I was extremely avoidant during my youth due to a number of factors, and I didn't have any friends at one point. I have finally started to turn around this past year or so, thank god. I am starting to make friends, and hanging out with people. I took up mountain biking, and am exercising. What I am noticing is that if you didn't foster many friendships during your youth (Im 26) no one will be there when you are older to share your life with. For instance, I have not been to a single friends wedding, while I hear people all around me talk about weddings they were invited to. Or parties; I haven't been to a party in years. I have never really been on a date. Of course I want these things, because without others life is vacant. Maybe if I go go grad school things will change and I'll meet more people. Anyways I wanted to share this and maybe get some feedback as to how I can improve my situation.