She's definately monogomous. She's been with 6 guys before me at age 23, which i kinda don't like, but a few were in high school, so i guess that's ok. She even admitted she regretted doin it so young cuz she wasn't ready.
But anyway, theres no way in hell she's not monogomous cuz she's way too busy with work and school, and she sees me 2 or 3 times a week, not to mention she calls me twice a day.
She said she only slept with boyfriends, and never 1 night flings, and she broke up with her last bf january of 06. yet she got an std test only 3 months ago. I asked her why so long after if she wasnt having sex since january, and she said she was gettin a physical anyway, so shes always parnoid and wanted to check. I hope thats the truth. I think i beleive her, i just remember her being embarassed to tell me that she slept with 6 guys originally, so i wonder if she lowered that amount to make it sound better. And i wonder if she therefore lies about other things.
But i started this post more about the pregnancy thing. It kinda makes me nervous, that 1 percent i think is still alot.