Not my GF, but we're something


Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Okay, a few months ago I started talking to this girl. At that time she recently broke up with her boyfriend of 2 years but they're still best friends. They hang out everyday because he still likes her. Okay, so last December I hooked up with her (after her recent break up) and I started talking to her more. She started to take a reallllly quick liking to me for no reason and I didn't feel that comfortable because I felt bad, like I was leading her on but I still hooked up with her on occasional. Then one day she slept over and that was when I first noticed I was developing feelings towards her.

Okay, let's fast forward to the present. She's still best friends with her ex and I've still been seeing her and we kind of have a secret relationship going on. The thing is that her and her ex are so close that I rarely ever get to see her and I'm really starting to develop strong feelings towards her. It pisses me off because she'll have no plans, I'll ask her if she wants to do something, and she'll say, "I'm probably just gonna see *her ex* today." Just like everyday.

And then one day she finds out that he kissed this other girl, and even though they're not going out, she gets really jealous and now she wants him back. The problem is I've already developed strong feelings towards her and she still likes me too and we basically are BF/GF except with no label.

Her ex isn't sure if he wants to get back with her because he can't trust her and he doesn't know what he wants. I don't know what to do because I want her to be with me but I think she wants him more. I really don't want to hear something like, "just forget about her," because that would be too crushing towards me.

I'm putting pressure on her by saying how we can't be "just friends" and saying she means a lot to me, and she was saying how she's making a big mistake trying to get back with her ex, how she can't lose me, and that I'm all she wants and more. She's just extremely confused and doesn't know what to do.

I wouldn't care so much, it's mostly the fact that I NEVER get to see her. I haven't hung out with her in like 2 or 3 weeks.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Mate, you're deluding yourself.

You're not a couple are you? If so, why does she care what her ex is doing?

If she wanted you, your phone'd be ringing off the hook from her. Asking you out etc etc....


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Berkshire, England
WesCottII said:
Mate, you're deluding yourself.

You're not a couple are you? If so, why does she care what her ex is doing?

If she wanted you, your phone'd be ringing off the hook from her. Asking you out etc etc....

I hate to say it, but I think he's right.

I don't think you mean quite as much to her as you think, your more like a rebound that just absorbs her attention untill she can start giving it back to her ex. As soon as he's back in the picture, your gone.

What I would do is cut contact and be too busy for her for a while. See if she misses you when she has neither you, nor her ex.


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
This may be my first post (on my Wii, nonetheless) but that has REBOUND written all over it. Sadly, you probably should just move on while it won't hurt TOO much.