Office Space and not caring


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2002
Reaction score
Boston, MA, USA
I'm sure many of us have seen the movie Office Space. I've seen it several times, though I've always missed the first half hour or so, until today. This movie got me thinking about acting like you don't care abut stuff (and especially women). I've now devised a theory that seems to fit.

To sum the movie up, a guy who's completely stressed out with work and life, not to mention his dominant girlfriend, goes to a hypnotherapist who puts him into a trance wherein he stops worrying and loses his inhibitions. The therapist, however, has a heart attack before he can bring him out of the trance. The rest of the movie is about the hilarious results of his non chalant attitude (he unscrews the wall of his cubical so he can have a view, goes fishing during work hours and guts the fish in his cubical, etc.).

Now, I'm sure most of us have tried to act like we don't care about girls, to try to get their interest. Obviously, this rarely works. Why? Well, there is no lack of men who act uninterested or just don't make their move. Homosexuals, guys who have no nerve, and other guys trying to act uninterested. So, assuming that she knows anything about the subject (and women usually do), she'll either assume that you don't find her sexually attractive, you're a complete wuss, or you're just someone with no experience with how to treat a woman.

Yet we see stuff here about not caring. Somethings amiss here. Well, thats where Office Space comes in. As I mentioned, the protaganist has a girlfriend that's, quite frankly, a *****. He begins the movie always worrying about offending her, and bending to her will. After gettting hypnotized, he completely blows everthing off the next day, work, her, and just sleeps in. She calls and starts reaming him out. He, not caring, just hangs up. She calls again, leaving a message about how nobody hangs up on her, how they're through, and she's been cheating on him. He, meanwhile, is taking a nice nap.

Soon after, he goes to a resturant where the waitress he's had a crush on works (the chick who plays Rachel on Friends). He simply goes up to her and asks her out to lunch. He does it very calmly and you can tell that he's in complete control and isn't worrying about what she'll say. She, of course, accepts, and they meet at a resturant across the street. When he mentions that he doesn't want to work anymore, she asks him what he wants to do. He simply says that he wants to take her out to dinner, then he wants to take her back to his place so they can watch kung fu movies. She, of course, agrees (ok, she loves kung fu movies).

What did I learn from this? The whole idea about not caring? Its more detailed and involved.

First, you need to project a sense that you don't care about much in general. I'm not saying that you should be a total slacker, but that you should have a non chalant kind of confidence. That you know that things are under control and there's no point worrying about them.

Second, you need to tell yourself that you don't really care about girls. I'm not saying that you shouldn't care at all, just that you need to tell yourself not to care solely about them. There are more important things in the world.

Last, you need to tell yourself, again, that you can't worry about success. If you worry, you delay, you hesitate. And, as the saying goes "Hesitation is like masturbation. In the end, you're only screwing yourself." (BTW, who's quote is that?) So, if you hesitate, you never find out if you would have succeeded in the first place.

Now, all of this probably sounds familiar, and thats because it is. There are plenty of articles on each of the three points I listed. However, you all know the feeling you get when, after having read something here and having put some thought into it, it suddenly clicks. You understand what its about. Well, Office Space did that for me for these particular aspects of DJism. I hope this has helped someone and that I've provoked some thought.



Senior Don Juan
Jun 25, 2001
Reaction score
Edmond, Oklahoma, USA
Hey great post. I totally agree with it. After I saw this movie, I went out and bought it the next day. First because it's funny as hell, and second, it shows a good way to approach life. Now obviously you can't take it to that extream, but it's a good guide.

I have tried this attitude, and it works wonders. Whenever I approach a woman I just act like I don't really care what she thinks about me. I keep the same mindset when asking them out too. I also always act like I have no stress in my life. Here's an example of what I did to this girl during finals week.

Her: Oh man I am so nervous about the final in here. I've studied for hours.

Me: Really? I guess I should probably get started then huh?

Her: You haven't even started yet? Are you crazy? You're going to fail.

Me: Maybe, but I doubt it. I listen in class, and I still have two days left. I'll be fine.

Her: I can't believe how calm you're being about this. You'll blow your "A" in here.

Me: Haha. It amazes me how stressed people get over a stupid letter. But maybe I should study hard these next two nights. Listen, you know your stuff in here. Why don't you come over tonight and you can help me learn this stuff. I'll cook us some dinner.

Her: What makes you think I should help you?

Me: Very funny. Here's my apartment number. Dinner's at 7, so be there at 6:30. If I'm cooking then you're setting the table.

Her: I might be there then.

Me: Whatever. If you're not there at 6:30 then I'll just take the dinner next door to Sara's.

Well of course she came over. A few days later she commented on how she likes the fact that I always seem in control of things. What's funny is that I was really very nervous about the test. I regretted putting it off. However, she had no idea. So never showing others that things are getting to you is a great way to make girls wet for you. It shows confidence.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2002
Reaction score
Boston, MA, USA
I sure hope the only reason you even considered studying was the whole date thing. ;) I stayed up till 3am the night before my SATs, never studied one iota, and I got a 1420. Heh, I love bragging. :D

Seriously tho, it's comforting when the first reply is an agreement.