Night Club Dating


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2008
Reaction score
Ok many of us have been in the situation about dating someone at the night club, right? I often hear people that says that it is not worth it, it is soooo loud, blah blah blah, excuses.

If you're doing it here are 3 tips I posted in my blog you can use, to approach someone at the night club, and even use the loud music as an opportunity to get kino interaction ;)

TIP #1 - Ear talking
Doesn't matter if there's a lot of music, remember make an opportunity from obstacles, you get a chance to kino interact at that moment, you will have to talk to him/her at him/her ear, putting your hand at him/her shoulder, and talking softly to him/her, asking whatever you want. Now my recommendation here is first to SMILE, you will see his/her reaction immediately. After that approach him/her and talk.

Tip #2 - Dress Code
Come on guys you don't go to a night club without proper dressing, right? Please match your belt color with that of your shoes, use a nice shirt, clean yourself, and comb your hair nicely because girls like clean men. Also if you're planning to talk to women, I hope you are, please clean your mouth, and if you're drinking, rinse your mouth with a little portable mint drops or whatever, but don't go toward them smelling like a bud light or whiskey.

Tip #3 - You're the night club center of attraction
This tip is related to the law of attraction, this time focused in attracting SEX. Look women like to be around important people, people with character, who are the center of attention. Feel that way, feel that you are that person, believe it, act like it, and feel confident when approaching women. You have to emanate personality, be always the leader by approaching them, smile at them before you approach and go directly to them, BUT don't be after her, that's different, just relax, go smoothly and start a conversation with her.

I hope this works for you, good luck and stay tune for more. I will try to put some night club pictures to show you how easy it is ;)