nice guy versus jerk


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2006
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I had an interesting thought lately. As many of you know women in their late 20s and 30s often stop chasing jerks and start looking for niice guys in order to settle down and start a family. Research has also shown that many different animals get a beta provider male and then get an alpha/dominant male on the side to get her pregnant. So it's the best of boh worlds, she gets the stable father/provider to raise the kids and the superior alpha male to make the kids. Research is also starting to show that this same dynamic is found in humans also. Research has shown that women are most attracted to dominate males when they are most fertile and they are attracted to provider males more the rest of the month. The smart ones here have known this just from experience. So this makes real good sense and mirrors wha we see in the real world but there is a catch that bothers me about this theory. Studies have been done on the babies of maried couples to see if the biologival fathers are in fact the men married to the mothers. The studies I've seen showed that about 5% of the babies biological fathers were not the men married to the mothers of the children. Even if the number was 10 or 20 percent instead of 5% it still shows that if women are in fact getting nice guys to provide for them and then getting an alpha male to make the baby then they really really suck at it. And research has also shown that anywhere from 50 to 80 percent of women say they have cheated at least once on a their boyfriend/husband. This shows that the majority of women are getting the chance to cheat on their hubby/boyfriend with a more dominant male however and this is a big however, they are CHOOSING (as shown by the 5% figure) the beta/provider male seed over the more dominant male seed. Why else would women do this unless they thoughtt that the beta provier male's seed was superior genetically speaking to the more dominant males seed? So if this is correct then nice guys really do win in the end........


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
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Yeah.. that is true. If you're looking for a wife or someone to settle down with, be the nice guy and find the nice girl. But if you're still young and just going all out and living life to the fullest while having lots of fun... you're gonna wanna be the bad boy and get lots of girls.

smoke city

Don Juan
Oct 21, 2004
Reaction score
not exactly. what you're presupposing is that women are actually more likely to *marry the "beta male" types...which is not really true. many of the guys who i know (including me) who women are attracted to b/c of their "dominant" masculine traits, are also sought after for more long term relationships. women don't just want to have sex with very masculine guys, they also prefer those guys in relationships. on the other hand, my "beta male" friends have a hard time finding girls for anything- even for long term relationships.