Newbie here, get me started


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Alright, here's to getting started. Cheers!

I'm 19, and a freshman in college. At school I met a really cute girl, she was probably an 8 and we dated for a while but we broke up because she cheated. At that point, I recognized a lot of the stuff I was doing was AFC nice guy stuff and that my whole life I had let people walk all over me.

A little bit about myself:
I have terrible curly hair. I've been keeping it short to stop from getting little boy "jew curls". I'm considering spiking it up or doing a faux-hawk on days when I'm going out.
I'm VERY smart, I know a lot about a lot of topics. I go to a great school, but even there I do better in school and am just a level above most people.
I'm short and skinny. I used to be a great runner, but since college I've recognized that I need to gain weight. I've been lifting the past few months, I've gained weight pretty fast but I'm still small and skinny. Any way to make this a plus?
I have a twin, he's a natural. I've always been a little nervous around girls, which I've covered up by having a sense of humor. I'm funny, but not exactly sexy. It's worked for me so far, but I could do better.
I play bass in a band, that's something I think I should play up.
I talk way too much... clearly I need to cut down on that and focus on being a listener and "mysterious"

So what can I do? If there are any essential reading materials, hook me up. I learn fast, I'm a decent looking dude and I'm on the path to better myself. I've had some success with good looking women, but I'm not a DJ by any means and I'd like to change.

I'm home from school right now, there's a 10 in my town who always thought I was the cute nerdy kid, she's a popular type girl. She wants to hang out, I could maybe take a chance there?


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2010
Reaction score
The dj bible is the guide you need, the link is on the lower left hand corner of this page. There is a Bootcamp for newbies, like myself, that should help you with this confidence matter. Best of luck my friend.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
I'll work on the bootcamp when I get back to school, I haven't been able to get out much at home. I've been reading the Book of Pook, I'll move onto the DJ Bible next, thanks man.