Probably a rant, but whatever.
Why is it people have the mental fortitude of a 4 year old? If they don't get their way, they freak out? And if you don't respond to them in the way they expect or need, they freak out more? And when they vomit up their ills, they don't want solutions or tough love, they want to be coddled, to have the pain disappear as if the event or injury never happened...
Aside from a few people this apply to right now, a good friend of mine dated this girl, what, like 4 weeks? 6 tops? He basically "won" her from another guy, one I'd met at a jack and jill. And when my buddy met her, she was WITH this guy. So the fact he "won" her wasn't really a victory. She didn't like this other guy much, she's a committment phobe, or maybe, she really liked my friend. But now it's over, and he's near depression with Myspace confessions of "want a noose." How evident is his emptiness? All it took was 1 girl to display that. My philosophy is...if she chooses to be rid of me, she wasn't worth my time. Period. If she leaves, she wasn't for me. I want a girl who finds it HARD to go. Not one who can consciously choose to go. And I wouldn't take one who second guessed her 1st choice, because she'll do it again.
And then there's clients/people who complain over the simplest nickel and dime crap!!! Come on. There's people in the world without food, shoes, legs, mentally retarded, on death beds, and people are whining as if they have NOTHING. If life was a card game, texas hold 'em, most people are holding AT least a POCKET Ace. The ones who succeed KNOW how to bluff through with the hands they have and make the best of it. And the ones can't bluff life, are the ones who get found out and just fall to pieces over the simplest crap!
We have such a SENSITIVE mind, where everything EXTERNALLY rattles our INTERNAL reality. I'm just tired of people coming at me. And my reaction most of the time is to breathe back virtiolic "I don't care" speeches and attempt to harshly enlighten these people to what their real plight is. "You are your own worst enemy." Instead of each person befriending themselves, they hate themselves and seek someone else who can make it better. So sad. Even here...everywhere...
You NEED to hit rock bottom. If something is your safety net, unless you're smart enough to wake up before catastrophy, you'll never change. There's the drug addict who NEEDS someone to reform, but by and large, each person can TRULY only help themselves and wake the fawk up. Perhaps its because I find it incredibly rude of me to impose my oft waivering feelings that I'd never do it to someone else. When I've looked back over time about a girl I lost, for instance, I realized the time alone was spent doing awesome things and I always met a better girl. When a job went south, I realized it was time to move on and I'd do something better. That's just me. Obviously nobody can be me. And I can't impose my will on anyone else. But I don't get it. IS everyone just a big baby who wants everything to be as it was? We must be the most egotistical of all animals/mammals since we have the misguided belief we MUST keep things permanent in a world of ANYTHING BUT.
I'm sure many of you get what I'm talking about. The name DJ should be changed to JEDI, or SITHLORD, or WIZARD, or some all powerful being since they're more awake to the intricacies of the mind than most people. Imagine what life would be like for all people if they talk THINKING and FINANCE throughout school???
Why is it people have the mental fortitude of a 4 year old? If they don't get their way, they freak out? And if you don't respond to them in the way they expect or need, they freak out more? And when they vomit up their ills, they don't want solutions or tough love, they want to be coddled, to have the pain disappear as if the event or injury never happened...
Aside from a few people this apply to right now, a good friend of mine dated this girl, what, like 4 weeks? 6 tops? He basically "won" her from another guy, one I'd met at a jack and jill. And when my buddy met her, she was WITH this guy. So the fact he "won" her wasn't really a victory. She didn't like this other guy much, she's a committment phobe, or maybe, she really liked my friend. But now it's over, and he's near depression with Myspace confessions of "want a noose." How evident is his emptiness? All it took was 1 girl to display that. My philosophy is...if she chooses to be rid of me, she wasn't worth my time. Period. If she leaves, she wasn't for me. I want a girl who finds it HARD to go. Not one who can consciously choose to go. And I wouldn't take one who second guessed her 1st choice, because she'll do it again.
And then there's clients/people who complain over the simplest nickel and dime crap!!! Come on. There's people in the world without food, shoes, legs, mentally retarded, on death beds, and people are whining as if they have NOTHING. If life was a card game, texas hold 'em, most people are holding AT least a POCKET Ace. The ones who succeed KNOW how to bluff through with the hands they have and make the best of it. And the ones can't bluff life, are the ones who get found out and just fall to pieces over the simplest crap!
We have such a SENSITIVE mind, where everything EXTERNALLY rattles our INTERNAL reality. I'm just tired of people coming at me. And my reaction most of the time is to breathe back virtiolic "I don't care" speeches and attempt to harshly enlighten these people to what their real plight is. "You are your own worst enemy." Instead of each person befriending themselves, they hate themselves and seek someone else who can make it better. So sad. Even here...everywhere...
You NEED to hit rock bottom. If something is your safety net, unless you're smart enough to wake up before catastrophy, you'll never change. There's the drug addict who NEEDS someone to reform, but by and large, each person can TRULY only help themselves and wake the fawk up. Perhaps its because I find it incredibly rude of me to impose my oft waivering feelings that I'd never do it to someone else. When I've looked back over time about a girl I lost, for instance, I realized the time alone was spent doing awesome things and I always met a better girl. When a job went south, I realized it was time to move on and I'd do something better. That's just me. Obviously nobody can be me. And I can't impose my will on anyone else. But I don't get it. IS everyone just a big baby who wants everything to be as it was? We must be the most egotistical of all animals/mammals since we have the misguided belief we MUST keep things permanent in a world of ANYTHING BUT.
I'm sure many of you get what I'm talking about. The name DJ should be changed to JEDI, or SITHLORD, or WIZARD, or some all powerful being since they're more awake to the intricacies of the mind than most people. Imagine what life would be like for all people if they talk THINKING and FINANCE throughout school???