NON-JUAN Mailbag Thursday for 02-16-2006

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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The NON-JUAN Mailbag: Answers to Your Relationship Questions, Non-Juan Style!

Greetings, Non-Juan fans!

Since I opened up my website, I have had people writing me with dating questions of all kinds! So, as a service to my loyal readers, I have started a new column called "Non-Juan Mailbag Thursdays!!" Every Thursday, I will open up my Non-Juan mailbag and answer email questions I have received during the week!

And HEY!! If you have any questions you'd like answered, email me at NONJUAN@HOTMAIL.COM!

And now, onto this week's letters...

Mr. Non-Juan:

I need advice - I want this girl named Ashley but I can't say anything 2 her without saying sumtin stupid!


Greetings, D.R.!

So, you're trying to talk to a girl named Ashely, huh? You open your mouth up and end up saying somethin' stupid, eh?

First - in the future, I'll need more detailed info. What kind of stupid stuff are you saying? Are you saying stuff that makes sense but you THINK sounds moronic, or are you just putting words together that don't make sense? Details, man, details!!

At any rate, just the fact that you think you're saying stupid-sounding stuff to this chick lets me know something very important: you are a GREAT follower of the Non-Juan principles!

How so. you ask? Anytime a guy puts emphasis and worry into what he's saying to a girl, it shows how eager he is to talk about stuff that won't displease her. The more worried you are, the more strain your brain will put into analyzing each and every word coming out of your mouth! Even something said as straight-foward as "I think that dress looks great on you" will be over-anaylzed - you'll be able to convince yourself that even this statement will be taken by her as "I think that dress looks horrible on your body, and you should be burned at the stake for wearing it!"

If you're focusing so hard on what you're saying to this one girl, it also means you aren't going after other girls. GOOD FOR YOU! A Non-Juan is a man obsessed with going after one girl - it's a great way to set yourself up for disappointment when she decides not to date you, and it pushes other girls away who may have dated you if your "dream girl" turned you down. So, whatever you do, KEEP FOCUSING ALL YOUR ENERGIES ON THIS ONE GIRL!! Don't give off the impression that you're open to other options - that is NOT what a Non-Juan does!

If you want to be seen as a Non-Juan by this girl, here's what I suggest:

(1) When you talk to her, talk only about safe stuff. Steer clear of talking about any topics that may stir up emotions in her (abortion, war, religion, etc.). Getting a woman excited for any reason is a no-no in the Non-Juan book! If you make her feel anything other than sheer boredom, you are NOT a Non-Juan!!

(2) Worry about what she's thinking when you talk. It's a great way to distract you from acting normal around her, and you'll be so guarded that she'll never get to know the real you! Speaking of...

(3) DO NOT SHOW OFF THE REAL YOU!! By saying this, I mean you need to constantly say stuff and act in a way that is pleasing to this woman at all times. Don't be the "real you" like you are around your friends - ya know, the relaxed guy who's friends hang out with him despite saying dumb stuff from time to time. I mean, lord knows she probably never says ANYTHING stupid, right? And if she did, you'd probably NEVER go out with her, right? Right!

Instead, stick to being the fake "perfect" you, and don't act too suprised when she doesn't date you because of it!

Thus concludes this edition of "Non-Juan Mailbag Thursdays!" If you found this stuff to be insightful, feel free to write me with your questions at

Also, check out the first THREE Chapters of my book, "From PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide... to Losing the Girl of Your Dreams" by going here:

Check out other my website, too:!

That's all for now - see ya next week!!

-Mr. Non-Juan


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
Good advice .. rock on Non-Juan!