Not sure how to handle this girl


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2013
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A week or so ago I made a thread about my ex LTR contacting me. She hasn't contacted me again yet, but she will eventually, as she always does. In the mean time however, I'm not gonna be some mope and sit around doing nothing. So I've been continuing to hang out with other girls.

Well recently I've picked up frequency with one particular plate, and made less time for the others. I actually enjoy spending time with her and she's really cool. She's also a model and she's drop dead gorgeous. Definitely one of the most attractive girls I've been with. Now, I'm 23 and she's 18, which is where I think my problem arises...

Her and I have yet to have sex. Most of the time if a girl is stonewalling me for weeks, I just get bored and replace her. But I'm a firm believer that some are worth the work. And I've always been the kind of guy that when I get my eye on something I like, it's locked and I gotta have it. Now this girl hasn't been a complete prude or anything. We've done almost everything except sex. But whenever it's time to take that final step and actually do it, she stops me. This has happened three times.

So I'm kind of confused. At first I was starting to think she was a virgin, but then today I saw birth control pills on her dresser so I'm not as sure now. Plus she's an amazing kisser and very good at everything else we've I just can't pin down her experience level. But I also know she's only ever seriously dated one other guy for about a year, so inexperience could be a factor. Or she could just be holding out to try to get some kind of commitment from me. Regardless of what it is, I'm confused on how to proceed, and ultimately get her to sleep with me.

Before anyone says it; I'm well aware that I'm playing a dangerous game here. I know that once it happens, there's potential for her to get attached. I've accepted the possibility and decided to go ahead anyway.

So what do you guys think? How do I handle a younger, possibly inexperienced girl, who's stonewalling me? Other than this she's great. Gorgeous, fun to be around, I don't want to just next her. Like I said...once I get my eye on something...


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2012
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You're not the only guy she is dating. That other guy? She's banging him.

She's auditioning you as a replacement and/or branch if the other guy blows it or she just loses interest in him.

You could bide your time and see if she moves you up in your rotation.

Or, you could decide you don't play second fiddle and move on.

That's my reading.

Choice is yours.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2003
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Don't jump to conclusions about the birth control.
Some girls take them to regulate their periods and/or some hormonal imbalance - nothing to do with sex.
Also, I think they still tell girls to take the pill for at least one month before relying on it for contraception... maybe your month isn't up yet?

Since you've still got other plates on the go, just go see one of them if you need to rub one out.
Why not just keep the charm going with the model for as long as you can tolerate it? What have you got to lose? If another opportunity comes along, take it.



Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
5 notes.

1. You have her high on a pedestal and she knows it.

2. She has more options than you.

3. Women who are interested in you won't confuse you.

4. Inexperienced my ass. She knows she's leading you on.

5. Your princess is in another castle. With that other one guy she's serious with.

She's making you wait for sex and throwing out mixed signals. Big. Red. Flag. Read my thread on mixed signals. And drop this ho. On another note, it's sex first, then relationship second. Doing this backward is a great way into the friendzone. That's my ruling.

Case closed. Get out of my court.

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
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Wow, OP, you're going about this the wrong way.

First, props to what everyone else has said thus far. Second, I'm a big believer in not making assumptions, and not making certain situations determine how I move forward. In this case: you're assuming things about her based on seeing birth control (i.e. if she's had sex or not, and if so with how many dudes previously or currently), and you're assuming that, if she is a virgin, it's going to make her not want to have sex with you (a falsehood - all girls have to have someone take their virginity at some point, and it's usually before age 18).

I say all that to say: (1) stop making assumptions; (2) stop caring what her experience level is; and (3) proceed with her as you would with other girls you've successfully banged.

In addition: one of the major ways I see guys trip themselves up is by getting flustered when they're about to score and she decides to stop the game. You wanna know the best way to get a girl to score with you? Play the game the way she's playing it. You start making out with her, get all hot and heavy... and then, at the point where you think she's about to shut things down, YOU stop first.

Let me repeat that: YOU stop first.

Why? Because it plays with her ego. For one, she's all hot and bothered, so when you cut it short... I promise you you'll be the first guy to EVER do that to her, and it will throw her off. Second, her mind is going to start playing games with her: "why did he stop? Does he not find me attractive anymore? Is it something I did?" These thoughts alone are enough to make her convince herself that she needs to do MORE to keep her interest, even if it means going all the way. Trust me, I've perfected this - the last girl I boned before my current girlfriend took me back to her place 4 times before we hooked up, and all it took was me constantly starting and stopping with the physical stuff to where she couldn't take it anymore and BEGGED me to go inside her.

Hope this helps! Oh, and check out my daily dating advice podcasts at the link below!


Don Juan
Aug 13, 2013
Reaction score
Great post Harry.

Question- what are some of the reasons you give when they ask why you stopped? Of course you don't wanna look like you are scared so what are some of the "excuses" you give?