Now I am confused

The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
Odd situation today regarding the girl and I dunno what exactly it all means - considering hte girl isn't even a real part of this:

Well, first, a lot of people (including the girl I like) were like "OMG, TCK was on TV!!" Well actually, I was on the two big plasma TV's in front of the main office (we were bwlow budget and got TV's) and I'm the anchor to our school's news show.

Anyway, back to class. First, we get this little 1-question shoty essay quiz. I finished pretty quickly, and I covered all the bases. Meanwhile, the girl looks like she is writing a novel, and I joke with her on that. As usual, myself, her, her guy friend (B) and other guy (C) talk during class, since we had a sub anyway. The only bad thing about this was that my good friend wasn't there (provides backup if I slip, and he sees this from another part of the room) since he was on a field trip.

So, we're still all talking and then she has to leave for her locker to get her jacket. That's when things get interesting...

...guy B says to me as she getting up "TCK, we gotta talk about a couple things." After I said a confused "ok......", he talked to me about me and the chick I like. First, he says I can't laugh at her (I did like once or twice, for good reasons). I said something that would be equilavent to "have you ever heard of neg-hitting?" Apparently, despite that guy B is a flirt, he never heard of anything like that. I explained that being nice to the girl all the time is not going to work. I think he may have told me she didn't catch that (the neg hit) every single time I did it (I do like once or so each class...not a lot). After that, he told me "TCK, you still have a chance with her." Me, not being an idiot, asked "So she must have said something to you?" He just looked down and shurgged. That was about it, then we left. I do get along with both guys just fine though.

First off, I am really, really confused. I am 99.9% sure that I did not give away anything that would show I "like" her. I watched what I said, so I know it wasn't there. I also would not think I gave anything away through body language - I sit directly in front of her, so I just turn around and face her, like I would for anyone else. One important thing is that a lot of guys get real nervous when they talk to her - I'm very relaxed. Plus, in response to what someone had said before, I have been talking to other girls (and danced w/ some stranger chick at homecoming because she looked OK and I was on the dance floor at the time - plus, I couldn't find the girl I like) - I also was interviewing a decent-looking chick for the school paper today, and that looked good. Anyway:

1.) What could this mean?
2.) How would he know I like her? My only guess is because at HC, he asked who I would most want to dance with, and eventually I said her. I have a feeling he didn't tell her this though, so nothing bad came from that.
3.) "I still have a chance with her..." what could that mean?

Any help on this is appreciated.


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
I don't know how you can't see this. It's so CLEAR. The girl obviously likes you and she is probably whipping this "friend" of yours to play matchmaker.


What more do you want? You keep posting about ONE girl and what she does. Then you always ask "What does this mean?" Implying that you want to know if she likes you.


You have your answer, now it's up to you to bring it to the next step.

How this, why that...any more useless questions?

It's obvious that you like her and you are worried about getting hurt so you keep asking if she likes you or not.


P.S. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, if you want to make another thread about her, make sure its a FR. Stop asking if she likes you and start getting some action.

The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by bluelemond
I don't know how you can't see this. It's so CLEAR. The girl obviously likes you and she is probably whipping this "friend" of yours to play matchmaker.


What more do you want? You keep posting about ONE girl and what she does. Then you always ask "What does this mean?" Implying that you want to know if she likes you.


You have your answer, now it's up to you to bring it to the next step.

How this, why that...any more useless questions?

It's obvious that you like her and you are worried about getting hurt so you keep asking if she likes you or not.


P.S. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, if you want to make another thread about her, make sure its a FR. Stop asking if she likes you and start getting some action.
I really hope you're right on this - it sounds encouraging to say the least lol. If all goes smooth tomorrow, I'll give it a shot.

But Bluelemond, if ur wrong...:trouble: :trouble: :trouble:

The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
Just curious if anyone wanted to add anything else to what Bluelemond said, just for the sake of another opinion being there that may also help me.


Don Juan
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
Perth, Australia
It wouldn't surprise me if she rejected you. You're being so unbelievably indecisive, saying "Does she like me?" all the time.

You may know about neg hits, and all that jazz, but, you're missing the fundamentals here:


Assume that she likes you. Who wouldn't? You wouldn't have wasted so much time worrying about whether she likes you or not if you'd have just assumed the sale from the beginning.

And who cares if she doesn't? Obviously, theres something wrong in her head. Don't worry about it.



Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
don;t don;'t don;t neg too much. once a class is excessive if u see her everyday. u;ll kill all attraction eventually she'll think ur mean (happened to me) since u already took her off her pedestal. Ya ok just ask her out now

The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
I'll probably be back on these forums Monday (like for en extended period of time), but I gotta ask the girl out on Monday.

I wanted to ask her out today. I was lining it up and was walking towards her when some other chick I've never spoken to in my life just blocks my path and starts talking to me. By the time I get away, the girl I like is gone and I was like WTF!

Oh well...I feel real confident about it now since I talked to her again today. There was one little thing that could mean something good, but it's not signifigant enough to post here.

I'm just gonna get it done, any means neccessary Monday. I really wanted to do it today, but I gotta wait a couple more days.
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The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by bluelemond
I hope your excited TCK because tomorrow is the day!
haha thanks man!

I'm coming in to tomorrow with the Eye of the Tiger...literally. I'm dressing up as Rocky for Halloween (the sweats from that scene where he runs up the steps, and I'll also have taped wrists/hands, the little ski hat he's wearing, Everlast wristbands and two gloves hanging over my neck).

I am pysched lol! We'll see what happens...

If she says yes, "yo" that's great!
If not, then I gotta knock out that feeling, although it may be tough. (Yes, I know my attempts to sound like Rocky are lame).

Maybe I go up to her and be like "Yo (her name)" (if she knows I'm Rocky) :woo: :p

The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
God hates me. Seriously, he does.

As Bluelemond meant by his last post here, I went up to her after last period. I'm in the middle of "u got a sec" (I walked up to her) when one of her best guy friends (big, sculpted football captain who I get along well with) whirls around and steals something she was carrying. After she gets it back and all THREE of us are walking together (*I told them my friend 's locker was in that direction), I asked her again if she has a sec. She says yes, so I'm thinking "phew."

But NOOOOO. The football guy is like "what's up? you can talk to us about anything." I am friends with him (not real close friends though) and he's just trying to be nice, but I dunno if he knew what I was trying to get at - he's not exactly the smartest person there is. I had that look on my face that was like "ur joking, right?". So I had to drop it and I can either:

1.) Wait till the very beginning of the school day tomorrow (like 1st period). I can either see her immediately after 1st period or call her down to the office before the day officialy begins.

2.) Call her cell. Now this depends on if I get the number, and there is a small chance I can get the number.

3.) Online - I hate this, so I probably will not do this, although I can definately talk to her (she said she wanted me to IM her before). Only if she brings it up will I MAYBE say something. I may actually ask her for her cell #, THEN ask her out.

Either way, I was like WTF*(@#$&@(#&@(&!!!!! today. Now I know that when I want to do something, I have to do it immediately. First time I see her at all tomorrow, that's it - it's going down. If there are people around, I move them out of the way.

I apologize for not being able to do it today. I am very frustrated. I was getting into it as well, which made it even worse. Tomorrow, I will see her around 4 times. I will definately get it done by then - it's inevitable if I see her 4 times lol. I know Bluelemond was looking foward to this, but I didn't see this coming either. I had a clear path when I started, but obviously that didn't work. Tomorrow, douring those 4 times, I KNOW FOR A FACT no one else is around.

I was thinking "how could this happen?" I had the timing and hr guy friend came. I ask if I can talk to HER for a sec, and he goes through an apparent brain fart and doesn't realize where I'm going with this. Oh well. Tomorrow WILL be different - I am P-I-S-S-E-D.
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The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
There is one real good thing from this however... see, I was talking to a friend and we came up with the PERFECT way to ask her out. She probably knows it's coming, so to counter this, I will sound VERY confident, almost too confident. It will go something like this:

ME: "Hey (girl's name), I'm planning to go to the mall (we got a BIG mall w/ a movie theater) and probably catch a movie Saturday and I want you to be my date (the "date" part I feeel can be taken out if it needs to be). You got anything going on Saturday?

GIRL: umm...I'm not really sure.

ME: Well, you do now. Is 5 pm a good time to pick you up?

How's this sound? I feel this way of doing it screams confidence.
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The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score

And right now, it doesn't look so great. As you may have expected, I did not recieve a "yes", nor did I receive a "no."

So, I caught up with her today in the morning, and tried to use the line I mentioend in the psot above this one. The 1st half went well...but she is seeing her brother upstate at college this weekend. After that, I suddenly realized I have the class where my teacher docks u a full letter grade for being late, so we "agreed" to talk later.

Of course, since "agreed" was in quotes, I had to take charge. After the lst period (I'm in her class), her guy friend was jsut talking and talking to her, nonstop. Luckily, I know that they park in different spots, so at some point, they have to part ways. I was talking to my friend on my cell phone so it looked like I was busy and also to discuss what was going on. I see them split, and I shout out her name (luckily, no one was really there lol), and she turned around and stopped.

She made the impresssion when she was walking that she was in a hurry. Me, showing some sort of control, still took my usual time getting to her once she stopped (I wasn't going to run). Anyway, I re-wroded my approach (changed the date to Tuesday) and went with that. She said "I'm not sure, I'll have to see", but she sounded and appeared hurried.

I started to get a little frustrated with her response. She was trying to avoid giving a clear answer either way, and I didn't like that. As I left, I just told her (assertively) that I'll be seeing her in school, and trying to show I'm gonna need that answer pretty soon. I jsut don't want to get dragged into a long drama. I do feel I did a good job getting the "asking out" part across - I didn't stumble and I gave clear eye contact the whole time."

SO, ho is this one interpreted? My friends all say "ah, don't worry - wait till Thursday (won't really see her tomorrow) and ask her for an answer. I feel "this probably means no - it was worth a shot though."

What do you think?


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
I think you have 2 options:

1) A complete freeze out. The silent treatment. You are punishing her for bad behavior, since she didn't want to give you a straight "yes". This will work assuming that she enjoys your company. What she thought she had (your company, and having a fun time) you take it away so she realizes how much she needs it. Just don't mess up on this silent treatment. Hopefully you learned something last time.

2) Act completely normal. Her indesicion did not affect you at all. Everything is fine and she did not control your emotions. You will not be affected and her response is trivial to you. You could care less.

She might or might not want to go out with you depending on if you initiated kino early on, thus escalating from the friends zone. You should know what I'm talking about so I won't go any further.

The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
I'll probably go with #2 for right now, although I can do either. If she keeps trying to make me wait through this week and into next, then I may try #1.

As for kino - there was some, but not really a ton. She sits BEHIND me in my class, so I can't go over and start kino-ing her without the teacher maikng me stop. I've been able to do it a few times, but not really often.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
I think she's just trying to avoid answering your question because she knows what it's going to lead to. At this point, I'd take most of my attention away from her.

Good Luck:cool:


Don Juan
Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Originally posted by SynapsyS
This thread makes me feel like i'm 13.
Lol. Was thinking the exact same thing.
No offense TCK. But from the sound of it, it aint goin all too smoothly. I'd bail and move on. But hey thats just me.
Sometimes perseverance prevails. But not always.

[]D [] []V[] []D

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2004
Reaction score
Id say play the gangji game (ignore her).

Face it, you asked her TWO times and she doesnt want to answer your question cuz she doesnt want to hurt you.

But i dont mind.

So "no"

Just move on and let her chase after you

The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
I had a feeling she said no because she tried making up an excuse or something like that.

Anyway, I decided to just act completely normal and figured nothing would happen today - we didn't have that one class today, so I wouldn't even see her.


I had to go to the guidance office for something. The hallway that is in the main office/guidance office is about the width of two people (if even that). When I walked in and looked up as I walked through that hall, I saw her (with eye contact) and was thinking "d'oh!" It was inevitable that we would have to acknowledge each other, or else it would have looked pretty bad in front of some other people, even if I was trying to "ignore" her. I said hey, she said hey back, and I used an ounce of kino (touched her arm on my way through, since the hall was, of course, very narrow lol).

I'm just going to act as if everything is normal, but probably not talk to her as often (just b/c it will probably be a little awkward for a week or two).
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