Not Interested in Sex


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
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I wonder, are there any guys here who like me lost interest in sex?

The problem now becomes that women pester *you* for it and you are like, not tonight, dear. The ones with low esteem feel rejected and think they are unattractive. The hotter ones with higher esteem just chase you harder. It's like the perfect way to catch a ten.

Hopefully this is a temporary situation (health related). But I'm interested in any guys in a similar situation and what you do about the women. I still like having women around for stuff like watching movies, cooking dinner, etc, I just don't feel like fvcking them, it feels like a chore. But how do you wind things up for the night without validating them that way? It's turning into a problem...


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
thedeparted said:
The problem now becomes that women pester *you* for it and you are like, not tonight, dear. The ones with low esteem feel rejected and think they are unattractive. The hotter ones with higher esteem just chase you harder. It's like the perfect way to catch a ten.
Isn't life just flat out IRONIC ?


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Eventually you get to a point in your life where you realize that;

A) Pu$$y is pu$$y. Some might be tighter or prettier than others, but at the end of the day its just a wet hole you stick your pee-pee in

B) You don't have to prove anything to anyone by having had sex with X number of women, and

C) Sometimes (OFTEN TIMES) the sex isn't worth the calories you expend. Maybe 10% of the women I have been with were actually worth the effort.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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When you become a man of worth who knows his own value women make it extremely easy for you to get with them.

The unfortunate side effect of this is you get bored with it and have to force yourself to be interested in them or bide your time and hope some chick comes along that can keep your attention with something other than how hot her body is.


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2007
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Windy City
STR8UP said:
Eventually you get to a point in your life where you realize that;

A) Pu$$y is pu$$y. Some might be tighter or prettier than others, but at the end of the day its just a wet hole you stick your pee-pee in

B) You don't have to prove anything to anyone by having had sex with X number of women , and

C) Sometimes (OFTEN TIMES) the sex isn't worth the calories you expend. Maybe 10% of the women I have been with were actually worth the effort.
I couldn't agree with this more. Especially with points B) & C).


Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
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When $ex becomes a chore instead of an enjoyment for you then ya, you have to lay off of it before you get your modjo back. If she is selfish she will not understand and might even be pushy for your services! If she's a keeper she'd understand.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Dear Departed,
I am absolutely gob smacked by your comments,maybe in 20 years I will understand...but stone me why bother with woman or this site,if Pvssy is not your objective...If they didn't have that attraction,they would be stacked ten deep with all the other New Age Virgins at your local Rubbish dump...


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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thedeparted said:
I wonder, are there any guys here who like me lost interest in sex?

Is this really a bad thing? I guess if your interest in sex is zero...

I wish my sex drive would be cut in half. I think I'd be happier.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
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sf ca
I haven't lost interest in sex yet, but sex has lost interest in me. :cool:


Master Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
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In The South
If you had a high sex drive before this drop in interest I would have a visit with a doctor to rule out any health problems that might be causing it..your actually to young to just stop having interest in sex...

How is your fitness level?

Have you been under alot of stress lately?

I am 49 the older I get the more horner I get...I actually like being horny ****ed and ready and on call :D

I have found the older I have gotten it's the quality of the women that matters the most instead of the numbers game.

Don't beat yourself up until you rule out health problems sex is a normal part of life and is a healthy way of life loosing it I wouldn't take lightly especially at your young age.


thedeparted said:
I wonder, are there any guys here who like me lost interest in sex?

The problem now becomes that women pester *you* for it and you are like, not tonight, dear. The ones with low esteem feel rejected and think they are unattractive. The hotter ones with higher esteem just chase you harder. It's like the perfect way to catch a ten.

Hopefully this is a temporary situation (health related). But I'm interested in any guys in a similar situation and what you do about the women. I still like having women around for stuff like watching movies, cooking dinner, etc, I just don't feel like fvcking them, it feels like a chore. But how do you wind things up for the night without validating them that way? It's turning into a problem...


New Member
Jul 28, 2008
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Yeah here too

I am just not finding the energy to go after woman any more .... I mean I had woman from most races on this planet ... except American Indian and Inuit ..... I had 5/10 to 10/10 .... so nothing left to conquer I guess... worse part these days i just cant get sexually aroused to a woman that even mildly annoys me ........ I guess it is the sign of the time ... Now when I think of it ... as I get a bit older .... I am craving a woman from my home land ....... they just make more sense when I talk to them ..........

Oh well maybe I am finally getting mature..........



Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2005
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When I was 20, sex was It. Very little else in my life really mattered (though it should have). Fixation with sex leads you to make bad moves and ****ty decisions.

Now that I'm 43, sex is still It :D I love ****ing. Thing is, now, it's just one of many things in my life and it has to compete for my attention. Perspective and experience has made sex just another fun activity. If I don't get sex, there is so much more going on in my life that can leave me with a smile.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2007
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United States
Translation of OP: "Everyone look at me. I get so much strange that I am bored by it. Bow down at my greatness and validate my masculinity."



Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
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Los Angeles
lack of desire is understandable if the sex is readily available.

If, when you in the throws - or when the chicky is doing her job, you are not into it, then, I would say you may want to get a check up.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
I feel you.

It's not so much that I don't want to f**k any more, it's that I just don't see it as being worth the energy put into it. The things I enjoy doing usually DON'T present natural opportunities for me to meet and attract women, and I'm not keen on doing things I DON'T enjoy just to get that opportunity.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks for the interesting replies here, guys. Just to be clear it IS a health issue and hopefully doctors will fix it but I've had less and less faith in the medical establishment of late so not holding my breath (or anything else) anymore. The irony of course is that having no sexual interest makes it easy to meet women. And I mean really easy. I think females are actually mis-wired in this way b/c back when I could have mauled them for 4 hours straight they were nowhere to be found. All I can think is that I no longer get nervous around them so that might be it. In any case, to compensate for my lack of satisfaction I now have an abundance of opportunity. :woo:

Still it's nice to be popular and life is better with attractive women hanging around. But they get more and more aggressive about sex. It's almost like a pride issue at some point for them, that's what I think. So I'm trying to figure out how to keep them around without leading anyone on or having to reject them. Does that make any sense?

For example, I recently got invited to this girl's beach house for a week. I met her on CL under "strictly platonic" for the explicit reason that I am not interested in sex and I am tired of dates that end with a girl saying "I'll walk you back to your place" and then awkward malingering around waiting for my move. Of course this strictly platonic chick she has done everything short of setting her pants on fire to get me to take them off. I gave her a goodnight kiss and I got a one hour face-sucking contest. Etc.

So it would be cool to go, I could've had a free ride both ways, but can I really hang out at her beach house for a week and keep her out of my pants? I feel like I can't. I don't want to say LJBF's b/c then it's gonna be awkward and she probably won't be coming over to fix my dinner anymore. And I'm not gonna tell her my dlck went on vacation b/c I still have some fvcking male pride. So I basically turned that deal down, which seems like a waste, and I may have to go find a replacement for her in the near future b/c I already heard the disappointment in her voice.

Sadly I have about five other stories that go like this from the past couple months. At least five. Maybe more. What I want to do is keep things at a certain level with women so that I can enjoy their company affection etc. but not leave anyone disappointed or expecting more. If someone else has been in this situation I'd love to hear about it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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thedeparted said:
Sadly I have about five other stories that go like this from the past couple months. At least five. Maybe more. What I want to do is keep things at a certain level with women so that I can enjoy their company affection etc. but not leave anyone disappointed or expecting more. If someone else has been in this situation I'd love to hear about it.
Men hate rejection, but women are traumatized by it.

I too have much less desire for sex than in the past, and I believe it also is medically related. Doc already offered to put me back on Welbutrin which would solve the problem, I just dont want to deal with the added monthly expense and the few other possible side effects.

Don't get me soldier can still stand at attention and I can still rock a woman's world in the sack, but for me it's about as much fun as watching Mythbusters on the Discovery channel. Sure, it's something to do, but if I had my choice i would probably be doing something else to occupy my time. And watching Mythbusters isn't "work". Sex is.

Bottom line- your disinterest in sex is making these women UBER horny. They are only going to stick around and wave their pu$$y under your nose for so long before they get pissed and frustrated and haul ass. Get yourself fixed or you will continue to have the same problem.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
STR8UP said:
Men hate rejection, but women are traumatized by it.

I too have much less desire for sex than in the past, and I believe it also is medically related. Doc already offered to put me back on Welbutrin which would solve the problem, I just dont want to deal with the added monthly expense and the few other possible side effects.

Don't get me soldier can still stand at attention and I can still rock a woman's world in the sack, but for me it's about as much fun as watching Mythbusters on the Discovery channel. Sure, it's something to do, but if I had my choice i would probably be doing something else to occupy my time. And watching Mythbusters isn't "work". Sex is.

Bottom line- your disinterest in sex is making these women UBER horny. They are only going to stick around and wave their pu$$y under your nose for so long before they get pissed and frustrated and haul ass. Get yourself fixed or you will continue to have the same problem.
Exactly right. That is exactly what's happening. There's always Viagra until the real problem is figured out. But I just don't have the *desire* for sex. I'm glad you know what I'm talking about. Do you get tired of having to service them though? That's what it feels like for me when I kissed this girl. She thought it was so hot. I felt almost nothing. I don't want to spend a week doing this.

I actually got sick of the whole thing and just told another girl I was seeing about the situation and surprisingly she didn't really care. She actually said that despite fvcking a lot of guys, she only ever enjoyed it with one, and she's not that interested in sex anyway (she is 27). Probably BS to make me feel better but she is still hanging around. So I think if I just want to settle for one there is always that option. She's also into kinky shlt which interests me more than sex at this point. But she is not the hottest of the bunch and it might feel like settling.

Anyway, good to hear from you Str8up, thanks for posting. I feel better not being alone in this experience.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
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Assess your diet and exercise (if you take it - if not, start). The modern western diet and lifestyle can be VERY unfriendly to the male sex hormones, which at 34 should still be going fairly strong (maybe ironically, it benefits estrogen production among other things) - things start 'slowing down' hormonally in your mid thirties, but to have no desire whatsoever isn't normal.

Call me a meathead, but Viagra is a cop-out unless you're 60 or have some genuine hormonal malfunction. Some people may have a real need for it, but it's just another way for people to cash in on people's substandard health levels.

There's plenty of talk on here about how the modern world is 'feminising' men through societal/economic constraints and conventions, but people rarely mention the (negative) impact the modern world has on male physiology (and to human physiology in general, but men suffer more from it). To me at least, being a man is just as much a physiological thing as it is psychological.

(And no, I'm not saying eating huge amounts of red meat and throwing iron about with careless abandon is the answer to everything, but it damn well helps :D - and is especially important for older guys)