newbie, just starting out. Got questions.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2009
Reaction score
Hey brothers, nice forum, I'm barely new to the "game" and my goal is to be a freakin "master" at this ! : - )

Okay last night I was at a party.College students, it was at a small apartment, lots of flashing lights, some booze and loud music.

What are some ways not too appear awkward if you dont know anyone there? Im talking about just standing at a corner somewhere by your lonesome while waiting for the people ya know to get back to you..... and I'm talking about when you barely arrive at the party.... Talking to girls way too soon when ya just arrive to me..sorta give a desperate vibe.

I cant dance for sh*T ! : - ) Should I learn this?

At the end of the party, I ended up getting this cute girl's number. I made her laugh with some "****y and funny", we connected a little bit. I want to set up a Starbucks date with her, I dont think I've connected with this girl enough. When I call her do you think its a good idea to have that 30 minute conversation to get that trust factor? I can tell shes attracted to me.

- Thanks.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
FieldReportGuy7 said:
Hey brothers, nice forum, I'm barely new to the "game" and my goal is to be a freakin "master" at this ! : - )

Okay last night I was at a party.College students, it was at a small apartment, lots of flashing lights, some booze and loud music.

What are some ways not too appear awkward if you dont know anyone there? Im talking about just standing at a corner somewhere by your lonesome while waiting for the people ya know to get back to you..... and I'm talking about when you barely arrive at the party.... Talking to girls way too soon when ya just arrive to me..sorta give a desperate vibe.

I cant dance for sh*T ! : - ) Should I learn this?

At the end of the party, I ended up getting this cute girl's number. I made her laugh with some "****y and funny", we connected a little bit. I want to set up a Starbucks date with her, I dont think I've connected with this girl enough. When I call her do you think its a good idea to have that 30 minute conversation to get that trust factor? I can tell shes attracted to me.

- Thanks.

Learn about body language to send out a good positive vibe. Its easy to learn and easy to practise and you can tell alot about somebody by their body language.

Its not dance skills women like its confidence when dancing. As long as you've got some rythm you'll be fine.

Don't stay on the phone longer then necessary. If she likes you she'll go on a date. Thats how people get to know each other. And remember that women can read a person quickly so she probably knows alot about you already.


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
If you don't know anyone there then get to know people. Introduce yourself and get chatting to people. Girls and guys.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2009
Reaction score
Thanks Man.

Thanks...I appreciate it. lol...dunno if I wanna call her this week to be honest. I wanna do some more pick up approaches and get more numbers so I wont have that scarcity mentality. Look forward to the constructive criticism in here.

((thumbs up))


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
yea honestly, when your just starting out the most important thing is to go out there and see what works for you... when you post specific questions like these, you will get a variety of different answers that work for the people who post them, but might not work for you.

basically in 'the game', if you want to call it that, there are a few qualities that are universally accepted as necessities - being confident, being spontaneous, being a man, being fun/the party, and being relaxed/yourself. everybody has their own way of incorporating these qualities into who they are using them to be successful with women.

if you have absolutely no idea how to 'be confident', for example, that is when you read things like the dj bible to jumpstart your brain and show what has worked for other people

something very important to keep in mind with the bible/reading material --- it is NOT everything, you MUST go out and do the exercises and talk talk talk. i remember i used to read the stuff and think in my head 'o yeah this stuff makes sense to me, id easily be able to do it in field' and sometimes i wouldnt do htings because i thought htey would be easy - WRONG - you will learn the most from the little things, trust me.

good luck, pm if you have anything else