not everyone hurts from a recession:)


New Member
Mar 16, 2009
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the last 2 months, i have watched the job kill count on corporate suits, accountants, secretaries, and basically alot of individuals with a university degree at my workplace and everywhere else. sure an education is awesome and i bow to the academically superior. but as i pondered if i should go back to school the future came without warning and the recession hit and it made my 32$ an hour job(blend specialist) seem all too good to be true. my job isn't going anywhere even if the economy tanked to the extreme. such luck for an individual who could care less about work nor money.

i watched for the longest while when my colleagues carried the sandwiches in for the corporate parties and they huffed and they puffed about how much they hated office workers. they stood on the smoking corner and watched as the accountants stood proudly by their porsche's, bmw's. they got the door slammed instead of held open for them. the promise of promotion in from the hard life that was promised from the uppers if they made their marks, which many did but the lie was cast. the light that was once their's is now darkness and worry. the recession hit. my the tides have no mercy on the blind. such wickedness was swift to the masses whose life was all too precious.

as the days go by and the fear grows rampant of job cuts. the list was formed and many cuts were made...why were we not on the list. such is easy to understand for the hardworking man. the man who has forged skill, perspired when deadlines were a necessity to make the suits look good. the pat on the back was never meant for the man with the dirty hands. only his evil nemesis whose credit was all too deserving. it's easy to miss the white collar who takes a week off and spends his hot days in cuba. but the forklift driver that shows up an hour late is noticed all to soon. the office workers text message their friends and browse the net without haste. the blue collar worker gets pressed to work through lunch break because somebody in the office booked the wrong date. such fascinating times we live in.

but the blue collar level shows it's ugly face in government jobs, unions, and seniority. unions were made to save jobs but they have become all to powerful. that is why it joys me that their company vows to shut down for a while with the promise of coming back which they never do. the union is the pact that kills their employment. seniority does not exsist when a recession kicks in drive. if you are lazy, you have no value to a company that needs to thrive. they will take the man who has proven he has ethics and will to work. seniority has no place in a recession. i have watched many wonder why they were cut when they were at the company longer than so and so. such stupidity and arrogance. there is no use for fools like that.

everybody hurts in a recession to a degree. the slaves to money will ultimately fail. there will be men that forge new paths. i love the prospect of a failing north american economy because that is where the real men will step out of the shadows and create a new way. american didn't become a super power from it's money. it became awesome cause of it's people.

so all in all... if you fear your job is going to be lost. you deserve to lose it. you have probably done something in life that is going to come back and get you. people worry to much. enjoy your fear!!!! your creating it.


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2008
Reaction score
Have you seen the quality of people lately? Yeah, we're in some trouble.

There are a number of problems with this country and some of the things you've mentioned are related, but just a few of many problems we need to fix.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2008
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Dancing with the Devil by the pale moonlight.
rocknrolla said:
so all in all... if you fear your job is going to be lost. you deserve to lose it. you have probably done something in life that is going to come back and get you. people worry to much. enjoy your fear!!!! your creating it.
This is the only statement that I am washy on from your great post. For example, its proven psychologically that one of the components of an individual experiencing the deepest pashion (love or whatevr you wana call it) is when they believe there is something that they can do to lose you.

That being said, I fear losing my job from time to time. I am in the same boat as you and I see it all the time in the news how fucked so many people are financially with the economy and job market the way it is. It's that fear (which is not overboard or negatively manifesting itself) that makes me want to rip my fangs into my job to the point where I indirectly humiliate my coworkers. They just can't compete.