks like you are going to have to fight this loser to be rid of him and judging by the moron that he is even if you do that it might make him want to be around you more as sometimes morons of this caliber get love and admiration for someone that beats them to a bloody pulp.

Probably reminds them of their dad who probably did the same thing to them to create such an assh0le of a son in the first place and now they've got some twisted idea of false love from it.


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
If thats the case whats the point of fighting him? No, there's a better solution then that. I hate to fight and fighting solves NOTHING! What am I'm gaining by beating this guy up?!?!? Respect? Please, I'll gain respect the RIGHT WAY. Nothing. I'll probably feel worse later on. I hate beating ppl up cuz afterwards I feel sorry for the person. You guys got to understand that this whole fighting thing is going to end up getting you in jail. We need to handle this like REAL MEN and talk it out becuase the whole beating ppl up thing is gonna have to stop soon. I can't risk getting in trouble for fighting. I have ALOT to lose. Say I beat this guy to an inch of his life. He calls the police and whats that for me????? Prison or DC! This is what they call assualt my friends. There has to be another way.........Maybe if I tell him not to come over. If he stays anyways that might be a problem. The thing is one of my friends follows him. In other words this Jerk LEADS him so if I say don't bring him he'll bring him along anyway. The jerk drives him to my house. C'mon guys is there a verbal way to solve this?


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Sorry man I didn't clarify in my last post so I'll do so now...

What I should of said is you'll probably have to fight this guy because it seems he just won't stop getting in your face.

I've known this type a lot during my life unfortunately and they just don't get the message to leave you alone until you beat the ever loving hell out of them.

Its not so much about getting some bullsh!t respect from society as it is about protecting yourself so don't get my message misinterpreted.

You are right though with the area you live in you don't want to go to jail so...

If you want to handle this another way that is the man way to handle it you go to the cops and you get a restraining order on this loser right this instant.

I and others didn't suggest this to you before because your peer group may consider this a b!tch move on your part and unfortunately with the morons that people are these days they most likely wouldn't understand that by doing this you would be doing the right thing as opposed to the illegal thing that could put you in prison even though in spirit you were doing the right thing a.k.a sending a message that its not alright to mess with you.

And no there is no verbal way to solve things with this idiot.

You have tried this many times already and it has failed.

It will never succeed because this guy is a special kind of stupid.


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks I understand. The thing is I NEVER talked to this guy and haven't since January which was 3 months ago. I finally get him out of my life and he comes back and tries to start up mess again. I never talk to this guy at school. But since it's getting hot he'll try to comeover my house. I'm just gonna have to lay down the law at school. Either respect me and my house or don't comeover. Funny thing is there's a park right down the street from my house so........ he can just hoop there.lol. Thanks for all the help guys. Your the best;) I know it might not work but lets hope he's not as dumb as we think.lol


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Cool man.

And hey if worst comes to worse hopefully if a fight is to occur its around witnesses.

Let him throw the first punch and if the laws aren't screwy where you live it will then be alright to beat his ass into the hospital as it was merely self defense.

Good luck brother.


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks man, hopefully it won't come down to that though. I'll do what is needs to be done.