Of erections, proms, and jealousy.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
1) How to you control boners? They're embarassing, and dancing causes them.

2) I'm going to prom with the best friend of the girl I used to like. The girl I used to like has a boyfriend. The girl I liked doesn't seem slutty, but I hope she doesn't kiss him in front of me. I shot myself in the foot by doing this.

What sort of suggestions do you have? Besides playing off the jealousy, is there a way to make the girl I do like like me? Make the other guy seem posessive of her? Or make the girl I like jealous of the girl I'm with?

I have a soap opera on my hands.

3) I want prom stories and tales of how you all pursued your dates after the prom itself.

Mr. Debonaire

Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
in front of my computer
1) if you don't want a hardon, don't dance close, its that simple. if you do, the little soldier will salute for sure. BUT, if this is a girl that really likes you and is comfortable with her sexuality, she may get turned on by it. my prom date last year was doing simple stuff when we were grinding until i got a very noticeable something or other going on in my pants :D

she loved it! she started getting really hot and was already making out with me and feeling up my crotch when we got into the limo

2) dance with EVERYONE!!! make sure to include the girl you like once or maybe twice, but THATS IT! dance with your date the most (showing proper respect, you did go together after all) , but other girls also

3) haha so ya went to the big afterparty out on this girls farm (not boonies but not the city either) and all these stupid young kids from the school showed up. the girls dad comes out, drunk as..... well, drunk as most of us were. gets onto his tractor, and starts threatening to move the cars with the loader on the front. started doing it to, so we left in a hurry lol. went to a smaller party, maybe 30 people, hung out with my date/friends and their dates. kissed another girl, told my date i was just kidding around, went out to the hot tub (was getting pretty drunk by now) stayed out there a couple hours (the water was soooo nice) making out with date and such.... then, when everyone left, we polluted the tub :cool: :up:

date passed out on couch on hour later, drank and played poker with my buds, passed out with another girl (friendzone chick) woke up went back to my date slept with her woke up the next morning and left before cleanup :D

good times, good times


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
jacksonville, FL
Dude, just enjoy the erections, cuz when you are fifty or older, U gonna wish you could still get it up!!!:woo:


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
Good replies, and humourous too.
Now I have a new question.

Here's the situation:

1) I'm going to prom with the best friend of the girl I went to prom with last year. We're eating with my prom date from last year and her date (her boyfriend). I really really liked my prom date from last year and was going to ask her out but waited TOO long, and it seemed as we would go out, but all the world waited for me and I didn't know what to do.

Many people have said that this will be awkward. I really don't know how to conduct myself. It will be a cesspool of jealousy: me jealous of the guy who beat me, and she'll be able to easily compare me to him, and if I prove to be the best, than she'll be jealous of her best friend. Her best friend may also like other guy too.

2) If he is a c0ck-bl0cker, what do I do?

3) How do I keep the conversation about something I can participate in?

4) What if it never changes?

5) What if they start kissing or making out and crap (she prides herself on her Christianness, but we'll see...)?

6) What if my date says I'm mean? (I'm actually being less AFC and more DJ)

7) What if it becomes a contest between the other guy and me to see who can get more from our dates?

I can't believe the situation I got myself into. The girl I like is similar to the girl I'm going to prom with. The biggest reason I'm going with her is to see how I lost, more of a learning experience really.

At least I'm on the prom court and will hopefully become king.
I know this was long, but after prom, I may not need as much for a while. Thanks everyone.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2002
Reaction score
^ Yup. Especially if you're dancing, she'll just ride it like even harder :)


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
Wow man, just let it go. You've been talking about the same girl in every thread you've made. She doesn't like you, she has a boyfriend. Remember, you're going with her friend, NOT her. It shouldn't be and doesn't have to be awkward at all. Just don't make it awkward. You need to get over this girl. And don't say its the girl you "used to like" because its apparent you still like her. You need to just concentrate on your date and having fun with her. You're not going to sweep the other girl off her feet or anything because she has a boyfriend, so just let it go.

Sorry if that sounds harsh, but it's the truth. You need a wakeup call.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
That's right. She is the reason I joined this forum. It's what I used to feel that I can't get over. I used to think that she was clean, fun to be around, funny, pretty, and not slutty. Sluttiness is the biggest turn-off for me. I know it is very cliche to say, but she really was different. I can't really discern between the personality of one girl and the next. It's really difficult to explain. To me, she really seemed to be more than a set of boobs and a vagina.

But then some other girl said that she used me and was just playing around with my head. The girl who told me this liked me in ninth grade and she said that I could have done better than the girl I liked. Girls can be known to be very Machivellian and stir up troubles and lies. It's hard to know what is true and what isn't.

But the reason I'm going to prom with her friend is that her friend is a lot like her personalitywise, plus I want to see who I lost to. I still think it was more of a race to ask her out than a boxing match to see who was better. Her, wanted to feel love picked him because her got their first. That is what I thought before one girl told me that Lauren used me.
Anyone have any similar confrontations (see my first post on this thread)?


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by wavejams007
Dude, just enjoy the erections, cuz when you are fifty or older, U gonna wish you could still get it up!!!:woo:
They have pills for that now...


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2002
Reaction score
Wow buddy, talk about complicating life and overanalyzing situations that haven't even happened yet!

What you need to do is just chill out, sit back, and enjoy the ride. Prom is supposed to be a good time, and with all these concerns swimming in your mind, you WON'T be fun at all... You'll be worried about "What should I say next?", or "How am I compared to him?". Take that ****, and throw it out the window, because at this point nothing really matters except you having a good time.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Maeisgood
That's right. She is the reason I joined this forum. It's what I used to feel that I can't get over. I used to think that she was clean, fun to be around, funny, pretty, and not slutty. Sluttiness is the biggest turn-off for me. I know it is very cliche to say, but she really was different. I can't really discern between the personality of one girl and the next. It's really difficult to explain. To me, she really seemed to be more than a set of boobs and a vagina.

But then some other girl said that she used me and was just playing around with my head. The girl who told me this liked me in ninth grade and she said that I could have done better than the girl I liked. Girls can be known to be very Machivellian and stir up troubles and lies. It's hard to know what is true and what isn't.

But the reason I'm going to prom with her friend is that her friend is a lot like her personalitywise, plus I want to see who I lost to. I still think it was more of a race to ask her out than a boxing match to see who was better. Her, wanted to feel love picked him because her got their first. That is what I thought before one girl told me that Lauren used me.
Anyone have any similar confrontations (see my first post on this thread)?
Okay, all of that may be true, but it still doesn't change anything I said. You need to forget about that girl.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
Maybe we're both right. I'll post to tell y'all how it went.

One of you all may be a writer for soap operas or something, this can be good material for you.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
jacksonville, FL
Skeetman, you are right, but all the more power to yay if you don't need the pills later.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
I just think if she bumps into it, it'll feel awkward and she'll tell her friends and stuff.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
Come on people, more about the whole me vs. the other guy and Lauren thing. This is the biggest night of the year and this is why I joined Don Juan. It doesn't have to be much, just something.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Maeisgood
Come on people, more about the whole me vs. the other guy and Lauren thing. This is the biggest night of the year and this is why I joined Don Juan. It doesn't have to be much, just something.
Yeah, the whole thing is, you're going to prom with a different girl. There shouldn't be the whole "you vs. the other guy" at prom. That's selfish and unfair to your date. If you don't really wanna go with her then tell her. Wait to try and get the other girl after prom. And if this is the biggest night of the year and why you joined Don Juan, shouldn't you have asked her out first?


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
United States
Originally posted by Maeisgood
Come on people, more about the whole me vs. the other guy and Lauren thing. This is the biggest night of the year and this is why I joined Don Juan. It doesn't have to be much, just something.
familyguy brings up an original and great point. This is best night of some people's lives. Why do you have to bring your problems into it? Just have fun with YOUR date ok. You're not going to win the other girl over in 1 night. Just have fun and and a great time with your date.

Mr. Debonaire

Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
in front of my computer
don't forget, this isn't just the biggest night of your life. its the biggest night of this lauren girls life too. so do your own thing, have fun, and let her do her thing. if she really likes the guy she went with, its not going to make any difference what you do. they will have too many opportunities to be alone.

im sorry to say this man, but your screwed. for prom at least. you should have just asked her

have fun with your date, after prom go back to gaming her. be fair to both of you.