O>O hb7 asian encounter


Senior Don Juan
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
bay area
This has been a great week, ive followed ross jeffries unstoppable confidence and david deangelo belief system and had a ball. Today though i put my pick-up knowledge to the test a bit. Me and my friend(afcish friend) and his girl and her girlfriend rolled down to the market place. NOw here is the story:

we in the hallway chilling and me and my friend are busting our friend about crying at the drink and drive assembly. WE decide to go to village. As we walk we were have two separate conversation(girls side and boy side) I said,"why are we having to two split conversation." MY friends girl said, well what are yall talking about?" i replied," we were wondering who lies more men or women?"
they automatically said men(perfect). i casually explained with surprise" men. men will lie about little stuff like those pants dont make your butt fat. while women will lie about stuff like its your baby then 18 years later its not your baby."(laughs) i felt good then we were walking and i was chit chatting how long myfriend(his name:mark) mark and his girl been together.

They went on to say two months. i replied well are yall gonna angela jolie, brad pitt it(have a baby) or jayz and beyonce it(get marrried secretly). they sped up and i was left with the target.(i was a little nervous but i didnt care like everything was gravy). me and the target(ill use brit) were talking about art.(same art class) before my friends sped off i hit gave her a neg hit,"nice hair but is it real." she was shocked and chuckled a bit and clamored," yea im asian, asian dont wear weaves. I shot back,"well you never know nowadays." she smiles and say well everytime i see you your smiling and your by yourself. me: well im happy im having fun by myself. i go on to say yea art is fun how long you been in art? she said " huh" i then went on with "this whole year" and she quicky responded yeah. i asked if she had a easel, and i was like"oh nice". Then along the way i said "nice shoes"(i think i didnt smile or somewhat i did) she said "are being sarcastic?" (i kinda was) did you buy those new?(****y funny joke) she took kinda funny then explain about her shoes and stuff. target: i cant believe your a senior i thought you were a junior
me: you think ima junior, ok does a junior look this good and muscular like this with chin hairs and mustache.
then downhill it went....

i went on to say, "well are you guys going to 8 period(back to school) she justly replied"no." i looked funny and said" oh i thought you were a good girl?"
(this is the intense part) she started spewing forth," i am a good girl, i am just cutting once. why do you think ima good girl because im asian? yea you do stereotyping me. i then said,"no im not" (maybe i should added no, take it easy its just a joke someone is a little off the rocker) i then threw my friend in "well mark told me you were good girl like your friend." we walk past a knit place and i tell her you should get that hat(the ugly one) and she offers me to get the pink one. I then bust out," naw i got a sense of style baby." i think i heard someone insult me. the target or mark's girl but i kept pushing on. (a complete lie shes kinda hoe) We go to the smoothie place and they order smoothies.i ask if she can get me a smoothie she's like no. the girl drops a straw piece on my head and i pick it and throw it at her. Shes like," thanks." (im looking like Bit#h you suck but i was kinda tryna be playful but i sensed me and her were on bad terms so i jerk sided it.i.e. become a jerk) NOW this is the worst diss you can possibly get, she opened the door, and i walked through and she closed it and they walked out the other door. im not gonna lie apart of me was hurt but i kinda didnt care but i was showing a little hurt in my face. we walked to starbucks and i was a little quiet and i said"im bored". mark's girl asked me what you wanna do," iono." ( i knew i wanted to leave because it was boring, the target is X out of the equation and ill just be a third wheel.

HERES ANOTHER DISS: we go sit down by the seats, and i sit at her table, and she gets up and move away.( im like wow) Mark's girl then says" I feel bad for him. ( she said this twice through the smoothie place and transitioning.) something in then snaps, its like im not gonna waste my time around some loser jerk girl, and be a third wheel to mark so i got up and walked to mark shook his hand" im out" mark:where you going.
Me: im gonna go home or go downtown ya know. later mark
i walk off and marks girl yells alright colla, and i dont look back i put out the peace sign on my left shoulder and say "aite."
i think brit said bye but i gave no recognizing of it, i realized she missed out on a great guy so f:uck her.

but twist of fate i walk to the grocery store and i see my mom and she gives me a ride. i felt rejection but i felt so happy too. Its like the old me was like in pain and was like get depressed but the new me im striving to be said "f#uck dat girl she missed out. i admit i didnt say the greatest thing but she is just a crazy insecure slut bag.

Honestly: what did i do right? what do i do wrong? im not focused on the girl when i see her at school she just doesnt exist like im seeing right through her but ill be friend with the mark's girl just to make it a little edgy.
i want honest opinions.
"we only live once why not make it the best one"


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2008
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
wow dude. I feel that. A lot of posts have like a really happy ending, but yours is the real deal man. That's what it's all about. You just try your best. So what if it doesn't work out. It's her loss. I think you did the right thing.