Not getting heard by females

Dec 7, 2007
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I don't know what's the problem with my voice, whether it is a psychological issue or real physical problem. In places such as cafeteria where there is only slight background noise when I approach a woman and say something she is not hearing me clearly. I'm sure other men don't have this problem. She asks me to repeat myself and only after repeating many times she gets it. It kills the attraction instantly and nastily, ruins my dating career. Especially I make a complete dumbass out of myself when I approach a group. Voice is very important to create attraction and even more important is getting heard. I have been to an ENT doctor and voice therapist in the past but they said I don't have any problem. The voice therapist however added that because my teeth are misformed (the upper jaw teeth not resting over the lower jaw teeth perpendicularly, and also a 2 lower jaw teeth on either side point outvardly) air pressure could be escaping when I speak. Has anyone else had this kind of problem, and how did you go about correcting it? I have absolutly no problem getting heard when it is silent. If there is someway I can put my voice on the internet for you to give comments, do let me know. I need REAL HELP. This is depressing me beyond I'd like to bear.
I mentioned about possible psychological reasons because at adulthood my voice did not naturally turn to male voice; I had the capability of speaking both in short pitch and long pitch, and consciously made the switch to short pitch after being ridiculed for a long time for speaking in female voice. Because of this I have always had the suspicion that there is *something* wrong in my voice.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
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Maybe you tense up. It happens my voice sometimes too. Dunno why but when I'm feeling more relaxed its easier to speak and my voice sounds better.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
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I had this problem too!!!!

Even though I spoke slowly, and relaxed, and I don't think its your teeth mate, my teeth are perfectly in line (with the help of braces in the past). I too have a WIDE range in voice, I can speak with a deep voice and with a high voice, but when I speak normally, which is what you SHOULD do, it sounds a little childish.

Maybe you still haven't finished puberty yet?


Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
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SCREAM! Seriously..... scream out loud as loud as you can for 1 entire minute.

I usually do this in the car driving to a bar or to meet some chick.

Listen to your voice before and after you let out that Manly Scream of Alphaness and notice the change.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
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Los Angeles
record your voice as a wav and upload it to a fileshare

you'll get a ton of feedback


Feb 18, 2008
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michael jackson...mike tyson. such masculine sounding guys. i would rather have a high lisping voice than be short. being short is a curse from god.
1:03 of the video. that is insane.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2008
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Los Angeles, CA
it sounds like you have a phobia about your voice. It's call body dismorphic disorder. It's when you have an imagined phobia about something about you body which you think is wrong but other specialists say you are fine. For example, a person may think his head is square and it causes him significant worry and depression, when of course a psychologist will be surprised because his head would look perfectly normal. That's all I can say from reading this. If a speech therapist says it's fine then don't worry about it. You probably just need to speak up. Don't be nervous when talking to them. You have probably just associated your soft voice and the girls not hearing you to this 'imagined' problem you have with your voice. Also, if you're from another country then maybe they just have a hard time understanding you. Taking some English classes wouldn't hurt. Also, if you think it's your teeth then go to an orthodontist and get braces or some sort of retainer to straighten your teeth.

Again, I doubt it is the sound of your voice. Think about it, how often do you comment on the sound of someone's voice. Unless it's just too high or way too low then I would bet you don't even think about it. Point to be taken is that no one is really thinking about the sound of your voice so don't worry about it. If you think it's too high then try to speak slowly and with a deeper voice. It takes some practice but the more the do it the more natural it will become.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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AreYouSingleFemale said:
I don't know what's the problem with my voice, whether it is a psychological issue or real physical problem. In places such as cafeteria where there is only slight background noise when I approach a woman and say something she is not hearing me clearly. I'm sure other men don't have this problem. She asks me to repeat myself and only after repeating many times she gets it. It kills the attraction instantly and nastily, ruins my dating career. Especially I make a complete dumbass out of myself when I approach a group. Voice is very important to create attraction and even more important is getting heard. I have been to an ENT doctor and voice therapist in the past but they said I don't have any problem. The voice therapist however added that because my teeth are misformed (the upper jaw teeth not resting over the lower jaw teeth perpendicularly, and also a 2 lower jaw teeth on either side point outvardly) air pressure could be escaping when I speak. Has anyone else had this kind of problem, and how did you go about correcting it? I have absolutly no problem getting heard when it is silent. If there is someway I can put my voice on the internet for you to give comments, do let me know. I need REAL HELP. This is depressing me beyond I'd like to bear.
Maybe a dentist could help.