Homie, your definition of feminism is wrong. its not to take power but to equallize the sex.
There is no such thing as "equal." Two conditions exist in human interactions, power and absence of power. Feminists use the term "equal" as a way to soften their true desire for complete female dominance. Only weak minded people actually believe that a group who champions the ruination of all things male wants to be equal to males.
So I cant take an unknown womans side, but you are willing to take an unknown mans side in the hope that he was your former self in that a girl rejected you? and she is automatically labelled a biznatch?
Um..duh. You take the males side because you are a male. Males and females think differently, one uses logic and the other uses emotions. Logic is superior.
Damn just think for a second of all the females that are in your life right now, mom, sister, aunts, grandma, etc and you would not defend them because of your view that all women exaggerate.
The women in my life are anti-feminists for your information. My mom especially. She feels that females who "need help" are inferior and need to take a stand by themselves and not hide behind some thinly disguised feminazi movement in hopes that they will defend her.
So lets not take any rape cases seriously because they are obviously lying about it.
That sentence has nothing to do with anything you wrote before, Ill kindly ask you to stop grabbing at anything you can find to dig yourself out of this whole you have created.
So you have never heard of a man that exaggerates his story of the number of women that he has slept with or that because a girl does not like him that she is a biznatch, but yet later on that night the same girl you labelled as a biznatch is talking to some other guy that is not creeping her out.
Yes, I have heard of that. Does it matter at all? NO. You are attempting to compare apples to oranges and it doesn't work. Men do the approaching, females do the receiving. Its not the other way around, so you can't compare piddly little things like men getting rejected to rape.
Your logic is so off.
Well, if my logic is SO off, you should have no problem cutting off your d1ck and becoming a feminist then.
I win, you lose, please die.