New hobby with potential.. sort of...


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
Well, a few weeks ago I was in a foul mood (yes it was women related) and in an effort to cheer myself up, opted for the impulse buy option..

I'd wanted a digital cam for a while so I walked into the camera store, told the assistant what I wanted, and that I had about £300 to spend and bought the first thing he recommended,

anyway.. besides just taking snapshots I've been experimenting a bit and trying to take 'proper' photos so this is sort of a new hobby, still I'm thinking it could lead to me meeting some more new chicks I just need the right ideas.. allready I'm getting out an about alot more, just wandering about looking for things to take photos of.. so I just need to find some topics that require beautiful women, then I approach.. "Hi, blah blah, I'm building up a portfolio need a shot of so and so, mind if I take your picture" where so and so is the type of girl I'm talking to, and then I'm in.... so I need ideas.. (gotta make sure they don't sound dodgy/sleazy)

Hopefully, I should get so good that I can become a professional portrait photographer and earn a living taking photos of swimwear models, :)

I've uploaded one pic so far that I'm really happy with (on an artistic sort of level), have a look, (doesnt involve a woman unfortunately)

Desire me

Don Juan
Aug 29, 2003
Reaction score
You go ahead and try that, and females will look at you like your a nut or some type of stalker. This is what I would do with the new cam and interest in using it: Date a girl or kick it with her for a little whiile and tell her that your interested in taking pics of girls that look like her or something to have her thinking she is all of that and it would be a good idea and fun to take some pics. and your in. You have to make a way out of no way dog. Peace.

P.s. I checked out your pic on the other page and that is some nice stuff dog, you have a good eye. keep it up and good luck.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Desire me
You go ahead and try that, and females will look at you like your a nut or some type of stalker.
Thats the thing.. I'm sure there must be a way to use it as an opener without coming across as weird though, just need to think of it..

glad you liked the pic, thank god for digital.. no way I could afford processing for the amount of shots I'm taking..

Desire me

Don Juan
Aug 29, 2003
Reaction score
ok I'll give you this: When you meet her and your in the process of having the conversation, when she ask you what you like to do or what your going to school for, say tp be a photographer. and take it from there.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Nice photo , that crane thing's cool.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
Wine Country, Ca
LOL! This is how I'd pick up guys in college! It totally plays on their ego! Your work, by the way, is very nice. Here's what I did...

1~ YOU MUST GET BUSINESS CARDS! This makes you look like a real photographer, and they won't mind you snapping a few shots, giving you their name, phone numbers or keys to their apartments. (Just kidding about the keys)

2~Offer your card to the girl and give her the "building up my portfolio" line.

3~Keep a note pad with you so you can write down her name & number so you can contact her with "proofs".

I would walk into clubs, offer my card & say I wanted to do some photos for a series of sketches I was doing. I could pull guys away from HB 7-9's with ease. Ahh....the good old days!

This WORKS! Go for it!