New Member... Ex is coming back, what should I do?


New Member
Oct 11, 2006
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Whats up boys,

I am learning lots by the bible and other posts already.I decided to post on my current situation about 2 girls AND I have a couple questions.

I had one-itis for this one girl for awhile, even though I was hooking up with other broads the whole time. My question is I've tried advancing things recently and her interest level is not there. Is it perfectly fine if I block her out of my life for awhile (block her msn, etc). Last few times I've tried this she's came on stronger but I still didn't get anywhere. So is it a good idea to cut her out completely?

NEXT... Important question!

My ex... Here is alittle background. She broke up with me about a year ago and dated someone else until recently. I think he broke up with her. Anyways we went the other night for the first time in a long time and her interest level was way up there. She was inviting me to come visit her, etc. She was looking better then ever also. BUT... my gut is saying she is really not that interested and she is just using me to regain her self esteem after getting dumped. It would be awesome to hook up with her again though.

Now what should I do? I made the decision to forget them both and go out and F*** ten other girls.... but what do you guys think here?

Carlos Xuma

Oct 12, 2006
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A few of you may know me, I've decided to become more involved in the "community".

A oneitis, and a chick using you as rebound, bad situation. My advice is to NEXT these ladies, and work on your own personal game. Once you have your game at top notch, then you can decide to go after oneitis's and ex's.

Carlos Xuma


Oct 3, 2006
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Personally, i wouldnt get back with your ex. although ihave no idea how your ex treated you when you were going out, but anyways, my ex broke up with me just last week and she has a crush on this guy at school. im pretty sure she will come lookin for me in the future if things dont work out. I WOULDNT EVER take her back. because i know how horrible of a gf she was, how cruel and evil she was.. but ur situation might be diff.. if things were great when u guys went out and perhaps she made a mistake because u didnt keep her interest so high, id give her a second chance but make sure u learned frmo ur past mistakes.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2006
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first YES but second let her go hell man... be a man...


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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place to place.
getting back with a girl who was recently dumped by her ex is a recipe for disaster. when a girl has been dumped, she is probably sending him emails and calling him obsessively looking for some sort of closure. right now she's probably crying to all her girlfriends how much she misses him and they are probably calling him a jerk and we all know women love them.

her ex has the ball in his court. if he called her up and said hey lets get together tonite. she'll hop on him in a heartbeat because she thinks sex will get him back. she'll try to make him jealous by spending time with an ex(you). and make him realize he's missing out.

if you go back. be prepared for the consequences