No means yes...


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
I have some questions guys. Maybe you can give me some fresh points of view here...

The Situation:
Dating a girl that loves affection but constantly pushes and shoves me away at all times.

The Problem:
I fricking hate being pushed and shoved away so much that it totally turns me off. I loose all interest in affection or sex for that matter, it's just a switch inside me that turns off. And i'm a very affectionate guy normally.

The Questions:
Should I just find someone I am more compatible with? or should I man up and battle this rabid badger for poon daily?

Is there a chance that maybe this will pass? maybe this will change in time?

Am I wrong for just allowing myself to get turned off like this? As an adult I just don't do things I know other people don't like. I had more of a tendency to do that when I was younger. I just don't need it that bad. But I question myself for being so willing to just stop the behavior that is making me feel bad but that I really do want.

Am I giving up? or just being mature about this?

How can I change her? I do experience more compliance from her when I do hot/cold tactics with her. But geez man that's a mission! I like to sit down allow intimacy to escalate naturally with foreplay then go for the bang. Using tactics like that reminds me of a discovery channel vid where this little spider is trying to bang the much larger female so hes carefully trying to get under her while avoiding those huge fangs and the female is just sitting there very still waiting for him to mess up to eat him.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2007
Reaction score
North Carolina
Don't fight fire with fire. You'll just burn more sh*t down. Fight fire with water. Extinguish that kind of behavior immediately, by punishing her.

Make her work for your affection, simply by not showing any. Don't be available for her when she wants you to be, don't give her the affection she's taking for granted, become the prize.

And make sure - the next time you hit that, that's a good time to show who's in charge, too.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
SgtSplacker said:
reminds me of a discovery channel vid where this little spider is trying to bang the much larger female so hes carefully trying to get under her while avoiding those huge fangs and the female is just sitting there very still waiting for him to mess up to eat him.

ha ha! I saw that too! ---perfect analogy btw.

Don't play by her rules as Yuma suggests.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
I've dated a couple of chicks like this and I get annoyed by it very quickly. Good for a bang or two, then I dump 'em. I don't want a battle every damn time.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah Zarky i'm with you on this one. It's really getting old. I like to play a bit of a dominant role in sex. But if shes batting me away the lines between yes and no kinda get blurred. And she has told me that she is kidding sometimes but I just don't know for sure. Once I took the aggressive thing a little too far with a lady, made her cry and I felt horrible about it. Just thinking about it takes away any hornyness I may have had. This is really messing with me...


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
SgtSplacker said:
I have some questions guys. Maybe you can give me some fresh points of view here...

The Situation:
Dating a girl that loves affection but constantly pushes and shoves me away at all times.

The Problem:
I fricking hate being pushed and shoved away so much that it totally turns me off. I loose all interest in affection or sex for that matter, it's just a switch inside me that turns off. And i'm a very affectionate guy normally.
Im the same way. Females think its playing "hard to get" and cute, but I just find the **** annoying. I don't like working hard for it, I like it thrown at me if you know what I'm saying.

Express that you don't like that ****..
And say it in thoes exact words..

"when you push away .. I don't like that ****"
with a straight face..
And if it continues leave her ..