Newly single target


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys, quick break down. Met girl at my bbq, she put her number in my phone. waited several days started texting, her responses were almost 8 hours long to reply but all seemed very intrigued, asking me lots of questions, laughing, etc.

Then I text her answering about 3 questions she asked me via text and no response and this was on a Wednesday.

Fast foward to the Friday immediately after and me, her and the friend (female) with whom I met her with are hanging out at a bar. She is very receptive in person asking me a lot of questions, asking where I live and etc. Then we are ready to leave friends house we walk out together and I said we should hang out, she goes I have every Thursday off, I go cool how about this Thursday. she says yes. she also apologized and said she is a terrible texter.

Now I haven't been needy at all giving it a I don't give an F attitude, making it seem like I am the prize, and not texting her back if I don't get an immediate response.

Only kicker is she has been single for about a month from her boyfriend of 3 years. We have a TON in common and love being outdoors so we actually made plans to kayak.

Anybody have any suggestions on how to win over a girl recently broken up? I am not expecting to score but always go in with a winning attitude. Worse case this will be lessons learned/practice for me. I understand the whole being ****y and funny via text and am working on it. but any pointers would be appreciated.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2013
Reaction score
The Golden State, USA
One month out of a three year relationship usually means she just wants casual fun, not looking to jump back in to anything. Just keep it casual as you've been doing.

Go for the bang quickly, don't try to romance her or show that you're "different". She likely doesn't care at this point.