NO call, NO show.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
I ll make it short and i ll make it sweet. I was suppose to meet up with the girlfriend later after the gym. She was going over a friends house to hang out have a few drinks and watch that crap show "so you think you can dance".

I called her 3 times and i keep getting the machine. Its over 3 hours later and nothing. Thats 2 times too many that i needed to call. We made a deal in the realationship not to go out to bars/clubs without each other. Due to jealousy issues on both parts. Last time she went out with the "girls" some guy happend to "kiss her on the cheek". I almost broke it off at the time.

She has single friends that love to hit the bar scene. She has never not gotten in touch with me once in the past 5 months if we were suppose to meet up. If she dosent have a valid reason, should i just ignore her for a few days. Or completely drop her on her ass for disrepecting me. If she did in fact go out i would be furious. Or just spin my own plates and put some breaks on the relationship.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2006
Reaction score
pfft you can do way better than that.., play the field.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
Wow. She hasn't gotten in touch with you once in the past 5 months if we were suppose to meet up? You do have weak_game. Listen, you are obviously letting her run the show. You're letting her take the masculine role, and meanwhile you're taking the femanine. This just breeds insincerity and will most likely lead to her screwing you over if she already hasn't. Put your foot down man. If she continues with her ways, NEXT.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
The relationship has been pretty solid. She has learned to adjust its my way or the highway. First time ever that she has just disapeared. If she dosent show up at my door in crutches from being in some crazy accident and ditched me to hit the bars after her friends. Then thats it. Next. Thanks for input time to hit the field.


Don Juan
Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
London (currently in Sydney)
You made a deal not to go to bars/clubs without each other cos of jealousy, no offence but that's pathetic. A 'solid' relationship should be based on trust, you need time with your friends away from your girl. If she doesn't like it then tough, and if you don't trust her then why are you with her? You said a guy kissed her on the cheek last time you went out - was that her who told you to make you jealous or were you being insecure and pressing her for what happened? Sorry dude but just doesn't sound 'solid' to me, especially if she hasn't got in touch with you, tell her to call you & if she doesn't then leave it - she'll call eventually if she really wants you


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
We both tend to be very flirty. I took her out to a club i would frequent and my female friends were being inapropriate by running up giving me kisses on the cheek, jumping on me, grabbing at me half the night. I was single for awhile. We go out together and its fine and we have fun. We have had very minor issues that were worked out.

Last time many months ago when the relationship was relativly new she had a girls night out. They were bar hoping and she was intoxicated. Obviously for another guy to make a move and kiss her cheek there were signs of interest. Its been dealt with.

We trust each other we don't trust others. If your in a serious relationship and your girlfriend is going out to bars, clubs, house parties and your not there.. how is that respectful to your relationship? Its not. When im out and a girl puts herself into a social setting that by nature is full of single people meeting socializing and hooking up .. She says she has a "boyfriend" i laugh as i sarge on take her home. While she has to explain things to her boyfriend if she so chooses. To each there own. But i put my foot down and said no bars, no clubs no parties without me. If thats the case i walk.

Fact is she decided to blow me off. I find that disrespectful. If she wanted to do her own thing, call it out say you dont want to hang out. Don't leave me hanging, that goes for my girlfriends and my friends.


Don Juan
Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
London (currently in Sydney)
I'm sorry but you're telling me a grown woman can't go out to a social setting without you because she won't be able to resist or cope with the attention of guys - give me a break! If she's hot you gotta put up with attention or interest man come on! If you don't then go & date a fat ugly chick who no-one will hit on. Also she'll probably want to go out with her friends from time to time and not feel left out. Do you know how annoying it is when you have friends who always bring their partner out when you want a "guys" evening or vice versa - do you never go out with your guy mates anymore without her?

Oh and if girls tell you they have a boyfriend and you sarge on - good luck, but be careful cos one day you may pick the wrong one and end up in a bad way.

Just be the man and sort it out bro!


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
Reaction score
This is like reality TV. Can't wait to find out what happened :)

BTW, i know this isn't helping, but a girl i once dated "got intoxicated early on in the relationship and got a kiss on the cheek, but pulled away right away" Months later, i found out that they were making out full-scale, and then went to the bathroom where she lifted up her shirt and let him play with her tits. The only reason they didn't fvck (or who knows, maybe they did) is because one of her guy friends got jealous and ****blocked the other guy by persistently knocking on the door and telling them to come out. That was fvcking wonderful. *squint* From now on, my #1 rule in relationships is: see red flag? FVCKING RUN!


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
A grown woman can do as she pleases. A grown woman going out to bars clubs while in a serious commited relationship? I find it bad judgement on her part. Shes putting her self in a situation where guys will be on her nuts. Shes putting her relationship on the line to an extent. Its just un wanted attention. When all her single friends are supplicating to the male attention she will again.. feel left out. Once intoxicated then she will feel inclined to indulge. You are who you hang out with.

Unfortunatly i feel i have better things to do then party and drink. Ive grown tired of it and i never felt like i fit in. Standing around in a social setting thinking of something interesting to say so i dont look like im not talking. Like everyone else. Being fake. Its just not my scene. Maybe i need to find a woman who is either out of it or not into it. Wich is going to be hard when most 18-29 year olds. Thats all they do its what they live for.

Unfortunatly i feel superior to just that. Wasting my time.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Weak_Game said:
A grown woman can do as she pleases. A grown woman going out to bars clubs while in a serious commited relationship? I find it bad judgement on her part. Shes putting her self in a situation where guys will be on her nuts. Shes putting her relationship on the line to an extent. Its just un wanted attention. When all her single friends are supplicating to the male attention she will again.. feel left out. Once intoxicated then she will feel inclined to indulge. You are who you hang out with.

Unfortunatly i feel i have better things to do then party and drink. Ive grown tired of it and i never felt like i fit in. Standing around in a social setting thinking of something interesting to say so i dont look like im not talking. Like everyone else. Being fake. Its just not my scene. Maybe i need to find a woman who is either out of it or not into it. Wich is going to be hard when most 18-29 year olds. Thats all they do its what they live for.

Unfortunatly i feel superior to just that. Wasting my time.

I completely understand your concern about your gf going out to bars/clubs without you, HOWEVER that only proves one thing. You don't trust her! If you trusted her completely then you wouldn't have anything to worry about. Sure some drunk fuvker might hit on her, but it doesn't mean she's going to go fuvk him in the bathroom.

So answer me this, do you have a reason not to trust her? Was she a party girl before you to got together? Has she ever cheated on you? Because I'll tell you right now that you CANNOT change people by controlling them. If you tell her not to go to the bars she might fly with that in the beginning (honeymoon period) but once that happy stage passes, she'll rebel the more you control her.

My immediate advice is to relax. Wait it out, I'm sure she'll call you tomorrow and have an explanation. Now after she tells you what's up its your call on how your going to handle it. But as I said, if you get mad at her for going out she WILL eventually get sick of it and break up with you.

If she doesn't trust you going out either then you BOTH are clearly too immature to be in a relationship and might want to reconsider your current status.

The only reason a guy gets scared when his girl goes out without him is because he's weak willed and his girl might have a cheating past.



Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
The only reason in going to the bar scene this frequently for her is to:

- Get attention from guys
- Get hit on
- Meet a new Mr. Right

The red flags are there. You've been warned.