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New Member
Apr 18, 2006
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Hi guys, I just wanted to introduce myself.
I'm new on this forum, but have been visiting and this forum for about 2 years now. Great stuff! It's done a lot of good for me as far as how I view myself and females. I now carry myself with confidence, and I'm proud to be who I am.

Now for the not so good. I've realized that I am a real man, an alpha male, in every aspect of my life except with women.

I can catch fish all day long while everyone else is catching rocks, if my Jeep breaks, I can fix it with a pack of gum and a rubber band, I can turn a tree into a fine piece of furniture, ect, ect; in other words I'm a dude that a lot of other dudes want to be (and women want to be with). My buddies view me as a real man with real skills, and they ask me how to do things. In a lot of ways I'm their leader.

But I can't get a chick. I can't even imagine what it would be like to get a chick at this point, because its been so long since I've even had a chance. Now that I realize who I am, what I am, and what I want to be, girls are noticing me, because I am carrying myself like a man, not a chump, and not an arrogant tool either. How do I get to the next stage, where I can actually just go up to the chick that I want, club her over the head and drag her into the cave (metaphorically speaking of course!)? I've been reading this DJ stuff for a long time; I refer the the bible and this site all the time, and I really try to change my mental state. However, I can't seem to shake the irrational and emasculating fear that I get when I see a girl that I like. And even if I do muster up the huevos to talk to her, I end up messing up something and turing her off.

Things were bad when I was down on myself and I thought that no woman would ever want me, but its 10x worse now that I know that lots of females want me and I don't know what to do about it.
I need some help!!!

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Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score

DJ Bootcamp for you buddy

edit: stop looking for instant advice, you have to take baby steps, or just throw everything out there, go all out, and blow your fears out of the water. Your choice, but in no way is somebody going to tell you something EVER that will make you an instant ladies man.


New Member
Apr 18, 2006
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Thanks man. I've definately been considering the boot camp. I am in no way looking for an instant fix. I know that this stuff doesn't come over night; it took me years to learn how to be a good fisherman, I don't see this as any different. I guess what I'm really looking for is a "push". I'm sure plenty of guys out there have been in my shoes (maybe thats why they stink so bad:D ).


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
lol, the best kick in the ass you can get, is from yourself, you can do it constantly.

You can kick your ass when you talk to a girl, bail by screwin up the set so you can move to a new one immediately.

You can kick your own ass by opening up a diary and writing down all the reasons you are scared, calling yourself out for not knowing why those are even reasons, and than telling yourself how to get past each one with enthusiasm.

You can kick your ass by telling all of the guys that you are afraid of talking to girls.

You can kick your ass by telling your dad, or mom, or brother, or sister that you are scared.

It's so easy to get a jump start, but it's you that has to take the FIRST step.


New Member
Apr 18, 2006
Reaction score
Thats some f'in good advice, exactly what I was looking for.

Thanks dude.