Ok I am not getting any luck need help.

Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
I have been meeting women for the past half a year (starting this thing) and ive gotten handfuls of numbers but I cannot get anywhere with them. I broke up with GF I had for 2 years and I have been trying to meet women did not realize how hard it can be lol. So I want to know what it is I am going to put couple of convos I have had with few girls and I want to know how I can get a girl same night at the bar come home with me I know takes some effort and other things I am just not sure how to go about it exactly that would make me stand out and all like what to say? I wanna get girl and not have her play games or blow me off or act ignorant towards me.

I met this girl at a show the other night and got her number she was nice to me at the show and asked where I worked and all and we were chatting about each other and I got her phone number. But when I called her yesterday she was like I am busy I will call you back. She called me after she saw this play and I was like oh that's cool was talking with her about it and talked about a party was at the other night and then she was like 4 mins later well I am home I got to go I said Id like to hang out this weekend she said I am busy this weekend and I am not looking for anything romantic we would just be friends I said that's cool we can hangout next week I will hit you up shes like well see and sounded ignorant why?? (how can you tell if girl is being genuine/honest or playing testing you???) and also girls never text or call me I always have to and they don't seem much interested.

this other girl kinda blowin me off try to see how I can get her interested and hang with her?

Whats up?
Who Dis?!
Paul from the other night
Ahh thought so
I just finished up a buncha chores and gonna pass out for work tomorrow whatchoo up to?
Cool gotcha aint **** chillin gotta kickit some time u are free u stay in the city?
Yeah p Heights area Loughborough/gravois You?
Ok yeah I am actually im in Noco Florissant I go out there for the shows and all my dudes stay near tower grove and Benton park
Oh yeah I went to flo valley way back
What did you go for?
ok not bad hey what are you doing thurs night would you like to meetup for drinks?
Are you gonna be down this way?
Maybe why whats up?
Nothin I just cant drive out there I work in O Fallon so I gotta come straight home after work to let my dog out. But if you were coming down this way I could maybe sneak out for a drink I have company coming in on Friday do I gotta make sure to clean the place too. Maybe after holidays is better?
No prob I can meet on thurs what time is good?
I think itll prob be better for me to wait after the holidays so much to do and few days late.
You can sneak out for few drinks lol.
Well are you going to be down this way for something else? Id hate for you drive so far if I am going to have to keep it short.
Yeah I know I hear ya its all good.
I will hit you up thurs

Hey what is a good place we can meet up?
Sorry just saw this I cant tonight got company coming in tomorrow and have a lot to do also have a 9 am job interview tomorrow and have a lot to do also a 9 am job interview tomorrow so gotta be fresh and rested.
Damn party pooper lol we can after the holidays be better end up going out anyways cya

after holidays
How was your holidays?
Nice best in a while how bout yours enjoy the snow?
Mine was decent coulda been better yeah was nice being snowed in yesterday. Wanted to see what you up to this weekend if you are free to chill and come out.
Sorry was sleepin- I don't really gone up that way since I drive so much for work and have expired plates anyways I think its a bad idea. I gotta get this taken care of.
Oh ok gotcha well ima be out that way Friday night we can kick it by you
Yeah whenever you are down this way hit me up!
Hey yo dude I am not going to be able to hang out this weekend got a last minute housewarming party thing to go to tonight and visiting me gma next couple days maybe I will see you around though.

If a girl is interested enough wouldn't they make ANY kind of time for you with no excuses? Please help I would appreciate thanks!


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2013
Reaction score
Sounds like you're 0/2, keep practicing. Once you stop caring as much, you become more desirable. With practice, you become more natural. It can take a while.

I'm assuming those are text messages, in which case you're texting too much and coming across as someone who is needy and doesn't have a whole lot going on. In your example you could have been more brief, no need to explain what you're doing (especially if it's sleeping lol), and set concrete days/times instead of "Maybe sometime soon we can...". Initiating a text after the holidays was pointless, if she was interested she would have gotten back to you... you were just dragging it out unnecessarily.

Johnny Alias

Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
Yeah dude. You need to NC this chick completely. She's just toying with you. She's got guys shes seeing period. Grandma my ass.

She might even reach out at some point. IGNORE her the first two times. When she writes the third time say "Sorry I lost interest." This will drive her nuts. When she's on the verge of begging, say you're going to be at this location with your friends and she's welcome to join. If she gets there ignore her a bit. Be indifferent. Slowly warm up. If she doesn't come who cares because you're out with your friends.

Don't count on her getting in touch. This is a "MAYBE" situation only.

Honestly it sounds like you need to work on closing the deal the first time you hang with the chick. Phone numbers dont mean shvt. At least kiss her. Take her home if you can. If she says she doesn't want anything romantic it means she's seeing at least one other dude.

Remember above all... just because a woman speaks to you does NOT mean she is interested in you. You have to demonstrate value (Clothes, friends, humor, looks, hot chicks on your arm) or you are just another chump.

PS. Work on your run on sentences man. It's hard to give advice when DJ's can barely read the above.
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
My bad I was just wanting to get it out. I am telling you though wtf is it with these women and playing these BS games though? Why cant it just be normal like simple and how it should be what the hell I mean I guess women like can choose 50 dudes and we gotta bust our ass I guess just life.
Cant say I have ever had a woman begging to hang out with me lol wonder what you say to get her to do that? What would be more brief how would you reply if she asks or whatever good examples to use?? Yeah I cant seem to get a woman to ever text me first its always having to text them. What do you do when shes saying oh just be friends and I am busy and shes like well see do I act ignorant towards her?


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
Ok first thing, you need to show who texted what. Its not very clear because you posted a lot of banter and it can be hard to tell who said what.

Your texting to much. Use texting or phone conversations for setting up a meet.

Don't ask if things like "whats a good place to meet".

I guess its ok to be like where do you stay, this is where I stay, blabla, but keep that very short and minimal.

Your texts should be like this.

You: Hey how are ya.

Hb: blablabla blabla

You: bla bla

Hb: lol, blablablabla

you: You should join me for coffee at that cafe on 6th and villa on thursday afternoon.


You: There is this great bar over at 16th and main, would you like to join me for a drink, I'm free on thurs at 8.

See how in the above It allows you to communicate that you want to spend time with her without appearing desperate, and maintain frame.

And if she doesn't seem interested, she's not. In that case, stop trying with her and find another one.

If she is interested good, go meet up with her.
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
Ok its basically in order im the first person and it diffeerenciates from there enxt line is her next line is me etc.... im appreciating all the advice people.
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
Whats up? Me

Who Dis?! Her

Paul from the other night Me

Ahh thought so
I just finished up a buncha chores and gonna pass out for work tomorrow whatchoo up to? Her

Cool gotcha aint **** chillin gotta kickit some time u are free u stay in the city? Me

Yeah p Heights area Loughborough/gravois You? Her

Ok yeah I am actually im in Noco Florissant I go out there for the shows and all my dudes stay near tower grove and Benton park Me

Oh yeah I went to flo valley way back Her

What did you go for? Me

Art/Photography. Her

ok not bad hey what are you doing thurs night would you like to meetup for drinks? Me

Are you gonna be down this way? Her

Maybe why whats up? Me

Nothin I just cant drive out there I work in O Fallon so I gotta come straight home after work to let my dog out. But if you were coming down this way I could maybe sneak out for a drink I have company coming in on Friday do I gotta make sure to clean the place too. Maybe after holidays is better? Her

No prob I can meet on thurs what time is good? Me

I think itll prob be better for me to wait after the holidays so much to do and few days late. Her

You can sneak out for few drinks lol. Me

Well are you going to be down this way for something else? Id hate for you drive so far if I am going to have to keep it short. Her

Yeah I know I hear ya its all good. Me

I will hit you up thurs Me

Sure Her

Hey what is a good place we can meet up? Me

Sorry just saw this I cant tonight got company coming in tomorrow and have a lot to do also have a 9 am job interview tomorrow and have a lot to do also a 9 am job interview tomorrow so gotta be fresh and rested. Her

Damn party pooper lol we can after the holidays be better end up going out anyways cya Me

after holidays

How was your holidays? Me

Nice best in a while how bout yours enjoy the snow? Her

Mine was decent coulda been better yeah was nice being snowed in yesterday. Wanted to see what you up to this weekend if you are free to chill and come out. Me

Sorry was sleepin- I don't really gone up that way since I drive so much for work and have expired plates anyways I think its a bad idea. I gotta get this taken care of. her

Oh ok gotcha well ima be out that way Friday night we can kick it by you
Yeah whenever you are down this way hit me up! Her
Hey yo dude I am not going to be able to hang out this weekend got a last minute housewarming party thing to go to tonight and visiting me gma next couple days maybe I will see you around though. Her


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
thelonewolflegend said:
Whats up? Me

Who Dis?! Her

Paul from the other night Me

Ahh thought so
I just finished up a buncha chores and gonna pass out for work tomorrow whatchoo up to? Her

Cool gotcha aint **** chillin gotta kickit some time u are free u stay in the city? Me

Yeah p Heights area Loughborough/gravois You? Her

Ok yeah I am actually im in Noco Florissant I go out there for the shows and all my dudes stay near tower grove and Benton park Me

Oh yeah I went to flo valley way back Her

What did you go for? Me

Art/Photography. Her

ok not bad hey what are you doing thurs night would you like to meetup for drinks? Me

Are you gonna be down this way? Her

Maybe why whats up? Me

Nothin I just cant drive out there I work in O Fallon so I gotta come straight home after work to let my dog out. But if you were coming down this way I could maybe sneak out for a drink I have company coming in on Friday do I gotta make sure to clean the place too. Maybe after holidays is better? Her

No prob I can meet on thurs what time is good? Me

I think itll prob be better for me to wait after the holidays so much to do and few days late. Her

You can sneak out for few drinks lol. Me

Well are you going to be down this way for something else? Id hate for you drive so far if I am going to have to keep it short. Her

Yeah I know I hear ya its all good. Me

I will hit you up thurs Me

Sure Her

Hey what is a good place we can meet up? Me

Sorry just saw this I cant tonight got company coming in tomorrow and have a lot to do also have a 9 am job interview tomorrow and have a lot to do also a 9 am job interview tomorrow so gotta be fresh and rested. Her

Damn party pooper lol we can after the holidays be better end up going out anyways cya Me

after holidays

How was your holidays? Me

Nice best in a while how bout yours enjoy the snow? Her

Mine was decent coulda been better yeah was nice being snowed in yesterday. Wanted to see what you up to this weekend if you are free to chill and come out. Me

Sorry was sleepin- I don't really gone up that way since I drive so much for work and have expired plates anyways I think its a bad idea. I gotta get this taken care of. her

Oh ok gotcha well ima be out that way Friday night we can kick it by you
Yeah whenever you are down this way hit me up! Her
Hey yo dude I am not going to be able to hang out this weekend got a last minute housewarming party thing to go to tonight and visiting me gma next couple days maybe I will see you around though. Her

Seems like she is making you jump through hoops to even have a drink, maybe. Or she feels unsure, How old are you both? I think some younger women can be nervous about meeting a guy from the internet.

Go ghost for a while, hit up other chicks. Then in a few days or a week try with her again, but have a stronger frame.

For example, don't ask so much. Be like I'm going to be over there on *insert day of the week* You should join me *insert activity* as oppossed to, do you want to *insert activity*.

Don't ask her what she wants, thats putting her in the position to choose, or putting yourself in the position of an option, that makes you look desperate. But you also can't just order her to do things.
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
I met her at a party. gotcha. yeah I should say join me but I want to try to get them to come over my house or go to their house you know how can I get them wanting to sleep with me what do I say there????

Yeah I see I know its weird.


Master Don Juan
Sep 5, 2013
Reaction score
OP is just talking way too much about sh!t that doesn't matter. Flirt and escalate that's ALL you have to do. Conversations are for beta faggots in relationships. A girl who is interested in sleeping with you will make it easy for you to figure out. This doesn't necessarily mean she's going to say "fvck me", though, so keep that in mind. Manipulative broads that are just going to waste your time are the ones who say sh!t like "You just want one thing from me" so be sure to next them. Of course you only want one thing from them, the ball's in their court for them to prove they're worth anything more than that. And the girls who say that aren't even looking to get fvcked anyway they just want some beta orbiter faggots and white knights DON'T BE THAT GUY!!
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
ok whats example of flirting/escalating like through text to get them to want to hangout and get them to come to my house?

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Rex is Going to Put You Up on Some Game

thelonewolflegend said:
I want to know how I can get a girl same night at the bar come home with me
:crackup:mad: your question. Dude, if there were some "magic words" that one could whisper into a chick's ear that get her so aroused that she would have this irresistible urge to suck and f*ck you, then Rex would be a f*cking billionaire and Rex would be having a reverse gangbang with Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lawrence, Amy Adams, Sophie Vergara, Sanaa Lathan, Jada Fire, Penelope Piper, Italia Blue, Avy Scott, and Masertati XXX, instead of typing you this reply.


Go to 5:48-6:01 of the tape. What Charm the Pimp is basically saying is that what he would say to one hoe to convince her to hoe for him isn't necessarily what he would say to the next b*tch.

The same principle applies to getting one night lays, what you say to one chick to get her to f*ck you on the same night, isn't what you say to next broad. Hell, what you say to a chick in the club as opposed to Starbucks, on the street, or grocery, or if she's with her friends, isn't the same thing because the situations are radically different. It was a matter of saying "x," thing, then muthaf*ckas would be taking my boot camp.

thelonewolflegend said:
I know takes some effort and other things I am just not sure how to go about it exactly that would make me stand out and all like what to say?
To quote Allen Iverson, "Practice." It's going to take lots, and lots, lots, and lots, and lots, of practice. Same day lays isn't about saying the right thing, per se, but it's about being able to calibrate properly, being in tuned with who you're hollerin' at, knowing where you are in the seduction with the chick, knowing when to "push/pull," knowing when to escalate, and knowing how to overcome last minute resistance.

thelonewolflegend said:
I wanna get girl and not have her play games or blow me off or act ignorant towards me.
And people in hell want ice water.

thelonewolflegend said:
If a girl is interested enough wouldn't they make ANY kind of time for you with no excuses?
Yes they would.
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
Ok problem is i cant get people go out with (my friends don tpick up women) on weekend i go out by myself its hard women talk to me they keep asking where are your friends and stuff and I look like creep when I approach or start convo HELP??
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
I tell them friends had to go home i want to party n stuff its hard to join a group of guys and superficial b's when they think im a killer or something??
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
Well what is best thing to say to get a woman to sleep with you????? That has worked for you man???? like basically what to say to get a woman to Laugh or Interested????


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2014
Reaction score
thelonewolflegend said:
My bad I was just wanting to get it out. I am telling you though wtf is it with these women and playing these BS games though? Why cant it just be normal like simple and how it should be what the hell I mean I guess women like can choose 50 dudes and we gotta bust our ass I guess just life.
Cant say I have ever had a woman begging to hang out with me lol wonder what you say to get her to do that? What would be more brief how would you reply if she asks or whatever good examples to use?? Yeah I cant seem to get a woman to ever text me first its always having to text them. What do you do when shes saying oh just be friends and I am busy and shes like well see do I act ignorant towards her?
exactly what you said. women can choose 50 dudes so she needs to know which one she is going to meet. she aint got time to meet all 50 so she weeds out the wimps.

i actually made a recent post on this and basically it's a **** test to weed out the douches, here she goes:


Nothin I just cant drive out there I work in O Fallon so I gotta come straight home after work to let my dog out. But if you were coming down this way I could maybe sneak out for a drink I have company coming in on Friday do I gotta make sure to clean the place too. Maybe after holidays is better? Her

No prob I can meet on thurs what time is good? Me

I think itll prob be better for me to wait after the holidays so much to do and few days late. Her

You can sneak out for few drinks lol. Me

Well are you going to be down this way for something else? Id hate for you drive so far if I am going to have to keep it short. Her

Yeah I know I hear ya its all good. Me

I will hit you up thurs Me

Sure Her


when you ask out a chick (make sure you say date/time/location) she can either accept/decline. but remember a decline doesnt mean no.

when you asked her out, if she was keen keen, she would of said no problem, i'll be there, no problems, no bullsh1t

but this time she came out with all sorts of sh1t. this is her saying 'hmmm i'm going to see how keen he is...if he is a high value man he won't tolerate this and he will move on and meet up with another girl much easier...that's IF he has girls...lets test this guy and see what he is like.'

you should of said 'hmmm sounds like it will be too much work and hassle meeting me on that day then...ok cool, let me know when you're free and we'll work something out'

^ if you had done that, you would of passed and now instantly YOU are different from 50 guys all trying to meet her instantly. and obviously a high value man of some sort. but instead you jumped at the opportunity as if this is a dream come true

to make things worse when she said 'i think the holidays will be better' (that's her maybe giving you another chance to redeem yourself?) you pretty much displayed begging by saying 'we can meet for a drink'. you basically said this: 'please comon even if you meet me for a an hour or something, i will be so happy with that because tbh i don't get much female attention and just a little scrap of it would mean the world to me!'

by that time she thinks. 'yep, he defo aint high value' and now she throws some nice words to you and seems to be nice. she is letting you down nicely and seeming not to hurt your feelings. she has no intentions of meeting you. she said yes to shut you up and was going to cancel before the meet up. 100%

this is all it takes for men to fcuk up. just something so small like that. imagine what other things you have been doing that aren't right? add all those small things together and wallah. you have your answer why you are having problems with women. i have just gone through an almost EXACT situation like this and i fcuked up!

good luck mate


Don Juan
May 2, 2013
Reaction score
thelonewolflegend said:
she said I am busy this weekend and I am not looking for anything romantic we would just be friends
This says all you need to know, she ain't interested.

thelonewolflegend said:
I said that's cool we can hangout next week I will hit you up shes like well see and sounded ignorant why??
What's the point in hanging out with her if she doesn't want to bang?

Because she was blowng you off and you were still asking her to chill. This girl ain't in to you, she has made it painfully clear. Hit up some new girls and don't let her make you look dumb.