Ok what happened here?


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2003
Reaction score
Today in my 1st period class, towards the end of the class, I was waiting for the bell to ring. So I was standing, and I looked back because I knew this HB9 was behind me and I just wanted to give her eye contact. So I quickly turned around acting as if I didnt know she was there and turned back to how I was. Then about 10 seconds later I hear her ask "hey do we have to turn in those papers today?" I played it off like I didnt hear her, because first, she was behind me, and she said it but didnt even touch me or anything to let me know that it was me who she was talking to.

So the bell rings and Im walking a little slow, and the HB catches up to me. I looked at her and proceeded to mind my own business. She then asked me the same question that she asked me inside the classroom when we were waiting for the bell to ring. I gave her this look like "what papers?". She then explained that she meant the work that we did today she also stumbled a little on her words. Im guessing she was all hot and bothered. :D then I said "oh, yea we turn that in tomorrow". Then I said "u didnt hear the teacher say to turn it in tomorrow?" She said "yea I did". Then I remembered having a similar situation like this with the same girl so I replied how I did in the last situation "so if u heard the teacher, then why did u ask me" (with a big smile and looking deep into her eyes of course). I kno she remembered the resemblence from the last time we had this situation, and she replied with "I dunno" while laughing because I know she remembers last time this happened. I just said "im playing". (yea right u just wanted a reason to talk to me you hot and sexy chick)

So I just decided to get a little convo going and asked her where her next class is. She gave me the wrong answer. She told me what class she has, not where. Her answering the question wrong threw me off guard and I was left worrying about it rather than continuing on with the convo as the 3 seconds of the 3 seconds rule have already passed.

After this, my whole game with this girl went downhill.

So I just continued on with "I have art" and didnt know what else to say. I was nervous because I know couldve had good small talk with her about her English class. So after I mentioned my art class she I guess continued with it and said "you have art". I said "yea. I dont feel like going. We have to make these bowls out of paper mache." (really I had nothing to say, we finished making the bowls about a week ago and are starting something new) She answered "yea? ur making them out of newspaper right?" I said "yea". There I could've continued on with her and asked her if she has had the class before since she knows that the bowls are made with newspaper. But NO! I was still nervouse because I didnt continue the convo about her English class. Then I just said "Im making mines red and blue"

Then I had to go seperate ways so I just said "nice talking to you". She said "what?" I guess I said it in a weak voice because obviously she didnt hear me. So I repeated "It was nice talking to you" I left her looking down with a big smile. (dont know if she was laughing in her head or what).


Oh well, Ill see whats the deal tomorrow when I see this chick again. She is in my 1st period and she sits 2 seats ahead of me. She usually only talks to me about school work and stuff. But sometimes she asks me about some work that we did and she asks me to EXPLAIN it, thats when I hit it off with her and start the flirting. I also notice that when she talks to me she gets really close to me and her body is always touching me. Her legs are touching my arms as they rest at the sides of the desk and she does not move away, she moves even closer and when Im explaining something to her, her face gets close enough that we could kiss! I am always ****y and funny with her. I always make her smile or laugh.

Today situation I think was my next step on my game with her. Even though I kinda messed it up by saying the wrong things. Hopefully after this we will now start to have conversations. What do you guys think I should do when I see her again? Just smile at her right? I dont want to get a conversation going just yet, unless she is waiting in front of the class to start.

WHat do you guys think happened here? Did I really mess up as much as I think I am or what?
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Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2002
Reaction score
Skank Alert! Skank Alert!

Don't fall into her trap dude. Trust me I had the samething going on with me few months ago and she turned out to be an eager skank (the one that mis-leads you). So don't pay to much of an attention to her and it seems as if you are *telling* her that you like her. This isn't good, if you don't have anything to say then stop the conversation and leave her even without saying goodbye. Show her how valuable you are. Flirt with other girls, giggle with other girls, and explain things to OTHER girls. DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT THINK ABOUT HOW BAD YOU MESSED UP WITH THIS GIRL OR NOT BECAUSE RIGHT NOW YOU DIDN'T MESS UP AND THE MORE YOU THINK ABOUT IT THE MORE YOU F*CK IT UP.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2003
Reaction score
I do talk to the other HB7 that sits next to me. We usually flirt whenever we talk to each other. She usually wants me to explain things to her or she explains things to me. There was a time where she showed interest in me but I was AFC at the time.

I just dont get how is this girl misleading me when she came up with a reason just to talk to me, AND when she was trying to explain it she stumbled with her words. Im not even gonna talk to her tomorrow. If she cares to look at me, ill just smile and nod.

One thing though. I always tend to turn my head alot. I am always turning my head, looking at everything, my mind racing. (I have ADD, but its not being treated) I can never focus on one thing for some time. I am always getting distracted. Everytime I hear a noise or something, hear someone getting up, hear someone walking, I always get distracted and am either left paying attention to what or who made the noise looking through the corner of my eyes, or turning my head and looking at who is walking or who just got up. But ever since I learned that people don't turn their heads to see everything their senses pick up, I started to cutdown on the "head-turning." All the headturning though has its advantages. I am more aware of what is going on (i think) because I am paying attention, to not just one thing, but everything that is going on around me. Maybe not aware of what everyone is talking about, but aware of things that are going on physically. Everyone seems like they are doing their own thing, or groups of people talking to each other, but I am looking around at everything. Just spacing out, or paying attention to what the people in the class are doing.

I dont know what was the point of that, lol. But what are your thoughts on head turning? Or feel free to comment on the original post........


Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
Québec, Canada.
I think you lost a few points there, but you didn't mess up. Just take it cool from here. I know it's easier said than done, but stay calm! :) I don't have the impression she's just messing with you either, from what you said. But I do agree with what PEACEDJ said: "don't pay to much of an attention to her". This is what will get you into trouble. Keep flirting with the other girls. You've got to let her know that she hasn't "got" you. And you've got to keep yourself in the frame of mind that she's just another girl; no more important to you than all the others in your school. Be friendly when she talks to you, but not OVERLY friendly. You can go talk to her too sometimes. Just let her do it more often. If she's really interested, she'll keep pursuing.

About the head turning... Try and get that under control, because most people will interpret it as "Trying to attract attention". Which makes you look desperate.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2003
Reaction score
thanks for the advice. Yea I thought the headturning problem made me look desperate or paranoid about sh1t, looking around LIKE A MAAAADMAAAN...... lol.

as for the chick, we havent talked since. She hasnt tried to get my attention either. She is nonexistant in my world and I guess its the same with her.