Yo Tryst Type,
Your screen name, when compared to your supposed stance on long term dating, is a bit "ironic" isn't it? Or did you mean for it to be interpreted that way? lol
But I digress...
So let's meet in the War Room briefly and discuss this:
tryst type said:
Part of me feels intimidated by all her sexual experiences by so many guys. I've only been with 3 girls in long relationships and she's had more than double that.
I know I should just be confident in myself but is there anything thatd help me get over this thoughts?
I've found that despite what you will hear repetitiously posted on most seduction
message boards, and even forums like this one, that men often sell themselves short when it comes to assessing their true Female Engagement capabilities.
Sure, there is a lot to be said for having had sexual experiences with many dfferent women------and the pros to having such experience is obvious. So we don't even have to go into them again here. Instead, let's look at all the possible pros that can come from man having LIMITED experience with many women---but A LOT of experience with EACH woman.
Now, make no mistake. I am NOT championing the cause of ignorance here, but rather, I am extolling the virtues of a man having a more intimate knowledge of the female psyche as the result of him having taken the time to "specialize" in getting to know a smaller, more select, group of them.
Men, such as yourself, Tryst, have actually managed to accomplish MANY things that the much celebrated, and over-hyped "Frequent-Random-Chick Fukkers" probably have NOT:
Here are three possible BENEFITS that men gain from being "able" to sustain a Long Term Relationshp:
1. YOU can actually keep a girl interested in you beyond a one night stand or short-term relationship.
2. YOU have more qualities going for you other than just your ability to throw your Dikk like a javelin. The women you've been in LTR with obviously saw you as having value that lasted long after they had STOPPED orgasming.
3. YOU have a curiosity, a willingness, and a certain level of empathy for women that they pick up on----and that's what caused them to be able to connect with you in such a way that they WANTED to be "officially and publicly" attached to you.
Not many men in this day and age of disposable dikks and promiscuous pusssy know the
first thing about what it takes to adequately survive
"as a MAN" in the context of a long term relationship---let alone "thrive".
Sure, not that being in relationships
in general is any better than
not being in relationships, but the point I'm trying to make here is that you should NEVER underestimate the knowledge, the attitudes, or the skills you've honed just by nature of actually having been in relationships.
There's a goal medal for distance runners
as well as sprinters in these Relationship Olympic Games, my friend.
So don't fukking forget that!
It's better to be the type of guy who CAN form a relationship with a woman if he wants to, as opposed to being like a lot of people (men OR WOMEN) who CAN'T---even if
they wanted to.
So, when you say YOU feel intimidated by some little chick who's been with a lot of guys---you need to realize that you're thinking yourself into a mind-frame trap. STOP transferring your perspective over to hers to such an extent where you're starting to "ONLY" look at yourself and who you are through HER eyes.
THIS woman is NOT the one who should be pedestalized in this scenaro...YOU are.
Why do I say this?
Well, stop for a moment and realize just how easy it is for the average woman, and especially the ABOVE average woman, to get dates, money, and SEX on demand. All they have to do is just
"go out in public" and they have men
(especially the LESSER men) just constantly throwing themselves at her. So don't think of her as something special because she's fukked a lot of guys and you've fukked a lot fewer girls.
most women need to get a man is just to be willing. But we, as men-----as fukking SOLDIERS..."we" have to be ABLE.
Recognize that it takes no REAL skill to fukk, but it takes a REAL man to be able to keep a relationship going "in between" the orgasms and ejaculations.
Ask yourself:
Why do you think it is that SHE can't keep guys interested in HER after they've fukked her?
What is it about the kind of guys she's attracted to that makes HER keep picking the same kind of dudes in order to keep having the same kinds of
nothing-assed relationships?
And MOST IMPORTANTLY, what is it about YOU that makes you think that a woman with this kind of background is someone that you should be mentally
(and maybe even emotionally) so concerned with how SHE may view YOU?
Recognize something else here, soldier:
You have accomplished more in the areas of honoring your commitments, honoring your BODY, and honoring YOURSELF, than she has at this present moment in each of your lives.
This woman is the one that should be somewhere posting on message boards, asking her friends for advice, and worrying
like hell about what she has to do to attract, keep, and maintain the interest of a man like YOU.
Look in the mirror, Tryst. And you will see the most important person in YOUR world staring right back at you. Everybody else you will see when you turn away from that mirror is either just a "guest star"----or someone who only may just be making a "cameo" appearance in your life.
So from here on out, only allow yourself to become "intimidated" by
the idea that YOU
won't sieze every opportunity today to be an overall better man tomorrow.
Everything else is just a subconscious, subtle, and insidious form of self-sabotage.
Soldier on.