After reading posts by Stavrogin & others in the "Need help just meeting women" I thought I would introduce myself.
I am 28 years old and slept with two women. No kids & never married. In high school I was way to shy to go out on dates or attend parties. From 18-21 I actually went to a few parties but a girl would have to come on very strong in order for me to do any sexual stuff with her. I missed a lot of chances to do stuff with women because I was to shy, nice etc. From 21-26 I dated one girl and had sex etc. I found I wasn't ready for marriage & kids yet so we parted ways. I have sleep with one girl since then but really didn't want to go in public with her much. She was fat. More than 20 pounds. She would do some sexual things that my first would never do so it wasn't bad. Haven't gone on a date in almost a year I guess.
I am really shy & nice. I was an only child & have almost no family left these days. I am used to being alone & like it to a certain extent. I don't go anywhere anymore unless I have to. The close guys friends I have had in the past moved and/or gotten married. I still kept in contact with them but I have no guy friends to have a beer with and watch a sports game. Really doesn't bother me much though. I don't have a college education and don't make much money. I have been up and down with my weight throughout my life. I am actually doing well in this area now. Making great strides. I posted in the workout area.
The three main things I want in the next couple of years is 1. to have good health and get into tip top shape. 2. Figure out a career plan & hopefully make more money. I need to do these things even if I never have a women again anyways. 3. I really want to date a lot and never go though a weekend without sex again unless I choose so.
I know I have to work on myself a bit until I can really start dating. If I had one booty call chick right now though it would take a lot of the pressure off. My sex drive has gone way up since I have been losing weight and it's driving me nuts.
I have been trying to just be more outgoing and try to talk to women I come into contact with everyday. Doesn't happen as much as I would like right now. Hopefully I can work up to number/e-mail close and then asking a chick for a date after talking to her for a little bit. These will take a while to build up to though.
Well that is some info about myself, I like this forum because it for us over 25guys. I started to listen to a certain radio show host at the beginning of this year and that has helped with some things and also for me to seek out some guidance and support/advice from others.
I am 28 years old and slept with two women. No kids & never married. In high school I was way to shy to go out on dates or attend parties. From 18-21 I actually went to a few parties but a girl would have to come on very strong in order for me to do any sexual stuff with her. I missed a lot of chances to do stuff with women because I was to shy, nice etc. From 21-26 I dated one girl and had sex etc. I found I wasn't ready for marriage & kids yet so we parted ways. I have sleep with one girl since then but really didn't want to go in public with her much. She was fat. More than 20 pounds. She would do some sexual things that my first would never do so it wasn't bad. Haven't gone on a date in almost a year I guess.
I am really shy & nice. I was an only child & have almost no family left these days. I am used to being alone & like it to a certain extent. I don't go anywhere anymore unless I have to. The close guys friends I have had in the past moved and/or gotten married. I still kept in contact with them but I have no guy friends to have a beer with and watch a sports game. Really doesn't bother me much though. I don't have a college education and don't make much money. I have been up and down with my weight throughout my life. I am actually doing well in this area now. Making great strides. I posted in the workout area.
The three main things I want in the next couple of years is 1. to have good health and get into tip top shape. 2. Figure out a career plan & hopefully make more money. I need to do these things even if I never have a women again anyways. 3. I really want to date a lot and never go though a weekend without sex again unless I choose so.
I know I have to work on myself a bit until I can really start dating. If I had one booty call chick right now though it would take a lot of the pressure off. My sex drive has gone way up since I have been losing weight and it's driving me nuts.
I have been trying to just be more outgoing and try to talk to women I come into contact with everyday. Doesn't happen as much as I would like right now. Hopefully I can work up to number/e-mail close and then asking a chick for a date after talking to her for a little bit. These will take a while to build up to though.
Well that is some info about myself, I like this forum because it for us over 25guys. I started to listen to a certain radio show host at the beginning of this year and that has helped with some things and also for me to seek out some guidance and support/advice from others.