Quote the article: "But investigators have consistently found that women are more likely than men to experience anxiety and depression"
Yeah, endlessly droning on about one's difficulties, like so
Without ever turning one's attention towards creating a more vibrant future, will do that to ya. All levity aside, given just how tenous most neuroscience continues to be
https://sciencebookaday.com/2014/02/24/brainwashed-the-seductive-appeal-of-mindless-neuroscience/ , alongside the replication crisis the sciences are in the midst of, whether or not it's wise for us to get too hyped over this one study is questionable
In any event, there's already plenty of anecdotal evidence to support the theory that chicks are insane
I really hate using the term ‘crazy’ to describe our actions as females but truthfully some of the stuff we do is pretty mental.
She's smart, talented and snagging the best roles in Hollywood. Amanda Seyfried's only "flaw"? She's as honest about her personal life as your closest girlfriend. No celebri-hiding here! Before you read a preview of Amanda's tell-all interview in Glamour's March 2012 issue, check out her...
As recently as a decade or so, none of what we today call Red Pill Esoterica was controversial to say out loud in public. Even women themselves regularly admitted these things