NON-JUAN Mailbag Thursdays + SPECIAL eBook OFFER!!

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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The NON-JUAN Mailbag: Answers to Your Relationship Questions, Non-Juan Style!

Greetings, Non-Juan fans! Welcome to Non-Juan Mailbag Thursdays, where I open up some of the emails I received thoughout the week and comment on/answer them in Non-Juan style!

First off - Next week I am having my first ever "Non-Juan eBook Special!!" My e-BOOK - "From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide to Losing the Girl of Your Dreams" - will be offered at a SPECIAL DISCOUNT PRICE!! This price is going to be so LOW, you'd be a FOOL not to get it!!

This special will start on Sunday, January 22, and end on Thursday, January 26th 2006!! I will be updating the details on my website, so stop by regularly for more info!

And HEY!! If you have any questions you would like to have answered on "Non-Juan Mailbag Thursdays," you can send me a message at!! (Note: if you have a account, you can send me your message there as well!)

And now, onto this week's letters...

(This first letter is from a GIRL who read my book - pay attention to what she says, fellas!):

Hey Non-Juan:

U know what’s funny... I just stopped talking to a guy who started getting on my nerves... and I just realized it's because HE'S A NON JUAN! The more I read your book, the more I am learning about MYSELF lol. (in some aspects at least, not all)

It was the constant calling twenty four seven, the baby talk, trying to push me into being his man, and hinting how many gifts he was going to send me for my birthday...

-M. J.

Hi M. J.:

Hmm, I didn't think girls were reading my book. Guess I'll have to screen the people who buy it :p

Thanks for the comments, and for the validation that the techniques I wrote about in my book - "From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide to Losing the Girl of Your Dreams" - will actually make a girl want to dump a guy. What can I say, I'm an expert!


(This letter is in reference to the Newsletter I sent out this week - "What to Do When She Talks About Her Ex-Boyfriend):

Mr. Non-Juan:

Shame on me! Most of the time I do the opposite [of what was said in the newsletter]. Last Friday I went on a date with a girl I had just met and she kept on talking about her ex. And I convinced her to shut up; now she calls me everyday. And she thinks "it's weird" that she wants to hang out with me. What do I do now?

– LW

Dear L.W.:

Shame on you indeed for not adhering to the Non-Juan principles!! You should know better than to stop a girl from ranting and raving about an ex-boyfriend - how else is she going to convince herself to go back to him now?!?

Her conscious mind may think it's "weird" that she wants to hang out with you, but her SUB-conscious mind is loving the way you took charge and made her focus on YOU. That explains why she's the focus of your attention now. And on top of that, she's sounds clingy, which means it'll be TWICE as hard to get rid of her.

With that said, if you want to get rid of her, here are some of the things you can do:

(1) Get her to start talking about her ex-boyfriend again.
(2) Ask her what made her dump the last guy she was with. Make sure she gives you specifics. Then, do those things.
(3) Re-peat the same clingy behavior that she's showing, only amplified. If she's calling you once a day, call her FOUR times a day, everyday, with nothing to talk about.

There are other things you can do - heck, I wrote a whole book about it - so get the book for more info. In the meantime, these 3 suggestions should start you heading in the Non-Juan direction!


Dear Non -

I have been having this recent brash of married women that have been hitting on me...which is great because usually I wouldn't really have a prayer.

However, recent attempts by certain women have made me a bit nervous. One such case occurred while I was in a bar just last week. I was hanging out talking to everyone because I was royally trashed. I ended up talking to this guy for awhile when he gets up and goes to the bathroom. Before I can return to my friends the girl that was sitting next to him starts talking to me.

I noticed she had a ring on her left ring finger and relax. We continued conversation until his return. The talk was meaningless but unfortunately may have given the impression that I cared. Further drinking leads to this woman getting a little too friendly and her running her hand up my leg while I am at the bar... and her husband is right next to me!

Many attempts to remove the grabbing hands made for, to say the least, a rather undesirable situation. The long and short of it is she whispers in my ear that she would like to "hang out" some time. I narrowly escaped as my friend started running for the bathroom and proceeded to puke his guts out, but without this pleasant rescue I would have been doomed to continued torture.

Please help, how do I evade the married woman?


Wow, T.H., what a story!

You would think a married woman would be out of reach for a Non-Juan - and they are - but sometimes there's that woman whose marriage is not as exciting as it once was who is looking for a lil' "outside of marriage" fun.

As a Non-Juan, it's okay to pursue a married woman that you have no chance of getting with - after all, if you're a Non-Juan, your subconscious goal is to go after women you know will reject you for whatever reason. However, married women looking to cheat on their husbands are a tricky bunch because if they're trying to cheat, their husband is already a Non-Juan! These types of women are looking to have a wild night of passion with anyone - even if it's another Non-Juan - so they'll feel like rebels.


Because of your attitude at the bar - spontaneous, care-free, etc. - she's probably thinking you're the rebel she can use to unleash her wild side. The next time you encounter a married woman, you want to display yourself as OPPOSITE of this. Instead of acting spontaneous, appear anal-retentive; instead of being care-free, act like a worry-wart; instead of "going with the flow," act cautious about EVERYTHING, from the way you pick up a knife to the way you pre-inspect a room before entering it. If you give her the impression that you're uptight and... well, scared to make a move without looking over everything 5 times, you have a better chance of these married women facing their eyes towards someone else!

And of course, for more tips, get a copy of my book! You can read the first chapter of it by going to my website,!

Thus concludes this edition of "Non-Juan Mailbag Thursdays!" If you found this stuff to be insightful, feel free to write me with your questions at

Also, check out the first chapter of my book, "From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide... to Losing the Girl of Your Dreams" by going here:

Check out my other website, too:!

That's all for now - see ya next week!!

-Mr. Non-Juan