new job and i work with 5 women. how can I get by?


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2012
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I dont need to appear Alpha. I know my place but I dont want to look like a wuss and still be able to fit in and entertain them a little bit.

What should I do?

Not trying to sleep with them.


Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2009
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buddy, concentrate on your work. never mind the punnani. if you want to look alpha do it through you work.

That's it.

All that ****y/funny business comes later. OK?


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2012
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PokerStar said:
buddy, concentrate on your work. never mind the punnani. if you want to look alpha do it through you work.

That's it.

All that ****y/funny business comes later. OK?
You clearly did not read my post even though it is only about a sentence long.

I said I don't want to appear alpha and I don't want to hit on any of them.

I just want to socially get by.

user name

Sep 24, 2013
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This has got to be the daftest thread ever? and I've made some daft threads.

You're asking for advice on how not to hit on someone or appear non-alpha?

Just talk to them about work. talk about the weather?


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
just be normal when around them. Talk about normal stuff and get this pua stuff off ur mind when ur with them and u will be fine. You will get comfortable around women by interacting with them. Actually be ok with failure and looking like a wuss which in effect is removal of outcome dependency. A new world will open up to you when you do this. ..

D Wolfgang

Don Juan
Oct 7, 2013
Reaction score
You must perform a cleansing ritual every morning. Wash your hands in water from the office water cooler that you have brought home and say, "Lo, as the sun rises I hereby place the Holy DJ Bible on the altar and replace it in my pocket with my personal organizer the Filofax, that I may fully concentrate on gainful work instead of booty. Only when the sun sets and I return to my homestead shall I once again touch the Bible and be filled by its manly power, to go on the prowl for the Babes of Hotness until the sun rises, when the cycle begins anew."

It is your only chance.


Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2009
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tdotseoul said:
You clearly did not read my post even though it is only about a sentence long.

I said I don't want to appear alpha and I don't want to hit on any of them.

I just want to socially get by.
Ha sorry it was very late when I replied to this.

well, so are you asking us how to act in front of women at your place of work? c'mon man.

if you were a leper, i can see if you have problems talking to people. but you are not. this your place of employment, never mind the women, just do your work well.

just imagine one of your friends asking this "guys I work with 5 women, how do i act?" do you realize what you are asking here?


Don Juan
May 26, 2013
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To be fair to OP, sometimes working with women does require a different mind frame than working with mostly men.
A good example would be working at a restaurant. Not an ideal job for a guy, but today you are lucky to have a job, period.

Restaurants have you working with mostly women, who will do as little work as possible but make a lot more than you.
they will stand in the back either texting or complaining and gossiping to their coworkers, while showing off their ridiculous tip money.
if their slacking causes work to back up, it will be blamed on you. they can't hold themselves accountable, and they can't blame any other girl so it's gotta be placed on the man.

you do more than your job to help out as much as possible, surely they could do their fair share.
but why would they?
they could ask any other male employee to do it for them, and he'll do it happily because her voice was just so sweet and she's so pretty. helping poor, helpless women is a mans job, right?
it isn't like being flirtatious is part of a waitresses job description.

How to cope:
my post above may sound bitter, but i just got off my shift haha. i know how bad it can be. my boss is also female, and it's no secret that most men these days are too.
I try to maintain a masculine frame, despite doing what is essentially women work. i'm not stupid like the other guys i work with. i know my hard work won't be appreciated. i know it won't lead to a promotion, so i do what i need to do, help out here and there, and that's it.
it's straight up painful when the ugliest, fattest girl spends 60% of her shift in the back texting, complains about me being in there, and then brags about receiving a new $100 bill for a tip. "i need to take a pic of this for instagram!"
i've found success in speaking to them as "the male perspective" if you know what i mean. "you're a guy, what do you think?"

plus, it actually is pretty easy to meet girls through the job if you act right.
confidence will go a long way.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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one of my friends used to do all the work at the store he worked at while his female manager sat back in her office and chatted with a friend of hers all day long, he found out later that she was intentionally making sure he didnt get promoted so that he continued to do all the work at the store while she relaxed, if he got promoted he would go to a different store and she would not have a workhorse to rely on, and on top of that she was getting raises for her friend who she chatted with all day while my friend didnt get any raises and did all the work


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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i work with mostly women in a restaurant, from ages 16-30. my boss is proley in her 50s. Some of the women play games and wont speak to you one day and then be in you face the next. Non of them obay the actual rules at work and they gossip and say things that would have HR so far up there a'ss. Its like working with a bunch of little girls. most of the men that work there are equally gossipy.

Just do you job. you there to make your money and go on about your life.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
in a place like that I would say you will need a headphone and enough music to last for a long time


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2010
Reaction score
I work in an office with 14 women and no men. My boss, who is younger than me is a dominant, spoilt and 2 faced! She will literally kick and scream if she doesn't get her own way

In this situation I cannot appear masculine, let alone alpha

Whilst its okay for the 14 of them to pretty much rant, blast men and winge as much as they want, for me its the opposite. Purely because I'm a man....

For example, If I answer back or contend something its seen as aggression

If I get mad (happened once) I'm branded dangerous

If I spoke about women the way they do about men then I'm in a disciplinary for sexism

If I retaliate to any of their BS then I'm a bully!

Been there a year now and I realise I simply can't win in this situation. Guess this is the result of a female only environment

If I acted went into work the man I am outside of work I'd be fired before the end of the day!