Next, or give it another shot?


New Member
May 8, 2011
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So, here is the story:
I've met this girl, about a week ago. We've actually have a large circle of close friends in common, so I knew who she was, she new who I was, but never actually met before.
I got the number, got a date (in fact maybe a little too easy).

Now, the whole issue is that during the data, I just didn't feel much sexual tension. (yeah, I know, usually the man needs to create some, put you can't force it either...)
Normally, I'd just next her, but towards the end she dropped a few hints about future dates...

My current idea is to do another date, maybe a different setting and see how it goes. Opinions?

I'm not too fussed about the outcome (I find it that in these situations it's best to tell the guys you asked her out, so there is no worry you end up looking like an idiot, in fact all you have to work about is looking like a chicken),
so it's not one of those "how do I not get rejected" kind of thing, just wondering if you got some tips on not making a major f***-up.

Oh, and by the way, from what I hear she's been single for a long time (six years, maybe longer, but that's for how long our mutual friends go back, for a 27-year old that is some serious time). Not sure if it makes a difference though...

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Do an action date, go to a park/outdoorsy area, go to a museum, walk around a city.. Anything that involves moving really. (Try to stear away from bars, restaurants, or a movie for a first date.)

Have some good conversation, laugh together, distinguish commonalities between you and your date (EX: You like that band? Cool me too. What's your favorite song?)

At the end of the date go in for a hug, then look her in the eyes and give her a kiss. If she holds back from the kiss, then you know she's not interested.

All in all, I think you have a good shot on another date. Give her a call or send a text and say something like "Hey ____ I'm going to go check out (Whatever you wanna do) on (whatever day) at (whatever time) come check it out with me!"

I know a lot of people on here might disagree and say "Text is less direct".. But lets be real here, most girls in the 18-25 age group get nervous talking on the phone these days.. Girls are ALWAYS texting too. Don't you think she'd take time to reply if she was interested? I would take time to reply if I was interested.

If your text goes unanswered after a day, then give her a call. If she doesn't return the text or call.. Then just wait for her to get back to you. Don't just "Next" her or "call her out on her bvllsh1t" people are busy. Plus I've gone the whole "call her out on her bvllsh1t" rule and you just wind up looking clingy in the end.

I had a girl who I hooked up with pretty often last summer, then she said "I think we should stop this blah blah" and I said "Well, all right.. That's fine but I still want to be friends with you and hangout cause you're pretty cool" She agreed. We stopped communicating as much, but then one night we ran into eachother and wing bang boom.. We're in the back of the bar making out with eachother and she always hits me up to hang.

What I suggest, if you get no reply is do what you were planning on doing as a date, but sarge at that location instead! :cool:


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Doesn't sound like you really have any solid reason to Next her.

You felt a lack of sexual tension. And that may be the case. Or it could be that she's nervous.

Give it another shot, and make a move. You can't evaluate her until you know for sure.