nothing to do


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2003
Reaction score
cincinnati ohio
I live in cincinnati and theres not much to do here. i go to a public school with 80% black (im white) and most of the white girls are ugly. i just got a car but i cant find anywhere to go. i thought getting a car would change everything, but it didnt change sh*t. i did go to the movie theater (walked aroud, didnt talk to any girls or watch a movie), skating rink(didnt skate or talk to any girls) and a resturant (didnt eat or talk to any girls). it seems like all the good looking girls travel in paks. anyway i dont know what to do. what should i do?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
Reaction score
get a pack of your friends and cruise around just have fun man....i live in a fvcking village where summer is when all the tourists come to camp and thers nothing to do here, all my friends just get in the car blare the music and driv up and down the streets hollarin at them chicks usually tellin them to get in the car go for some dq use your imagination


Don Juan
Apr 18, 2003
Reaction score
i live in jersey

i have no car

just moved here ( bairly any friends i can depend on )

i need a car to go everywhere

only place i see humans is in school

ahhh, what a life


Master Don Juan
Jun 24, 2002
Reaction score
I have a similar problem. I thought getting a car would change everything too, but it didn't change ****. I live in a city with 110,000 people, yet there is nothing to do.

The big problem is my friends, really. They sit at home alone all day and I do to, and I call them up and ask if they want to do something, and they always ask "like what?"(they never come up with the ideas, I have to), and I say "i dont know, just come over here and I will try to have a few people over and we can just chill and we will find something fun to do."

but they usually refuse, so I say "ok, here, I'll give you a few ideas.

chill here with a few people and play pool & darts ---"nah"

cruise around -- "why? where?"

watch a movie here on the bigscreen-- "no, boring!"

go to a restaurant--- "I am lazy and dont have a job, so I have no $$$"

ice skating, bowling, mini golf, golf ---"i gots no $$$"

soccer, frisbee in the park, tennis ---"huh? no!"

Poker, monopoly, any kind of board game---"What are you talking about? That is the most ridiculous idea I have ever heard."

Ok.. video games?---"nah, I think I will sit at home and play them alone instead."

This is about when I give up, say "**** you", and go play guitar or workout or do something alone. My friends are lame. The only thing they ever want to do is smoke pot, drink, or do some other drug, which is why I just stopped smoking pot.----ooh this is really about to turn into a rant now, so you may not want to read this.

I went to Panama City Beach on spring break with 3 friends and one of their mothers. the friend's mom bought us all the beer we wanted. In PCB during spring break there are just SWARMS of GORGEOUS girls, and almost all of the rest are still not ugly. During the trip I just wanted to go party with people and meet girls (you know most of those girls on spring break are looking for a good ONS). I wanted to go to Club la Vela, which has parties for teens, but every time I suggested this, my friends refused because they would rather smoke pot or get piss drunk, or just sit at the condo. At the beach there were so many hot girls in bikinis, but instead of walking down to the part of the beach they were on like I kept suggesting, we sat in a part that mostly had adults and kids. Every time I suggested we go somewhere that we could meet people and socialize they refused. I just didn't get it. I barely ever got the chance to talk to girls because they just wanted to eat, sleep, drink, smoke, and watch TV.

I definitely need new friends, but the problem is that I honestly can't find anyone who knows how to have fun without getting a buzz, except for those people who I would never want to be seen with. SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS SUCKS.

I could use some more ideas, though, so if anyone has more suggestions, let me know.