If you Don't masturbate, your woman MAY think you are cheating on her (cause you're gettin it elsewhere) assuming you only fvck 2-3 times a week. There are other nuances of masturbating that may prove beneficial to you as far as procreation. You imagine fvcking a business associate you're in the same hotel with for an expo or show or conference whatever, so the day before you may masturbate before you plan to actually get her under the influence to fvck her (of course, she has a boyfriend/husband). Not masturbating will cause your testes to created more blocking sperm and less egg-getting sperm or killers. 300 million sperm is the average, but when you forgo mb then you could wet dream or create double the average which the males body gets confused by and thereby doesn't create the ideal "load" or sperm makeup to give the best chance to fertilizing the egg.
Personally, I experience the same as you all who forgo. I feel more normal or able to interact with women, I can read them better and give them how I feel or what I'm thinking by body language or voice inflection. I've done this last week with a girl (in a profession that is conducive to being loose - think apartment assistant manager - showing apartments - usually quite promiscuous) in the office (lights off thus dark) and her telling me she's only had 2 people walk in that day and that she was bored and making all these subliminal suggestions to me, but ONE I had to go, and TWO she is a slvtty tattooed no-t!t kinda waif. She's DEFINITELY rode the CC. Too bad for her (probably late 20s early 30s), she'd have to rape me to get me to fvck her. I'm not taking any bait. This was on Friday so she probably didn't have anything going on that evening and just want SOME kind of action. She was telling me about her company and how the owners were coming by next week (this week) to check up on things and she was worried or nervous about it. I dug deeper to find out more about properties they own and then I told her that I understood Why she should be/may be "nervous" now. I said it makes sense that she'd be uneasy about it as most of their properties are in good areas (cities or towns across the country).
She was probably Angry that I didn't take her bait, that I just only briefly struck a wavelength with her to where I started to change my voice slower and drawy as I'd picked up on her sexual overtones and her wanting me. I felt it. We were alone. She could be more direct. She could say anything she wants. And I can't deny that I somewhat popped a woody as I caught her drift. I mean, she's a salesperson so she knows how to turn on people for sure and she used that salesmanship on me, but for sex. She seemed scatterbrained or Craving or just you know, hands spread out across the desk neck down but looking up at me. I wasn't fallin for it. I'm not in to tattoos on both arms. I've been there, done that. As the economy gets worse, women begin to squirm more, especially those that've made mistakes flippantly during the good times just party party partying.