Newbie, My "first" approaches.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2009
Reaction score
1.) At the Mall, cute girl at Hot Topics:

Me: Hey what are you up to ? ( nervous smile...)

Cute girl: ummmm...getting away from youuuu.

2.) Cute girl at Barnes and nobles:

Me: Hey whats up ((nervousness)0

Her: Oh hey

Me: What are you studying? ((nervous))

Her: Oh, Im just studying the embryo for my class

Me: cool

Me: ((looks at watch)) oh crap my friends are here, laters.

Her: ((smiles)) okay bye.

3.) Cute girl at Burger King:

Me: Hey whats up

Cute girl: Hey ((smile))

Me: You from around here?

Her: No Im from so and so...

((normal boring fluff talk))

Me: Hey ! Let me get your number, you seem cool.

Her: Ummm...sorry I got a boyfriend.

4.) Girl at Party:

Me: Hey whats goin on?

Her: ((laughs)) Oh im just here chilling out

Me: Cool ((akward silence))

Her : ((smiles))

Her: Hey let me get back to you, my friend are here.

5.) Average looking girl at club:
((walks a long way to just talk to her, she sees me coming))

Me: Hi my name is Roy

Her: Hi im so and so

Me: Hey you wanna dance?

Her: Sorry, I dont think were compatible

Me: Why not?

Her: Im a compulsive alcoholic

Me: Yeah..Im like that sometimes

Her: Im like that all the time...sorry ((smiles))

6.) Girl at a party

Me: Hey whats up

Her: ((smiles)) hey

Her: Why arent you dancing?

Me: ((grin)) I dont know... I think Im gonna start taking classes.

Her: ((laughter)) nice

Her: Where are you from?

Me: Im from here.

Her: Im from Michigan

Me: nice, its always cool to have ppl from different places to bring their diverse perspective in this boring ass town.

Her: ((laughter) yeah..

((fluff talk))... Got her number at the end of the night.

Conclusion: Im not totaly use to this yet. I'm gonna start doing more "drills" to have that natural vibe. Not only that but also live the DJ philosophy for my inner game. Gotta learn to crawl before you learn to walk, Im glad with my progress so far.


Don Juan
Dec 20, 2009
Reaction score
Were those real conversations? Actually, it doesn't matter, please update further because they were awesome! Gratz on getting a number (if they were real), I'd recommend giving and asking for names more often as well so it's a little bit more informal.

Erik V

Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
FieldReportGuy7 said:
Her: Im a compulsive alcoholic
That is funny! Never heard that one before. :D

Some of those were painful to read, but that is the whole point - to go through the pain in order to learn! Many people won't do it. Kuddos to you, you have found the way.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
FieldReportGuy7 said:
Me: Why not?

Her: Im a compulsive alcoholic
A good response to this IMO would be along the lines of "Perfect, I'll look more attractive to you" haha

Although kudos for trying this

I would never dare try