Non Human Observations


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Sometimes I feel that when we sit here as potential Don Juans studying how other humans act, walk, talk, dress, and behave we're not being entirely ourselves. It's like, we have to imitate what we perceive as the ideal human man in order to "fit in."

For myself, even when I was little I would sit and watch how others behaved; walked, talked, dressed, etc. and try to mimick that to be what society proclaims as ideal.

Don't you feel like an outsider of the human race when studying and trying to be a Don Juan?

Da Game

Senior Don Juan
Feb 3, 2003
Reaction score
WA State
I think everyone gets that feeling sometime - most of us are wondering how we fit in, how we should act, etc. Especially as teenagers, I think, when we're figuring out where we fit socially. The people who AREN'T worrying about where they fit in are the ones who the leaders. That's where you want to be. :)


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
yeah I see what u mean, its a bit contradictory isn't it? Well I see the DJ stuff as more of a skill, a part of me, not all of me. I'm no more a DJ than I am a member of a sports club. SOme people may disagree with me on this, but living your life by a website seems stupid to me, and imitation is suicide. You read this website because you feel like your relationships with women ( a skill) aint what they shud be, and its having a negative impact on your life. I think this site has some great ideas, on lifestyle not just girls, but if you substitute your ideas with the ideas on the site you just end up holdinga load of views that you dont understand. You rack your mind to why you hold these views, fumbling through problems, knowing how to handle another situation but not knowing why, and therefor not being able to apply your knowlege. Your life spins into madness and you wake up one morning and start talking to walls:eek: .


Anyway, when I dealt with the problem your dealing with at the moment, I asked myself, what makes me me? And since I dont believe in god or anything like that I concluded that I am a product of the experiences I, as a concious organism, have had. is an experience, and it just adds to me as an individual. So thats the reasoning I used to make myself understand that this site isn't making me act like something I'm not.

I am cloud, that thing in the sky. I can be added too, decreased, I can change in size, shape and colour. But i will always be cloud.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 25, 2002
Reaction score
Roy, Utah
I too, like many others, have gone through this feeling. The thing you need to realize is you just need to be true to yourself. Who are you trying to impress? The only person you really need to impress is you're self. Take James Bond for instance, he doesn't try to impress anyone, he just acts like himself. And people respect him for that. If you truly want people to like you then be true to yourself.

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
I've always refused to fit-in. I am not a sheep, I am an individual who thinks for himself.

I've got some advice for you man, and it's key, take this to heart:

Do whatever it takes to make yourself happy.

Ever consider that maybe religion is wrong? Ever consider, to its fullest extent, that when we die we merely cease to exist? We only have so many years on this Earth man, do you really want to waste it away?

If we're all going to die in 50 years and be gone for all eternity -- wouldn't you like to have enjoyed it?

Just do whatever it takes, no matter what, to make yourself happy. Aslong as you are happy, how can you be unhappy?