New to the Community.

Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Hi guys. I have stumbled upon this site, and have just finished my first week of the 6 week reading guide of the bible. There is a lot of great info in there! Anyways I thought I would just introduce myself, some problems areas, and how I intend to improve in those areas. If you guys have any advice or tips for me, please post them!

I've just turned 20 last week, enrolled in my 3rd year at university. I'm a proud Canadian citizen, play guitar in a band and make digital music at home.

Some areas I have problems with are: I dont function too well in the bar atmosphere, or in class. When I go to house parties I feel much more comfortable talking to people. I find it hard to approach and talk to people in these settings, even more so in class for some reason, as its always dead silent in class, i dont really like to be the one to be loud and disrupt. I also get completely shy and complacent whenever someone I view as "alpha" comes into the scene. After reading the 6-week guide im beginning to see that its more a problem of my perception of myself than it is of these other guys being better than me in any way, so I'm trying to work that out as well.

Anyways, I look forward to posting on here and making a transformation out of my shy ways! :D


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
Use your MBV wall of sound - to get into their panties...i assume yr named after the seminal shoegaze band....?
